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1201. Encyclopaedia of Organic Synthesis; 3 Volumes / Choudhary, Nand Lal
1202. Encyclopaedia of Organisational Psychology; 2 Volumes / Sharan, A.K.
1203. Encyclopaedia of Oriental Philosophy and Religion; 16 Volumes / Singh, N.K. & Mishra, A.P. (Eds.)
1204. Encyclopaedia of Oriental Thoughts / Kumar, Sanjay
1205. The Encyclopaedia of Oscar Achievers: The Collection Study of People and Films Who made it to Oscar in Last 75 Years; 8 Volumes / Muir, Allen
1206. Encyclopaedia of Oscillations and Waves; 2 Volumes / Singh, Manpal
1207. Encyclopaedia of Outline Physical Geography / Prajapati, R.V.
1208. Encyclopaedia of P.T. Drill and Activities; 4 Volumes / Oxley, Charles & et. al.
1209. Encyclopaedia of Pakistan; 11 Volumes / Ali, Rao Arif
1210. Encyclopaedia of Pakistan; 5 Volumes / Sharma, S.R. (Ed.)
1211. Encyclopaedia of Paleontology / Sharma, Vivek
1212. Encyclopaedia of Pali Literature; 20 Volumes / Tripathi, Sridhar (Ed.)
1213. Encyclopaedia of Personality Development; 2 Volumes / Suryanarayana, N.V.S. (Dr.)
1214. Encyclopaedia of Petroleum Science and Engineering; 18 Volumes / Sah, S.L.
1215. Encyclopaedia of Petroleum Science and Engineering; 18 Volumes / Sah, S.L.
1216. Encyclopaedia of Pharmacy / Verma, Rajeev
1217. Encyclopaedia of Philosophy / Gupta, Shanti Nath
1218. Encyclopaedia of Philosophy and Psychology; 7 Volumes / Baldwin, J.M.
1219. Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education; 2 Volumes / Monroe, P. (Ed.)
1220. Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Indian Religion: An Exposition of the Principle Religion-Philosophical System and Critical Examination Different School of Thought; 2 Volumes / Santinath, Sadhu
1221. Encyclopaedia of Photosynthesis; 2 Volumes / Veer, Udia
1222. Encyclopaedia of Physical Education / Aggarwal, Yaksha
1223. Encyclopaedia of Physical Education and Sports; 15 Volumes / Kaushik, Vijaya; Sharma, Bela Rani & Mudgal, Rahul
1224. Encyclopaedia of Physical Education and Sports; 5 Volumes / Murthy, J. Krishna
1225. Encyclopaedia of Physical Education; 3 Volumes / Singh, Dharma
1226. Encyclopaedia of Physical Education; 5 Volumes / Tiwari, Saket Raman; Rathor, Chhote Lal & Singh, Yogesh Kumar
1227. Encyclopaedia of Physical Geography; 2 Volumes / Khan, M.A.
1228. Encyclopaedia of Physics / Bhardwaj, Anandi & Shrivastava, S.K.
1229. Encyclopaedia of Plant Analysis; 3 Volumes / Singh, Shashi Prakash
1230. Encyclopaedia of Plant Anatomy; 4 Volumes / Mannan, B.A.
1231. Encyclopaedia of Plant Breeding; 5 Volumes / Saxena, Praveen Kumar & Balabhaskar, K.R.
1232. Encyclopaedia of Plant Cells; 4 Volumes / Ahmad, Shehzad
1233. Encyclopaedia of Plant Diseases / Singh, Satyavir
1234. Encyclopaedia of Plant Ecology; 3 Volumes / Ahmad, Shehzad
1235. Encyclopaedia of Plant Ecology; 3 Volumes / Bukhari, A.Z.
1236. Encyclopaedia of Plant Pathology; 5 Volumes / Sinha, Subhashini & Sharma, Manjula
1237. Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology / Singh, Satyavir
1238. Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology; 5 Volumes / Mandal, Swaraj & Basu, Ajit K.
