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1801. Plants Invade the Land: Evolutionary & Environmental Perspectives / Gensel, Patricia G. & Edwards, D. (Eds.)
1802. Plants of Kohima and Muneypore / Clarke, C.B.
1803. Plants of Northern Gujarat / Saxton, W.T. & Sedgwick, L.J.
1804. Plants of the Coast of Coromandel; 3 Volumes / Roxburgh, W.
1805. Plants of the Punjab: A Descriptive Key to the Flora of the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province and Kashmir / Bamber, C.J.
1806. Poisonous Plants / Long, H.C.
1807. Poisonous Plants of All Countries / Smith, A.B.
1808. Poisonous Plants to Livestock / Long, H.C.
1809. The Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes / Wall, F.
1810. The Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes / Wall, Frank
1811. Pollen Flora and Vegetational History of Doon Valley: Uttarakhand / Rawat, M.S.
1812. Polymeric System and Applications / Sinha, Shishir & Kumar Vinay
1813. Polymorphic Ferns of the Western Ghats: South India / Manickam, V.S. & Dominic, R.S.
1814. Polyporaceae of India / Roy, Anjali & et. al.
1815. Polypores of Kerala / Leelavathy, K.M. & Ganesh, P.N.
1816. Polysaccharide Biotechnology / Sridhar, Sriram
1817. Poplars and Willows in Wood Production and Land Use / F.A.O.
1818. A Popular Dictionary of Zoology / Maunder, Samuel
1819. Population Management for Survival & Recovery: Analytical Methods and Strategies in Small Population Conservation; 4 Parts / Ballou, Jonathan D.; Michael, G. & Foose, Thomas J. (Eds.)
1820. Postharvest Physiology and Storage of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits / Mitra, Sisir (Ed.)
1821. Postharvest Technology of Fish and Fish Products / Balachandran, K.K.
1822. Potentials of Plant Biotechnology / Bansal, P.B.
1823. Pottiaceae (Musci) of India / Azia, M.N. & Vohra, J.N.
1824. Practical Manual of Plant Ecology and Plant Physiology / Rajan, S. Sundara (Dr.)
1825. Practical Zoology / Pawar, Nagendra, S.
1826. Practical Zoology: Invertebrate / Bhamrah, H.S.
1827. Practicals in Basic Entomology / Sathe, T.V. & et. al.
1828. Predacious Spiders of Crop Pest / Satpathi, Chitta Ranjan (Dr.)
1829. Principal Crude Herbal Drugs of India: An Illustrated Guide to Important, Largely Used and Traded Medicinal Raw Materials of Plant Origin / Sarin, Y.K.
1830. Principals and Methouds of Orchard Establishment in India / Mazumdar, Bibhas Chandra
1831. Principles and Methods of Plant Breeding / Saravanan, T. & Vanangamudi, K.
1832. Principles and Practices of Forest Fire Control / Luna, R.K.
1833. Principles and Practices of Social-cum-Community Forestry / Prasad, V.N.
1834. Principles of Animal Taxonomy / Simpson, G.G.
1835. Principles of Biotechnology / Mathew, Alex
1836. Principles of Geology; 3 Volumes / Lyell, C.
1837. The Problem of Afforestation in India / Bhatnagar, P.
1838. Problems & Progress of Wheat Pathology in South Asia / Joshi, L.M.; Singh, D.A. & Srivastava, K.D.
1839. Proceedings of a Seminar on Harvesting Herbs 2000: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: An Action Plan for Uttarakhand / Nautiyal, A.R. & Nautiyal, M.C.
