The book "Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes" by Colonel F. Wall deals with the kind of snakes found in India and Ceylon. In this book it has been clearly described how to identify and recognize th4e different kinds of poisonous terrestrial snakes.
The snakes have been classified in different ways. It is to be noted that the colour of different ways. It is to be noted that the colour of different snakes and their young ones do not have the same making and as such cannot be taken as the authentic means of identification. The author has done well to divide the book in 3 parts.
The first part deals with the identification of Indian land Snakes. In the second part, snake bite and snake poisoning have been described and in the third part full details have been given for treatment snake poisoning, preventive measures to be adopted and local and special treatment in case of the Commoner Snakes.
The book contains 173 pages including the index.