CONTENTS:- 1. Training for Sustainable Forestry in India: Emerging Areas for Holistic Capacity Building 2. Forest Certification: Benefits and Issues of Sustainable Forestry 3. REDD Plus: Indian Experience towards Sustainable Forestry 4. Sustainable Harvesting of Non Timber Forest Products: A Difficult Subject to Achieve 5. Pulp and paper industry raw material scenario: ITC Plantation: A case study 6. Sustainable Management of Natural Gums and Resins in Madhya Pradesh 7. Livelihoods Interventions under Joint Forest Management 8. Community Oriented Technology Development for Sustainable Forest Resource Management Under Joint Forest Management 9. Domestication Status of Non timber Forest products in Madhya Pradesh 10. Forest products utilization during famine conditions in Raigad district Maharashtra: A case of Thakur tribes 11. A study on sustainable harvest of wild medicinal plants of Uttarakhand with a case study on lichens 12. Richness and variability of tree species in Achanakmar and Amarkantak forests Central - India 13. Assessing carbon sequestration potential of bamboos from Manipur 14. Vegetation analysis of Teak-Dipterocarpus forests from Manipur with a note on distribution and diversity 15. Strategy for Forest Conservation to facilitate Ecosystem services in the context of Climate change 16. Afforestation: An effective intervention for sustainable development of fragile desert ecosystem 17. Economic management of urban forestry amenities of Chandigarh City, (India) 18. Management of Energy Resources in India 19. Plant Diversity In Sacred Groves in Madhya Pradesh
Forests are critical for sustainable development, environment and also for livelihood. They provide a wealth of goods and services that are essential for people's lives, cash income and green economy. Maintaining and enhancing our planet's forest resources is essential if we are to succeed in the global efforts to alleviate poverty, address water scarcity and biodiversity loss, and mitigate climate change. Culturally and historically, the intrinsic value of forests, and the spiritual and sacred use of forests have great importance to local communities and our cultural identity. This book on Sustainable Forestry: Emerging Challenges, written by experienced academicians, scientists and other researchers shows the present ongoing initiatives in the country to address sustainable forestry and its management. An estimated 230 million people in India rely on forests for their livelihoods to some degree, including some 60 million indigenous people and other forest-dwelling communities. While more than two billion people - the developing world's population use fodder, biomass fuels, mainly firewood, to cook food and large number of non-timber forest products for their day-to-day needs.