CONTENTS:- Vol.1: Comparative Public Administration: 1. Comparative perspectives in public administration. 2. The rule of law. 3. Comparison in time. 4. Comparison in modernity. 5. Comparison over space. 6. Public law and public administration: the state of the union. 7. The port of New York authority as regional planner and target of opportunity. 8. Public budgeting in the United States: the state of the discipline. 9. The role of the President in antitrust enforcement in America. 10. Central/local power. 11. Agents of central authority. 12. Public order. 13. Public and private power. 14. Educational services. 15. Income protection services. 16. Decision making in administration. 17. Chief executives and bureaucratic leadership. 18. The challenges of administrative leadership. Vol.2: History and Theory of Public Administration: 1. History of public administration. 2. Politics and public administration. 3. Reforming public administration. 4. Public administration theory: the state of the discipline. 5. A theory of public administration and politics. 6. The study of the state. 7. Role of ethics in public administration. 8. Public sector organisation behaviour and theory. 9. Public management: recent developments and current prospects. 10. The philosophical basis. 11. Narrowing the gap. 12. Education and training: human resource development. 13. The adventure of theory. Vol.3: Bureaucracy and Public Administration: 1. Models of bureaucracy: an analysis. 2. Personnel for and personnel by public administrators: bridging the gap. 3. Perspectives on managing social programmes. 4. Strategic action and transformational change. 5. Limitations of strategic action in bureaus. 6. Management success. 7. Courts and public management. Vol.4: Problems of Research in Public Administration: 1. Research methodology in public administration: issues and patterns. 2. Searching for sources about public management. 3. Case-analysis research and managerial effectiveness: learning how to lead. 4. What does the "hollow state" look like? 5. Policy planning in public administration. 6. Public management in the future. 7. Important research questions. 8. Theory in public management. 9. Public management theory: what is it? What should it be? 10. A metaphor. 11. A critical view of the theory-practice linkage. 12. Blacks in public administration: an endangered species. 13. New information technologies within public organizations. 14. Motivation to innovate in public organizations. Vol.5: Local Self-Government and Municipal Administration: 1. Public participation in local government. 2. Government control and assistance to the municipal bodies. 3. Training in municipal administration in India. 4. Problems of urban government. 5. Municipal administration in Rajasthan. 6. Municipal administration in Punjab. 7. Municipal administration in Orissa. 8. Municipal administration in Mysore. 9 Municipal administration in Maharashtra. 10. Municipal administration in Andhra Pradesh. 11. Municipal administration in Assam. 12. Municipal government in Bihar. 13. Municipal administration in Gujarat. 14. Municipal administration in Haryana. 15. Municipal administration in Jammu and Kashmir. 16. Municipal administration in Kerala.
People frame constitutions, hold elections in order to give them a government that works and tries to fulfil the aspirations and hopes of the people. Public administration is the function, rather an institutionalized function to give practical shape to the provisions of the constitution. The government has many wings, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. It is the executive which is closely linked to public administration and mainly it is called by the name of bureaucracy. How, the services are constituted, how are the civil servants, recruited and trained and how they function afterward, are all areas of public administration. District administration is the most vital part of public administration. It is the district administrator who is very close to the general public and the way the district administrator functions goes to determine the tone of public administration. Local people at the village and city level are associated with the local self government. The district councils and the urban corporations are part of the public administration.