CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction. 2. Topography. 3. Geology. 4. Soil. 5. Climate. 6. Temperature. 7. Rainfall. 8. Forest types. 9. Biosphere reserve, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks: i. Ecology of pteridophytes. ii. Statistical analysis of the pteridophytic flora of Uttaranchal. 10. Enumeration of the families, genera and species.
The pteridophytic flora of the Indian region is very rich due to remarkable altitudinal variations ranging from sea level to the highest mountain ranges of the world, supporting rich flora of tropical, sub-tropical, temperate and alpine vegetation. Uttaranchal is 27 State of the India, which came into existence on 9 November, 2000 and comprises of 13 districts by separating of North-West Uttar Pradesh with Dehradun as capital city. There is no separate state flora of Uttaranchal therefore, it was considered appropriate to prepare a check-list of pteridophytes reported from Uttaranchal as a whole which will form a basic work to prepare a detailed pteridophytic flora in near future. The present treatise is mainly based on up to date published literature on the subject. However literature on floristics and taxonomy appears in such variety of journals and so fast a speed that it is difficult to claim total completeness in any work of this nature. The present work enumerates total of 49 families, 105 genera, 444 species, 5 subspecies and 26 varieties of pteridophytes from Uttaranchal state.