1239. Encyclopaedia of Plant Protection; 4 Volumes / Mannan, B.A.
1240. Encyclopaedia of Plant Science; 3 Volumes / Agarwal, Veenu
1241. Encyclopaedia of Plant Tissue Culture; 5 Volumes / Aggarwal, Jwala & Arora, Shekhar K.
1242. Encyclopaedia of Plants: 7 Volumes / Sethunath, P.K. & Tiwari, Nitish K.
1243. Encyclopaedia of Plants; 3 Volumes / Loudon, J.C.
1244. Encyclopaedia of Political Development; 3 Volumes / Singh, Narendra (Dr.)
1245. Encyclopaedia of Political Geography; 3 Volumes / Shamsi, Nayyar
1246. Encyclopaedia of Political History of India; 3 Volumes / Gajrani, S. & Kumar, R.
1247. Encyclopaedia of Political Idealogies; 10 Volumes / Gettel, R.G. & Dunning, W.A. (Eds.)
1248. Encyclopaedia of Political Parties; 111 Volumes / Ralhan, O.P. (Ed.)
1249. Encyclopaedia of Political Science / Dixit, A.K.
1250. Encyclopaedia of Political Science / Dutta, N.
1251. Encyclopaedia of Political Science; 10 Volumes / Chaturvedi, Archana
1252. The Encyclopaedia of Politics and Religion; 2 Volumes / Wuthnow, Robert (Ed.)
1253. Encyclopaedia of Population and Development; 2 Volumes / Walter, M.
1254. Encyclopaedia of Population Problem and Control; 3 Volumes / Kumar, Arun (Ed.)
1255. Encyclopaedia of Population Studies and Demography: Critical Issues in Development Dynamics; 5 Volumes / Mitra, Kamaljit Chandra
1256. Encyclopaedia of Practical and Cultural Information; 4 Volumes / Webster, Richard
1257. Encyclopaedia of Practical Journalism; 3 Volumes / Syed, M.H.
1258. Encyclopaedia of Primary Education; 5 Volumes / Verghese, B.V.
1259. Encyclopaedia of Primitive Tribes in India; 2 Volumes / Mohanty, P.K.
1260. Encyclopaedia of Print Media; 3 Volumes / Syed, M.H.
1261. Encyclopaedia of Professional Education; 10 Volumes / Sinha, B.R.
1262. Encyclopaedia of Professional Journalism; 3 Volumes / Rastogi, T.N.
1263. Encyclopaedia of Protecting India's Environment: Provisions, Procedures and Policies; 5 Volumes / Sinha, P.C. (Ed.)
1264. Encyclopaedia of Protozoa; 3 Volumes / Shukla, Arvind N. & et. al.
1265. Encyclopaedia of Psychology / Chaudhary, Jagdish
1266. Encyclopaedia of Psychology of Education; 2 Volumes / Monroe, Paul (Ed.)
1267. Encyclopaedia of Psychology; 10 Volumes / Shukla, K.C. & Chand, Tara
1268. Encyclopaedia of Psychology; 5 Volumes / Dubey, K.C. (Ed.)
1269. Encyclopaedia of Psychology; 5 Volumes / Sejwal, Preethi & Arora, Meghna
1270. Encyclopaedia of Public Administration; 10 Volumes / Gajanan, R.P. & Sharma, A.
1271. Encyclopaedia of Public Administration; 4 Volumes / Rana, G.S.
1272. Encyclopaedia of Public Administration; 5 Volumes / Chopra, J.K. (Ed.)
1273. Encyclopaedia of Public Administration; 7 Volumes / Pattanayak, Raimann
1274. Encyclopaedia of Puranas; 2 Volumes / Sharma, P.R.P.
1275. Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospital and Health-Care Administration; 6 Volumes / Kelly, Daine L.; Kovner, Anthony R., Beuhauser, Duncan, Fottler, Myron D., Ford, Robert C., Heaton, Cherrill, P., McAlearney, Ann Scheck, Nowicki, Michael, & Mcglow, Joanne K. (Eds.)
