Vol.1: Part: 1. PROKARYOTAS: preface; classification of living organisms; bacteria; Mycoplasmas; Archaebacteria and Cyanobacteria; Viruses; Part: 2. EUKARYOTIC ALGAE: An introduction to Algae; Classification of the Algae; Chlorophyceae; Chlorella; Hydroictyon; Pediastrum; Chamydomonas; Eudorine; Pandorine; Volvox; Cladophora;l Ulothrix; Stigeoclonium; Coleochaete; Draparnaldiopsis; Spirogyra; Cosmarium; Zygtnema; Oedogonium; Chara; Nitella; Xanthophyceae and botrydium; Vaucheria; Bacillariophyceae; Euglenineae; Dinophyceae; Phaeophycophyta phaeophyceae (The Brown Algae); Ectocarpus; Dictyotales; Laminaria; Focus; Sargassum; Polysiphonia; Baytrochospermum; Part: 3. FUNGI: An introduction to fungi; Myxomycotine (The slime moulds); Eumycotina (The true fungi); The lower true fungi (Phycomycetes); Synchytrium; Achlya; Saprolegnia; Phytophthora; Peronospora; Pythium; Albugo or cystopus; Mucor and Rhizopus; Pilobolus; The ascomycetes; Aspergillus; Penicillium; Erysiphe; Phyllactinia; Sphaerotheca and Claviceps; Neurospora; The yeasts; Pyronema; Peziza and ascobolus; Morchella; The deuteromycetes; Colletotrichum; Alternaria; Cercospora; Helminthosporium and fusarium; The basidiomycetes; Ustilago; Puccinia; Agaricus; General discussion; Part: 4. THE LICHENS: Lichens; Part: 5. PLANT PATHOLOGY: Plant diseases and their classification; Bacterial, Viral and fungal diseases of plants; Principles of plant disease control.
Vol.2: Part: 1. BRYOPHYTA: Preface; Introduction; Classification of Bryophyta; Marchantia and Plagiochasma; Riccia; Porella (Madotheca); Pellia; Frullania; Funnaria; Pogonatum; Polytrichum; Notothylas; Anthoceros; Sphagnum; Andreaea; Part: 2. PTERIDOPHYTA: General discussion; Introduction; classification of pteridophytes; Rhynia; Psilotum; Selaginell; Isoetes; Lycopodium; Equisetum; Pteridium; Ophioglossum; Azolla; Marsilea; General discussion; Part: 3. GYMNOSPERMS: Gymnosperms; classification of gymnosperms; Cycas; Pinus; Taxus; Gnetum; Ephedra; Alaeobotany; Part: 4. PALAEOBOTANY: Lyginopteris (Calymatotheca); Cycadeoidea (Bennettites); Williamsonia; Cordiates.
This book entitled "A textbook of Botany", Volume 1 consists of five parts such as prokaryotes, eukaryotic algae, fungi, lichens and plants pathology. Volume 2 contains four parts such as Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany. This is a compilation work and embodies a fairly comprehensive treatment of the fundamental facts and aspects of botany. This book will serve as an introduction to the subject of botany to the beginners in this field. Actually the book is intended to fulfill the long felt need of students of graduate and post-graduate level of all Indian universities. The syllabi of all the universities have been kept in view during the preparation of the manuscript of this text. This work may also serve as laboratory manual.