1840. Proceedings of the Second World Orchid Conference / Dillon, G.W.
1841. Procurement and Marketing of Minor Forest Produce in Tribal Areas: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa / Parthasarathy, G. & Patnaik, K. Uma Shankar
1842. Prodromus Florae Nepalensis / Don, D.
1843. Prodromus Florae Penninsulae Indiae Orientalis; Vol.1 / Wight, R. & Arnott, G.A.W
1844. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis; 17 Volumes in 20 Parts / Candolle, A.P.de
1845. Production and Developmental Plant Physiology / Bora, K.K.; Karan Singh & Arvind Kumar (Eds.)
1846. Production Technology and Management of Agroforestry Models / Chauhan, Sanjeev K.; Gill, S.S.; Khajuria, H.N. & Chauhan, Rajni
1847. Production, Consumption & Trade of Forest Products in India / Guleria, A.S.
1848. Progress in Cytogenetics / Kachroo, P.
1849. Project Tiger Reserves: Resources Diversity Sustainability Ecodevelopment / Chaudhari, A.B. & Sarkar, D.D.
1850. Propagation of Plants: Fruit Crops, Vegetable Crops, Oil Crops, Cereal Crops, Fibre Crops, Drug Crops, Forest and Avenue Trees, Tree Crops, Ornamental Plants, Misc. Crops / Sharma, V.K. (Dr.)
1851. Protein Biotechnology / Hazare, Nandan
1852. Protozoan Diseases / Shukla, Arvind N. & et. al.
1853. Pteridology in India: A Bibliography / Verma, S.C. & Khullar, S.P.
1854. Pteridology in Western Himalaya (Kumaun) / Pande, P.C. & Pande, H.C.
1855. Pteridophyte Flora of Nilgiris, South India / Manickam, V.S. & Irudagaraj, V.
1856. Pteridophytes in Andhra Pradesh India / Pullaiah, T. with Ahmed, Ameer & Lakshmi, P. Amrutha
1857. Pteridophytes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands / Dixit, R.D. & Sinha, B.K.
1858. Pteridophytes of Uttaranchal: A Check List / Dixit, R.D. & Kumar, Ramesh
1859. The Pteridophytic Flora of Eastern India; Vol. 1 / Ghosh, Santi Ranjan; Ghosh, B.; Biswas, Anjali & Ghosh, R.K.
1860. Punjab Plants Check List / Sharma, M.
1861. Punjab Plants: Comprising Botanical and Vernacular Names and Uses of Most of the Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs of Economical Value, Growing within the Province / Stewart, J.L.
1862. Purva Mimamsa from an Interdisciplinary Point of View (History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Volume II, Part 6) / Pandurangi, K.T.
1863. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs: An Approach to Evaluation of Botanicals / Mukherjee, Pulok K. (Dr.)