1276. Encyclopaedia of Quality Management; 3 Volumes / Padmanabhan, S.
1277. Encyclopaedia of Quotable Couplets / Shetty, M.R.
1278. Encyclopaedia of Quotations; 3 Volumes / Davidson, G.
1279. Encyclopaedia of Quran and Future of Science / Huda, Md. Nurul
1280. Encyclopaedia of Quranic Studies; 26 Volumes / Afridi, Maulana Mohammad Razi Khan & Navaid, Mohammad Ilyas
1281. Encyclopaedia of Recreational Games; 2 Volumes / Sharma, Sita Ram & et. al.
1282. Encyclopaedia of Religion / Sen, Adeep
1283. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Culture; 11 Volumes / Kulkarni, Jagmohan & Kumar, Raj
1284. An Encyclopaedia of Religions / Canney, M.A.
1285. Encyclopaedia of Religions: Faiths of Man; 3 Volumes / Forlong, J.G.R. (Ed.)
1286. Encyclopaedia of Reporting; 3 Volumes / Sharma, Seema
1287. Encyclopaedia of Reptiles; 3 Volumes / Tyagi, Rajiv & et. al.
1288. Encyclopaedia of Research Digital Libraries: Design and Development; 3 Volumes / Sumangala, Jha
1289. Encyclopaedia of Research Methodology in Biological Sciences; 3 Volumes / Arora, Richa
1290. Encyclopaedia of Research Methodology in Social Sciences and Humanities; 2 Volumes / Choudhary, Prem Shanker
1291. Encyclopaedia of Research Methods for Business; 2 Volumes / Singh, S.D.
1292. Encyclopaedia of Research Methods in Education / Nirman, Pooja
1293. Encyclopaedia of Resource Geography; 2 Volumes / Jauhari, P.K.
1294. Encyclopaedia of Retail Chain Management; 3 Volumes / Ahmad, Shehzad (Dr.)
1295. Encyclopaedia of Roman World; 2 Volumes / Eadlie, John
1296. Encyclopaedia of Rural Development; 5 Volumes / Devi, Laxmi & et. al.
1297. Encyclopaedia of Rural Education in India, 1947-1990: Panchayati Raj and Education; 10 Volumes / Vashist, S.R. & Vohra, A.L.
1298. Encyclopaedia of Rural Planning & Development; 3 Volumes / Singh, K.K. & et. al.
1299. Encyclopaedia of Rural Sociology; 5 Volumes / Kumar, Arvind
1300. Encyclopaedia of SAARC and Member Countries; 9 Volumes / Sharma, Rashmi
1301. Encyclopaedia of SAARC Nations; 3 Volumes / Syed, M.H.
1302. Encyclopaedia of SAARC; 4 Volumes / Chaturvedi, S.K.; Sharma, S.K. & Kumar, Madhurendra (Eds.)
1303. Encyclopaedia of Saints of India; 25 Volumes / Bakshi, S.R. & et. al. (Eds.)
1304. Encyclopaedia of Scheduled Castes in India; 5 Volumes / Nandu Ram (Prof.)
1305. Encyclopaedia of Scheduled Tribes in India; 5 Volumes / Mohanty, P.K.
1306. Encyclopaedia of Scheduled Tribes in Jharkhand / Minz, Daiwakar
1307. Encyclopaedia of School Education Management; 5 Volumes / Vashisht, Savita (Ed.)
1308. Encyclopaedia of Science and Religion in Islam / Ansari, Shahzad Ahmed
1309. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology Physics / Samson, K.
1310. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology: Chemistry / Sylvin, Morris
1311. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology: Environmental Science / Hotter, P.
