CONTENTS:- Preface; Introduction; History of Plant pathology; Disease inciting organisms; Pathogenesis and parasitism; Symptoms of plant diseases; Survival of plant pathogens; Dissemination of plant pathogens and virus transmission; The phenomenon of infection; Effect of infection on physiology of the host; Effect of environments on pathogenesis; Principles of plant disease management; Management of disease through host resistance; Management of disease through chemicals; Cultural practices and biological methods for plant disease management; Diseases of cereals; Disease of oilseeds; Diseases of pulses; Diseases of fibre crops; Diseases of Tobacco; Diseases of sugarcane; Diseases of vegetables; Diseases of spices and condiments; Diseases of coffee and tea; Diseases of fruit plants; Glossary.
The present book entitled "Textbook of Plant Pathology" is a compilation work and embodies a fairly comprrehensive treatment of the fundamental facts of the subject.he plant pathology will serve as an introduction to the subject of pathology to the bigneers in the field. Many new topics and latest researches have been added in the text. Actually the present edition of the book has been elevated to fulfill the long felt require of the students of graduate honours and post-graduate level of all Indian Universities. The syllabi of all the universities have been kept in view during the preparation of the text of this edition.