1864. Quaternary Sediments Patrograpic Methods for the Study of Unlithified Rocks / Gale, S.J. & Hoare, P.G.
1865. Quiz in Biology / Jasra, O.P.
1866. Rabies: An Overview / Singh, Charan Kamal
1867. Range Management / Negi, S.S.
1868. Rattle Snakes; 2 Volumes / Klauber, L.M.
1869. Reading in Sustainable Forest Management / F.A.O.
1870. The Realm of Industrial Biotechnology / Pandey, Ashok
1871. Recent Advance in Development Biology; 9 Volumes / Diwan, Ambika Prasad & Dhakad, N.K. (Eds.)
1872. Recent Advances in Animal Behaviour; 7 Volumes / Prakesh, M. & et. al.
1873. Recent Advances in Botany / Kachroo, P.
1874. Recent Advances in Cell Biology; 5 Volumes / Singhal, Vineeta & et. al.
1875. Recent Advances in Embryology; 5 Volumes / Diwan, A.P. & et. al.
1876. Recent Advances in Entomology; 10 Volumes / Sexena, A.B.
1877. Recent Advances in Forest Seed Pathology / Vijayan, A.K.
1878. Recent Advances in Genetics; 8 Volumes / Srivastava, Sharad & Tyagi, Rajeev
1879. Recent Advances in Plant Diseases; 5 Volumes / Chandniwala, K.M.
1880. Recent Advances in Plant Pathology / Akhtar, Husain with Singh, Kishan; Singh, B.P. & Agnihotri, V.P.
1881. Recent Advances in Plant Pathology; 6 Volumes / Chandniwala, K.M.
1882. Recent Advances in Plant Sciences / Sharma, M.R. & Gupta, B.K.
1883. Recent Advances in the Biology of Micro-Organisms; 2 Volumes / Bilgrami, K.S. & Vyas, K.M.
1884. Recent Studies on the Indian Bryophytes / Kumar, S.S.
1885. Recent Trends in Animal Behaviour / Ruhela, Archana & Sinha, Malini
1886. Recent Trends in Biotechnology / Patro, Lingaraj
1887. Recent Trends in Biotechnology / Rai, N.J.; Chikhake, N.J., Thakare, P.V., Wadegaonkar, P.A. & Ramteke A.P.
1888. Recent Trends in Biotechnology / Sinha, Shambhu Nath Pd.
1889. Recent Trends in Chordates; 6 Volumes (2nd Revised Edition) / Bhamrah, H.S. & et. al.
1890. Recent Trends in Forest Utilization / Suri, R.K. & Mathur, K.C.
1891. The Recent Trends in Horticulture Biotechnology; 2 Volumes / Keshavachandran, Raghunath; Peter, K.V.; Nazeem, P.A.; Girija, D. & John, P.S. (Eds.)
1892. Recent Trends in Invertebrates; 8 Volumes (2nd Revised Edition) / Bhamrah, H.S. & et. al.
1893. Recent Trends in Micro-organisms; 5 Volumes / Srivastava, Sharad & et. al.
1894. Records of the Botanical Survey of India; Vols.-11,13, 1893-1935
1895. Records of the Zoological Survey of India: Neuroptera Fauna of North-East India / Ghosh, S.K.
1896. Red Data Book of Indian Plants; 3 Volumes / Nayar, M.P. & Sastry, A.R.K. (Eds.)
1897. Remarks on the Uses of Some of the Bazar Medicines and Common Medicine Plants of India / Waring, E.J.
1898. Remote Sensing Analysis of Environmental Resources for Planning and Development / Porwal, M.S.
1899. Remote Sensing Applications in Brakish Water Fisheries: A Socio-Economic Study / Agarwal, Binod C. & et. al. (Eds.)
1900. Remote Sensing for Wetland Monitoring & Waterfowl Habitate Management / Tatu, Ketan
1901. Remote Sensing in Geomorphology / Ramasamy, S.M.
1902. Remote Sensing in Geomorphology / Simon, Partick
1903. Report on the Mosses collected by C.E.C. Fischer & others from South Indian and Ceylon and Report on the Mosses of Abor Expedition / Dixon, H.N.
1904. Reproductive Diseases / Shukla, Arvind N. & et. al.
1905. The Reptile Fauna of India: A Source Book / Murthy, T.S.N.
1906. Reptiles & Amphibians of South Africa Originally Pub / Rose, W.
1907. Reptiles of India / Murthy, T.S.N.
1908. The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago; 2 Volumes (bound in 1) / Rooij, N.D.
1909. Research Management in Forestry / F.A.O.
1910. Research Methods in Plant Sciences Allelopathy; 5 Volumes / Narwal, Shamsher S.; Dahiya, S.S. & Singh, I.P. (Eds.)
1911. Research Techniques in Animal Ecology: Controversies and Consequences / Boitani, Luigi & Fuller, T.K. (Eds.)
1912. Resistance to Diseases and Pests in Forest Trees / Heybroek, H.M.; Stephan, B.R. & Weissenberg, K. Von
1913. Restoration and Conservation Ecology / Prasad, Govind
1914. A Review of the Ferns of Northern India / Clarke, C.B.
1915. A Revised Catalogue of the Indigenous Flowering Plants and Ferns of Ceylon / Willis, J.C.
1916. A Revision of the Indo-Malayan Species of Glycosmis / Narayanaswami, V.
1917. A Revision of the Labiatae of the Indian Empire / Mukerjee, S.K.
1918. Revision of the Nostocaceae with Constricted Trichomes / Drouet, F.
1919. The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya: Being an account, Botanical and Geographical of the Rhododendrons recently discovered in the mountains of the Eastern Himalaya / Hooker, Joseph Dalton
1920. Rice Breeding and Genetics / Chakraborty, Supriyo
1921. Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Volumes 3-22) / Khanum, Atiya & Khan, Irfan Ali (Eds.)