1312. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology: Mathematics / Chop, B.
1313. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology; 15 Volumes / Bhanu, T.K. Chandra & Bhatnagar, Vasudev
1314. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology; 3 Volumes / Kumar, Ajay
1315. Encyclopaedia of Science Heritage of India: From Original and Rare Sanskrit Resources by Famous European Indologists and Sanskrit Scholars; 35 Volumes (in 45 Parts)
1316. Encyclopaedia of Sciences and Religions; 2 Volumes / Sahu, Jai Prakash
1317. Encyclopaedia of Scientific and Technical Terms; 14 Volumes / Chhatwal, G.R.
1318. Encyclopaedia of Scientific Methods in Educational Technology / Nirman, Pooja
1319. Encyclopaedia of Scientific Terms; 6 Volumes / Nagrath, Arvind
1320. Encyclopaedia of Sects and Religious Doctrines; 3 Volumes / Schaff, P.
1321. Encyclopaedia of Security Management; 2 Volumes / Wales, Patrick
1322. Encyclopaedia of Sex Education; 3 Volumes / Bigelow, A. (Ed.)
1323. Encyclopaedia of Sikh Heritage; 5 Volumes / Singh, R.N. (Ed.)
1324. Encyclopaedia of Sikhism: Religion and Culture; 2 Volumes / Ralhan, O.P. (Ed.)
1325. The Encyclopaedia of Sikhism; 4 Volumes / Singh, Harbans (Ed.)
1326. Encyclopaedia of Sikkim; 2 Volumes / Dutt, Shyamal
1327. Encyclopaedia of Social Awakening; 3 Volumes / Bagulia, A.M.
1328. Encyclopaedia of Social Development and Social Stratification; 10 Volumes / Shamsi, Nayyar
1329. Encyclopaedia of Social Development: Law, Policy and Security; 10 Volumes / Sinha, Prabhas C.
1330. Encyclopaedia of Social History of India; 3 Volumes / Gajrani, Shiv
1331. Encyclopaedia of Social Organisation; 3 Volumes / Ahmed, Shezad
1332. Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change; 5 Volumes / Rajadhyaksha, Ranjit
1333. Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Welfare; 10 Volumes / Qureshi, M.U.
1334. Encyclopaedia of Social Problems; 3 Volumes / Jauhari, P.K.
1335. Encyclopaedia of Social Psychology; 4 Volumes / Sharan, A.K. (Ed.)
1336. Encyclopaedia of Social Reforms: Political Economy, Political Science, Sociology & Statics, Covering Anarchism, Charities, Civil Service, Currency, Land & Legistation Reform, Penology, Socialism, Social Purity, Trade Unions, Women Suffrage, ETC; 3 Volumes / Bliss, William D.P.
1337. Encyclopaedia of Social Science Commerce / Chopra, Rajeev
1338. Encyclopaedia of Social Science Economics / Korchaka, Olena Y.
1339. Encyclopaedia of Social Science History / Arora, Peeyush
1340. Encyclopaedia of Social Science Sociology / Anther, J.
1341. Encyclopaedia of Social Science: Management / Chopra, Rajeev
1342. Encyclopaedia of Social Science: Public Administration / Korchaka, Olena Y.
1343. Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences; 4 Volumes / Michie, Jonathan
1344. Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences; 4 Volumes / Nair, Jeevan (Ed.)
1345. Encyclopaedia of Social Welfare, Justice and Human Rights; 12 Volumes / Sinha, P.C. (Dr.) (Ed.)
1346. Encyclopaedia of Social Welfare: Modern Perspectives on Social Work; 3 Volumes / Sirohi, Anand
1347. Encyclopaedia of Social Welfare; 4 Volumes / Saxena, Anil
1348. Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Community Organisation; 4 Volumes / Yadav, C.P. (Ed.)
