Vol.1: Systematics and Morphology:
1. Introduction.
2. The Systems and History of Classification.
3. Botanical Gardens and Museums.
4. Botanical Survey of India.
5. The Herbarium.
6. Plants Nomenclautre.
7. Root.
8. Stem.
9. Leaf.
10. Inflorescence.
11. Flower.
12. Fruit.
Vol.2: Polypetalae:
1. Ranuculaceae (The Buttercup Family).
2. Magnoliaceae (The Magnolia Family).
3.Annonaceae (The Custard Apple Family).
4. Menispermaceae (The Moonseed Family).
5. Nymphaeceae (The Water Lily Flower).
6. Papaveraceae (The Poppy Family).
7. Fumariaceae (The Fumaria Family).
8. Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (The Mustard Family) (Cressworts).
9. Capparidace (The Capers Family).
10. Violaceae (The Violet Family).
11. Caryophyllaceae (The Pink Family).
12. Portulacaceae (The Pursalane Family).
13. Dipterocarpaceae (The Sal Family).
14. Malvaceae (The Cotton Family).
15. Tiliaceae.
16. Sterculiaceae (The Cacao or Cacoa Family).
17. Bombacaceae;.
18. Linaceae (The Flax Family).
19. Oxalidaceae.
20. Rutaceae;.
21. Meliaceae (The Mahogany Family).
22. Rahmnaceae.
23. Vitaceae (The Group Family).
24. Sapindacee.
25. Anacardiaceae.
26. Moringaceae.
27. Rosaceae (The Rose Family).
28. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Papilionaceae.
29. Caesalpiniaceae.
30. Mimosaceae.
31. Crassulaceae (The Stonecrop Family).
32. Combretaceae.
33. Myrtaceae.
34. Lythraceae (The Heena Family).
35. Onagraceae.
36. Cucurbitaceae.
37. Begoniaceae (The Begonia Family).
38. Cactaceae (The Cactus Family).
39. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) (The Carrot or Coriander Family).
Vol.3: Gamopetalae:
1. Rubiaceae.
2. Asteraceae (Compositae) (The Synglower Family).
3. Sapotaceae.
4. Ebenaceae.
5. Primulaceae (700 SPP.) (The Primrose Family).
6. Oleaceae (The Olive Family).
7. Asclepiadaceae (The Milk-weed Family).
8. Apocynaceae (The Oleander Family).
9. Gentianaceae (The Gentian Family).
10. Boraginaceae (The Forget me-not Family).
11. Convolvulaceae (Sweet-Potato Family).
12. Solanceae (The Potato Family).
13. Scrophulariaceae (The Snapdragon Family).
14. Lentibulariaceae (The Bladderwort Family).
15. Bignoiaceae (The Bignonia Family).
16. Pedaliacae (The Sesamum Family).
17. Acanthaceae (The Anthus Family).
18. Family Labiatae (The Mint Family).
19. Verbenaceae (The Verbena Family).
Vol.4: Monochlamydeae and Monocotyledonae:
1. Cyperaceae (The Goosefoot or Beet Family).
2. Amarantaceae (The Amarantus Family).
3. Polygonaceae (The Back-Wheat Family).
4. Nyctaginaceae (The four O' clock Family).
5. Loranthaceae (The Misletoe Family).
6. Aristolochiaceae (The Misletoe Family).
7. Eurphorbiaceae (The Spurge Family).
8. Santalaceae (The Sandal Wood Family).
9. Urticaceae (The Nettle Family).
10. Moraceae (The Mulberry Family).
11. Casuarianaceae (The Casuarina Family).
12. Rubiaceae Salicaceae (The Willow Family).
13. Orchidaceae (The Orchids Family).
14. Hydrocharitageae (The Frog's Bit Family).
15. Iridaceae (1,500 spp.) (The Iris Family).
16. Amaryllidaceae (The Naricissu Family).
17. Musaceae (The Banana Family).
18. Zingiberaceae (The Ginger Family).
19. Cannaceae (The CAnna Family).
20. Marantaceae (The Arrowroot Family).
21. Lilaceae (The Lily Family).
22. Commeeinaceae (The Spriderwort Family).
23. Juncaceae (The Rush Family).
24. Palmaceae or Arecaceae (The Palm Family).
25. Typhaceae The Water Glass (Cat-tail Family).
26. Araceae (The Arum Family).
27. Alismaceae (The Sagittaria Family).
28. Cyperaceae (The Sedge Family).
29. Grammineae (The Grass Family).