1922. Root Diseases and Soil Borne Pathogens / Toussoun, T.A.; Bega, R.V. & Nelson, P.E.
1923. Roses and How to Grow Them / West, R. Barton
1924. Sacred Plants for Sustenance of Mankind / Sood, S.K.; Kumar, Suresh & Lakhanpal, T.N.
1925. Safed Musli: A White Gold / Manjunatha, Gondi; Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar & Srinivasan, K.
1926. Salt Tolerance of Crops and Plants Metabolism in Saline Substrate: An Annotated Bibliography / Maliwal, G.L.
1927. The Sangai: The Pride of Manipur / Khaute, L.M.
1928. Schedulae Orchidianae; 10 parts (in one volume) / Ames, O.
1929. Science of Horses / Sarkar, Amita
1930. The Scientific Basis of Evolution / Hunt, T.M.
1931. Scientific Management of Forest Libraries / Kumar, Vinod
1932. Scientific Management of Forests / Negi, S.S.
1933. The Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas / Pennell, Francis W.
1934. The Seaweeds of Peru / Dawson, E.Y.
1935. Sedges and Grasses: Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts / Bhat, K.G.
1936. Seeds, Bioregulants and Applied Plant Biotechnology / Bora, K.K.
1937. Seeds: Ecology Biogeography and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination / Baskin, Carol C. & Baskin, Jerry
1938. Selaginellaceae of India / Dixit, R.D.
1939. Select Extra Tropical Plants / Mueller, Von, B.F.
1940. Selenium and Silkworms / Rao, A. Vijaya Bhaskara & Smitha, S.
1941. Sensory Science: Principles and Applications in Food Evaluation / Joshi, V.K.
1942. Sheep Production / Bhat, P.N. & Arora, CL
1943. Shifting Cultivation in South-Eastern Asia / Spencer, J.E.
1944. Shisham and Kikar: Mortality in India / Gill, SS.; Khajuria, H.N.; Chauhan, S.K. & Chauhan, Rajni (Eds.)
1945. Short Rotation Forestry: For Industrial and Rural Development / Verma, Kartar S.; Khurana, D.K. & Christersson, Lars (Eds.)