1349. Encyclopaedia of Social Work and Social Welfare; 13 Volumes / Iqbal, Azhar Seikh & Mujawar, W.R. (Ed.)
1350. Encyclopaedia of Social Work; 10 Volumes / Fernandez, Alex B. & Geethakumari, K.
1351. Encyclopaedia of Social Work; 10 Volumes / Patel, A.K. & Dubey, M.V.
1352. Encyclopaedia of Social Work; 4 Volumes / Devi, Ranjna K.
1353. Encyclopaedia of Social Work; 4 Volumes / Jha, Jainendra Kumar (Chief Ed.)
1354. Encyclopaedia of Sociology / Sen, Adeep
1355. Encyclopaedia of Sociology (English-Hindi) / Rawat, H.K.
1356. Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Education; 2 Volumes / Monroe, P.
1357. Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Politics; 3 Volumes / Motiwani, K. & et. al. (Eds.)
1358. Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Religion; 3 Volumes / Nayar, V.G. & et. al.
1359. Encyclopaedia of Sociology; 11 Volumes / Ralhan, S.S. & Lambat, S.R.
1360. Encyclopaedia of Soil Analysis; 3 Volumes / Jain, N.K.
1361. Encyclopaedia of Soil Science; 2 Volumes / Bhagat, D.V.
1362. Encyclopaedia of South Asia / Mahajan, Shweta
1363. Encyclopaedia of South Asia; 15 Volumes / Kumar, Satinder
1364. Encyclopaedia of South Asian Tribes; 10 Volumes / Kumar, Satinder (Ed.)
1365. Encyclopaedia of South East Asia; 5 Volumes / Kumar, Brajendra
1366. Encyclopaedia of South India; 4 Volumes / Rao, M. Sudhakar & Reddy, V. Raghvendra
1367. Encyclopaedia of South-East and South Asian Security; 5 Volumes / Kumar, Satinder
1368. Encyclopaedia of Special Education / Nirman, Pooja
1369. Encyclopaedia of Spectroscopy / Whitmore, G.
1370. Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games / Aggarwal, Yaksha
1371. The Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games; 2 Volumes / Thani, Yograj (Ed.)
1372. Encyclopaedia of Sports Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy / Thakur, K.C. & Nagpal, Prem
1373. Encyclopaedia of Sports Injuries / Kumar, Anil & Gupta, A.K.
1374. Encyclopaedia of Sports Sciences; 3 Volumes / Sharma, N.P. & et. al.
1375. Encyclopaedia of Sports Training; 5 Volumes / Shrivastava, Abhay Kumar & et. al. (Eds.)
1376. Encyclopaedia of Sports, Games and Pastimes
1377. The Encyclopaedia of Sports; 4 Volumes / Peek, Hedley & Aflalo, F.G. (Eds.)
1378. Encyclopaedia of Statistical Physics; 3 Volumes / Nibrauddin, M.
1379. Encyclopaedia of Statistics, Psychology and Education; 4 Volumes / Sinha, B.L.
1380. Encyclopaedia of Statistics; 6 Volumes / Uppreti, D. & Singh, Jasmer
1381. Encyclopaedia of Survey of Tribals; 11 Volumes / Nulkar, Vinay Kumar & Muthumani, M.K.
1382. Encyclopaedia of Synthetic Chemistry; 5 Volumes / Iqbal, Syed Aftab
1383. Encyclopaedia of Tantra; 2 Volumes / Das, Swami Ramashankar
1384. Encyclopaedia of Tantra; 5 Volumes / Santideva, S (Ed.)
1385. Encyclopaedia of Tantra; 5 Volumes / Santideva, Sadhu (Ed.)
1386. Encyclopaedia of Teacher Education; 2 Volumes / Bansal, Harish (Dr.)
1387. Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education; 4 Volumes / James, William (Ed.)
