CONTENTS:- 1. Productivity studies. 2. Nutrient cycling. 3. Methods of studying nutrient requirements of forest species. 4. Chemical analysis of wood. 5. Evaluating the results of Agro forestry research. 6. Social forestry. 7. Nursery technology. 8. Seed technology. 9. Bamboo propagation technology. 10. Eco-technology. 11. Fertilizers.
Forests are invaluable in our daily lives, crucial to our nation's economy and integral to the long-term health of the environment. The problems related to forestry are attracting the attention of forest managers and environmentalists throughout the world. Forestry research, to be of sufficient quality and quantity to solve societal problems, must embrace more areas of science. Past approaches to forestry research have proved inadequate. Contemporary issues such as sustainable development, the role of forests in global carbon balance and global warming, acid rain and the preservation of biological diversity illustrate the need for scientific expertise which is at present inadequately represented by traditional forestry research guideline manuals. Forestry research must change radically if it is to help meet national and global needs. It must become broader in its clients, participants and the problems it examines and at the same time, must conduct more in-depth research. To meet the challenge of rapid change, new approaches and new resources should be augmented for initiation, development and redirection of basic and also applied research. This book provides research guidelines in the field of forest and plantation productivity, nutrient cycling, chemical analyses of wood, evaluation of agro-forestry results, nursery, seed technology, fertiliser and eco-technology, etc. It will serve as a good reference for graduate students in forestry, research scholars and foresters.