1946. Signatures of Plants: Through the Camera / Gokhale, A.M.
1947. Sikkim Perspectives for Planning and Development / Rai, S.C.; Sundriyal, R.C. & Sharma, E.
1948. Silk Culture: A Biochemical Approach / Pandey, P.N. with Sharan, S.K. & Mishra, P.K.
1949. Silk in New Millennium / Pandey, B.N.; Trivedi, Sunil P.; Jaiswal, Kamal & Karnatak, A.K.
1950. Silviculture of Indian Trees / Negi, S.S.
1951. The Silviculture of Indian Trees; 3 Volumes (2nd Edition) / Troup, R.S.
1952. Sir Dietrich Brandis: Father of Tropical Forestry / Negi, S.S.
1953. A Sketch of the Flora of British India / Hooker, J.D.
1954. A Sketch of the Vegetation of British Baluchistan / Lace, J.H. & Hemsley, W.B.
1955. Small Ruminant Production and Health / Goel, A.K.; Tripathi, M.K. & Rout, P.K.
1956. Snake Book of India / Murthy, T.S.N.
1957. The Snake of Sikkim and Bengal / Shebbeare, Shaw
1958. Snake Terminology / Yadav, Manju
1959. Snakes and Their Ways / Curran, C.H. & Kaufeld, C.
1960. Snakes of India: The Field Guide / Whitaker, Romulus & Captain, Ashok
1961. Snakes of the World / Ditmars, Raymond L.
1962. The Social Construction of Indian Forests / Jeffery, Roger (Ed.)
1963. Social Ecology of Forest Resource: A Study of Tribal Region of Orrisa / Malik, Bibhuti Bhushan (Dr.)
1964. Social Forestry and Forest Management; 2 Volumes / Gosh, S.K. & et. al.
1965. Social Forestry: Experiences over a Decade / Prasad, Ram & Bhatnagar, P.
1966. Socio-economic Effects and Constraints in Tropical Forest Management / Hallsworth, E.G.
1967. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth / Russell, E. John & Russell, E. Walter
1968. Soil Microbiology and Soil Biotechnology, 2 Volumes / Kannaiyan, S. (Prof.) (Ed.)
1969. Soil Microflora / Gupta, Rajan Kumar; Kumar, Mukesh & Vyas, Deepak
1970. Soil Science: Dynamics of Erosion / Thakore, Sanat
1971. Soil Solarization and Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests / FAO
1972. Soil Testing and Analysis / Puri, Sriniwas
1973. Solid-State Fermentation in Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications / Pandey, Ashok; Soccol, Carlos R.; Rodriguez-Leon, Jose A. & Nigam, Poonam
1974. Some Additional Leguminosae / Prain, D.
1975. Some Favourite Trees for Fuel and Fodder / Ram Parkash & Hocking, Drake
1976. Some Plants of the Zor Hills, Koweit, Arabia / Carter, H.G.
1977. Some South Indian Insects & Other Animals of Importance / Fletcher, T.B.
1978. The Species Concept in Hymenomycetes / Clemencon, H.
1979. Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory / Wheeler, D. & Meier, R.
1980. Species Hepaticarum; 6 Volumes / Stephani, F.
1981. Species Muscorum Frondosorum: Leipzig 1801 / Hedwig, J.
1982. The Species of Class Mammalia; 5 Volumes / Cuvier, Baron
1983. The Species of Oxalis Now Wild in India and a New Indian Vernonia / Calder, C.C.
1984. The Species of Pedicularis of the Indian Empire / Prain, D.
1985. Species Plantarum; 2 Volumes / Linnaeus, C.
1986. Spicilegium Neilgherrense or a Selection of Neilgherry Plants; 2 Volumes / Wight, R.
1987. Sportsman Birds of India / Dewar, Douglass & Yeats, G.A. Levett
1988. Standardization of Botanicals: Testing and Extraction Methods of Medicinal Herbs, 2 Volumes (2nd Edition) / Rajpal, V. (Dr.)
1989. Status Report on Aromatic and Essential Oil-bearing Plants in NAM Countries / Husain, Akhtar
1990. Sterindale's Mammalia of India / Finn, Frank
1991. Sterndale's Mammalia of India / Finn, F.
1992. The Stipitate Hydnums of the Eastern United States / Coker, W.C. & Beers, A.H.
1993. Stress and Environmental Plant Physiology / Bora, K.K. & et. al.
1994. Strobilanthes Blume (Acanthaceae) in Peninsular India / Venu, P.
1995. Structure and Function in Invertebrates / Suneja, Krishna
1996. Structure, Function and Ecology of Stomata / Sen, D.N.; Chawan, D.D. & Bansal, R.P.
1997. A Student Handbook of Nano Biotechnology; 2 Volumes / Norman, Don
1998. Studies in the Family Orchidaceae; 7 Volumes / Ames, O.
1999. Studies in Zoology: For B.Sc I and II / Singh, P. Raiumar (Dr.)
2000. Studies of Fern Types; 2 Volumes / Morton, C.V.
2001. Studies of the Identification of Timbers with a note on the Seasoning of Wood / Howard, A.L.
2002. Studies on Medicinal Plants and Drugs in Bhavaprakasa Nighantuh / Kamat, S.D. (Dr.)
2003. Studies on the Impact of Environmental Pollution on Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Bioactive Properties of an Aquatic Weed (Hydrilla Verticillata (L.F.) Royle and a Terrestrial Weed (Ruellia Tuberosa L.) Species / Kensa, V. Mary (Dr.)
2004. Study of Evolution; 2 Volumes / Haeckel, E.
2005. The Study of Fishes / Gunther, A.C.L.G.
2006. Study of Genetics and Evolution / Robert, H.L.
2007. Study of Insect Life: Their Structure, Habits and Transformations; 2 Volumes / Wood, Rev. J.G.
2008. A Study of the Development of Cystocarps and Tetrasporangial Sori Ingigartinaceae: Rhodophyta, Gigartinales / Kim, D.O.