1388. Encyclopaedia of Teachers Training and Education; 5 Volumes / Vashisht, Savita (Dr.) (Ed.)
1389. Encyclopaedia of Teaching Accounting; 2 Volumes / Prasad, B.K.
1390. Encyclopaedia of Teaching Methodology; 2 Volumes / Sharma, R.N. (Dr.)
1391. Encyclopaedia of Teaching Methods; 2 Volumes / Monoroe, P.
1392. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Agriculture; 2 Volumes / Kumar, Arun
1393. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Civics / Political Science; 4 Volumes / Jha, Jainendra Kumar (Chief Ed.)
1394. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Commerce and Business Management; 2 Volumes / Prasad, B.K.
1395. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Computer Science; 3 Volumes / Kumar, Ajay
1396. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Economics; 3 Volumes / Jha, Jainendra Kumar (Chief Ed.)
1397. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Education; 2 Volumes / Yadav, Bibhuti (Ed.)
1398. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Environmental Science; 2 Volumes / Singh, A.K.
1399. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Geography; 4 Volumes / Kumar, A. (Chief Ed.)
1400. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of History; 2 Volumes / Singh, M.P. (Ed.)
1401. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Home Science; 3 Volumes / Jha, Jainendra Kumar (Chief Ed.)
1402. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Internet; 2 Volumes / Kumar, A. (Ed.)
1403. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Library Science: Library Preservation and Conservation; 5 Volumes / Chaudhary, S.K.
1404. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Library Science; 2 Volumes / Prasad, B.K. (Ed.)
1405. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Psychology; 2 Volumes / Kumar, Vijay
1406. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Public Administration; 2 Volumes / Kumar, Vijay (Ed.)
1407. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Science; 3 Volumes / Yadav, M.S.
1408. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Social Studies; 5 Volumes / Vasihist, S.R.
1409. Encyclopaedia of Teaching of Sociology; 3 Volumes / Jha, Jainendra Kumar (Chief Ed.)
1410. Encyclopaedia of Teaching Science; 6 Volumes / Sen, B.R.
1411. Encyclopaedia of Teaching Social Studies; 3 Volumes / Khan, M.A.
1412. Encyclopaedia of Teaching; 5 Volumes / Nawale, Deepti & Garg, Sheenam
1413. Encyclopaedia of Technical and Vocational Education; 3 Volumes / James, Thomas
1414. Encyclopaedia of Technical Education; 25 Volumes / Mittal, J.P.; Kaur, Inderjit & Sharma, Ramesh C. (Eds.)
1415. Encyclopaedia of Technical Education; 4 Volumes / Cassell
1416. Encyclopaedia of Techniques of Teaching; 2 Volumes / Narang, M. & Arora, V.
1417. Encyclopaedia of Terrorism in the World; 5 Volumes / Prakash, Ved (Col.) (FRGS)
1418. Encyclopaedia of Terrorism, Law and Human Rights / Bharti, Avinash
1419. Encyclopaedia of Textiles: Weaving and Knitting Technology; 4 Volumes / Naik, S.
1420. Encyclopaedia of Textiles; 5 Volumes / Vidyasagar, P.V. (Ed.)
1421. Encyclopaedia of the History of Science; 2 Volumes / Hessenbruch, Arne (Ed.)
1422. Encyclopaedia of the Holy Quran; 5 Volumes / Singh, N.K. & Agwan, A.R. (Eds.)
1423. Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography; 8 Volumes / Singh, Nagendra Kumar (Ed.)
1424. Encyclopaedia of the Saivism; 3 Volumes / Parmeshwaranand, Swami
1425. Encyclopaedia of The Social Science; 15 Volumes in 30 Parts / Seligman, Edwin R.A. (Ed.)
1426. Encyclopaedia of the South-East Asian Ethnography; 2 Volumes / Bisht, N.S. & Bankoti, T.S. (Eds.)
1427. Encyclopaedia of the Synthesis of Science, Philosophy and Religion; 5 Volumes / Blavatsky, H.P.
1428. Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Economics; 3 Volumes / Chaudhary, M.A. & Chaudhary, Gautam (Eds.)
