CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction-Crustacea; 2. Taxonomy of crustacea; 3. Body plan and appendages; 4. Digestive system; 5. Excretion and osmoregulation; 6. Musculature; 7. Respiratory system; 8. Circulatory system; 9. Nervous system; 10. Sense organs; 11. Endocrine gland and hormones; 12. Reproductive system; 13. Economic importance; 14. Few crustaceans.
Crustaceans are distinguished from Myriapods and insects by many more traits. A striking difference is seen in leg structure. The morphological characteristics taxonomy, anatomy and physiology of various crustaceans including vital systems are the major part of this book. Varieties of crustaceans have its economic values in capture and culture practices so their basic nature, structures functioning details are needed. Those lines are touched in this book. This book leads to be helpful for progressive farmers students, teachers, and researchers and provide the latest knowledge of their relevant subject.