2009. Study of Zoology / Calvert, J.F.
2010. Sundarbans of India: A Development Analysis / Mandal, Asim Kumar
2011. Sunderbans: The Mystic Mangrove / Chowdhury, Biswajit Roy & Vyas, Pradeep
2012. Supplement to "A Monograph of Clavaria and Allied Genera" / Corner, E.J.H.
2013. Supplement to Duthie's Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plain and of the Adjacent Siwalik and Sub-Himalayan Tracts / Raizada, M.B.
2014. Supplement to the Ferns of Southern India and British India / Beddome, R.H.
2015. Supplement to the List of Indian Fungi / Tondon, R.N. & Chandra, S.
2016. A Survey of the Forestry Research / Singh, Benu
2017. Sustainable Animal Production / Jakhmola, R.C.
2018. Sustainable Aquaculture / Sahoo, Dinabandhu & Qasim, S.Z.
2019. Sustainable Aquaculture: Global Perspectives / Jana, B.B. & Webster, Carl D.
2020. Sustainable Forestry: Emerging Challenges / Bhattacharya, Prodyut & Kandya, A.K. (Eds.)
2021. Sustainable Management of Forests of India / Arunachalam, A. & Khan, M.L. (Eds.)
2022. Synonyms and Acronyms in Agriculture and Forestry / Pillai, O. Anchanam Alagia
2023. Synopsis Filicum: A Synopsis of All Known Ferns including the "Osmundaceae, Schizaeaceae, Marattiaceae and Ophioglossaceae" / Hooker, W.J. & Baker, J.G.
2024. Synopsis Methodica Fungorum / Persoon, Christian Hendrik
2025. A Synopsis of North American Desmides; Part 2: Desmidiaceae: Placodermae; 5 Volumes / Prescott, G.W.; Croasdale, H.T.; Bicudo, Carlos, E.DE. & Vinyard, W.C,
2026. Systematic Botany / Mohanka, Reena & et. al.
2027. Systematic Studies in Polygonaceae of Kashmir Himalaya / Munshi, A.H. & Javeid
2028. The Taleef Shereef, or Indian Materia Medica / Playfair, G.
2029. Taxonomic Analysis in Biology / Abbott, L.A.; Bishy, F.A. & Rogers, D.J.
2030. Taxonomy of Angiosperms / Mathur, Neeru
2031. Taxonomy of Angiosperms (4rd Revised Edition) / Pullaiah, T.
2032. Taxonomy of Indian Mosses / Chopra, R.S.
2033. Taxonomy of Moths in India / Srivastava, Ajai
2034. Taxonomy: UGC, B.Sc.-M.Sc.-Net-SLET / Kar, Devashish
2035. Taxonomy; 4 Volumes / Johri, R.M.
2036. Teaching of Botany / Tiwari, Manish
2037. Teaching of Zoology / Chauhan, Ashok
2038. Teaching of Zoology / Singh, Y.K.
2039. Teak: Ecology, Silviculture, Management and Profitability / Bebarta, K.C.
2040. Teak: Tectona Grandis / Negi, S.S.
2041. Techniques in Forestry / Shanmughavel, P. (Dr.)
2042. Tentaman Flora Nepalensis Fascicle 1 / Wallich, N.
2043. A Text Book of Algae, Fungi and Embryophytes / Coulter, John Merle & Barnes, C.R.
2044. Text book of Applied Zoology: Vermiculture, Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac-culture, Agriculture Pests and their Controls / Jabde, Pradip V.