1429. Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Sociology; 3 Volumes / Thakur, A.P. & Banerjee, Anjana (Eds.)
1430. An Encyclopaedia of the Twentieth Century: India, Asia and Africa & The West; 3 Volumes / Gupta, V.P. & Gupta, Mohini
1431. Encyclopaedia of the World Biography; 10 Volumes / Srivastava, Kamal S. & Srivastava, Sangeeta
1432. Encyclopaedia of the World Muslims: Tribes, Castes and Communities; 4 Volumes / Singh, N.K. & Khan, A.M. (Eds.)
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1435. Encyclopaedia of Thermodynamics; 2 Volumes / Veer, Udai
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1440. Encyclopaedia of Tissue Culture; 3 Volumes / Ahmad, M.S.
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1455. Encyclopaedia of Upanishads / Pandey, Ravi Narayan
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1457. Encyclopaedia of Value and Moral Education; 5 Volumes / Sharma, S.R. (Ed.)
1458. Encyclopaedia of Value Education; 2 Volumes / Yasoda, R.; Talawar, M.S. & Nirmalajyothi, M. (Drs.)
1459. Encyclopaedia of Vedanta / Sharma, P.R.P.
1460. Encyclopaedia of Vedanta Philosophy; 5 Volumes / Kapoor, Subodh (Ed.)
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1462. Encyclopaedia of Vedic Mathematics; 3 Volumes / Pathak, G.P.
1463. Encyclopaedia of Vedic Mathematics; 5 Volumes / Priya, Shyam
1464. Encyclopaedia of Vedic Philosophy / Sharma, P.R.P.
1465. Encyclopaedia of Vedic Philosophy: The Age, Literature, Religion, Pantheon, Philosophy, Traditions and Teachers of the Vedas; 9 Volumes / Kapoor, S. (Ed.)
1466. Encyclopaedia of Veterinary Science / Sharma, Anuj
1467. Encyclopaedia of Violence Against Women and Dowry Death in India; 3 Volumes / Roy, Kalpana (Ed.)
1468. Encyclopaedia of War, Peace and Global Security; 12 Volumes / Sinha, P.C. (Ed.)
1469. Encyclopaedia of Water Science / Singh, Gajraj
1470. Encyclopaedia of West Bengal; 7 Volumes / Ghulati, S.P. (Ed.)
1471. Encyclopaedia of Women and Child Development; 2 Volumes / Majumdar, Maya
1472. Encyclopaedia of Women and Development; 20 Volumes / Kumar, Raj (Ed.)
1473. Encyclopaedia of Women and Education; 4 Volumes / Sharma, Usha & Sharma, B.M.
1474. Encyclopaedia of Women and Social Change; 4 Volumes / Ram, S. (Ed.)
1475. Encyclopaedia of Women as Human Resource in 21st Century; 4 Volumes / Wal, S. & Banerji, Shruti (Eds.)
1476. Encyclopaedia of Women Biography: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh; 3 Volumes / Singh, Nagendra Kumar (Ed.)
1477. Encyclopaedia of Women Health and Empowerment; 12 Volumes / Kumar, R. & Kumar, Meenal
1478. Encyclopaedia of Women in 21st Century; 9 Volumes / Kumar, A.
1479. Encyclopaedia of Women in South Asia; 8 Volumes / Mitra, Sangh & Kumar, Bachhan
1480. Encyclopaedia of Women Problems and their Remedies; 3 Volumes / Yadav, C.P. (Ed.)
1481. Encyclopaedia of Women Studies; 5 Volumes / Channa, S.M. (Ed.)
1482. Encyclopaedia of Women, Society and Culture; 15 Volumes / Pruthi, Raj & et. al. (Eds.)
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1484. Encyclopaedia of Women's Studies / Singh, Mamta
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