The aim of this encyclopaedia is to give definitions of terms that are of importance in physics, in the light of latest knowledge and research. The terms defined here include laws, relationships, equations, basic principles and concepts, as well as the most widely used instruments and apparatus. In short, the treatment comprises the terms both of pure science and of its applications. The fields covered include mechanics, hear and thermodynamics; Low temperature physics; The properties of gases, liquids and solids; acoustics; optics; electricity; electronics; nuclear physics; mathematical physics; and representative topics in relativity and a few other of the more advanced and specified field. Further to serve the needs of the teacher, student and worker in the field of physics, as well as in related fields, a considerable number of terms have been included from the subject areas bordering on physics, not only mathematics, but physical chemistry, applied electronics applied electricity, etc. The objective of editor and contributors have been the more modest one of providing a book useful as a general reference in physics, helpful even to the specialist in regions outside of his domain of specialized knowledge.