2045. Text Book of Crustacea / Saxena, Amita
2046. Text Book of Ethnobotany / Sharma, P.G.
2047. A Text Book of Forest Utilization / Negi, S.S.
2048. A Text Book of Forestry and Wildlife Management; 2 Volumes / Negi, S.S.
2049. Text Book of General Physiology / Jabde, Pradeep V.
2050. Text Book of Mollusca / Saxena, Amita
2051. A Text Book of Silviculture / Dwivedi, A.P.
2052. A Textbook of Algae / Johri, R.M.; Lata, Sneh & Sharma, Sandhya
2053. Textbook of Algae / Saxena, Sandeep
2054. A Textbook of Algae / Verma, H.K.
2055. A Textbook of Animal Behaviour / Singh, Harjindra
2056. A Textbook of Animal Physiology / Singh, Saurav
2057. Textbook of Basic Biotechnology / Singh, Birendra Bahadur & Singh, Vinod
2058. A Textbook of Biotechnology / Philopose, P.M.
2059. Textbook of Biotechnology / Shagugta, Chandrawati Jee
2060. A Textbook of Botany; 2 Volumes / Singh, S.K. & Srivastava, Seema
2061. A Textbook of Bryophyta / Kumar, Anurag
2062. Textbook of Bryophyta / Singh, S.K.
2063. Textbook of Chordate Zoology; 2 Volumes / Sandhu, G.S. & Bhaskar, H.
2064. A Textbook of Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates / Singh, Saurav
2065. A Textbook of Economic Zoology / Ravindranathan, K.R.
2066. A Textbook of Embroyology / Sandhu & et. al.
2067. A Textbook of Entomology / Patnaik, B.D.
2068. A Textbook of Fungi / Gupta, Rajni (Dr.)
2069. A Textbook of Fungi / Johri, R.M.; Sneh Lata & Sharma, Sandhya
2070. A Textbook of Fungi / Verma, H.K.
2071. A Textbook of Genetic Engineering / Sharma, Prabhakar & Mukhopadhyay, S.N.
2072. A Textbook of Genetics / Bhamrah, H.S. & et. al.
2073. A Textbook of Helminthes / Singh, Aparna (Dr.)
2074. A Textbook of Histology / Mathur, Ramesh & et. al.
2075. A Textbook of Histology for BSc & MSc Students of Indian Universities / Deshmukh, Shivaji
2076. Textbook of Home Science Extension Education / Shekhar, Serene (Gote) & Ahlawat, Santosh
2077. Textbook of Immunology / Dutta, Somnath
2078. Textbook of Invertebrate Zoology; 2 Volumes / Sandhu, G.S. & Bhaskar, H.
2079. Textbook of Microbiology / Arora & Arora
2080. Textbook of Microbiology and Biotechnology / Mujapara, Adarsh K. & Anshuman, Kena P.
2081. Textbook of Modern Botany / Hedge, H. Parameshwar
2082. Textbook of Molecular Genetics / Singh, S.K.
2083. A Textbook of Objective Microbiology / Aggarwal, R.M.
2084. Textbook of Palaeontology / Chatwal, M.S.
2085. A Textbook of Plant Anatomy / Saxena, Pratibha & Das, Susheela M.
2086. Textbook of Plant Anatomy / Singh, Sanjay Kumar
2087. Textbook of Plant Anatomy / Stevens, W.C.
2088. A Textbook of Plant Diseases / Kumari, Sanju
2089. Textbook of Plant Diseases / Singh, S.K. & Srivastava, Seema
2090. A Textbook of Plant Genetics / Mishra, Madhusudan & Sharma, Prabhakar
2091. Textbook of Plant Pathology / Singh, S.K. & Srivastava, Seema
2092. Textbook of Plant Propagation and Nursery Management / Sharma, R.R. & Hare Krishna
2093. A Textbook of Plant Taxonomy / Kumar, Suresh
2094. A Textbook of Practical Botany; 2 Volumes / Singh, M.P.; Chaudhary, S.B. & Sahu, H.B.
2095. Textbook of Practical Botany; 4 Volumes / Sunara, Rajan, S.
2096. A Textbook of Pteridophyta / Johri, R.M.; Lata, Sneh & Sharma, Sandhya
2097. Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System / Reddy, M.Anji
2098. A Textbook of Taxonomy / Malhotra, Manas & Das, Susheela M.
2099. Textbook of Virology / Dutta, Somnath (Dr.)
2100. Textbook on Forest Management / Jerram, M.R.K.
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