Encyclopaedia of Thinkers, Philosophers & Intellectuals
Bennice, Warren G.
List Price : US$ 61.89 Our Price : US$ 49.51
Book ID : 29082
ISBN-10 : 81-7888-194-2 / 8178881942
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23 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. Aenesidemus; 2. Alexander Polyhistor; 3. Anaxagoras; 4. Anaximander; 5. Anaximenes; 6. Thomas Aquinas; 7. Arcesilaus; 8. Aristotle; 9. Francis Bacon; 10. Jean Baudrillard; 11. Cesare Beccaria; 12. Beecher Family; 13. Jeremy Bentham; 14. Henri Bergson; 15. George Berekeley; 16. Henry St. John Bolingbroke; 17. Dietrich Bonhoeffer; 18, Robert Boyle; 19. Joseph Butler; 20. Edward Caird; 21. John Calvin; 22. Thomas Caryle; 23. Rudolf Carnap; 24. Marcus Tullius Cicero; 25. Auguste Comte; 26. Richard Cumberland; 27. Donald Davidson; 28. Democritus; 29. Demonax; 30. Descartes; 31. John Dewey; 32. Abner Doubleday; 33. Peter Drucker; 34. Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois; 35. Karl Marx & Frederick Engels; 36. Epicurus; 37. Erasmus; 38. Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov; 39. James Frederick Ferrier; 40. Johann Gottlieb Fichte; 41. Gottlob Frege; 42. Sigmund Freud; 43. Ernest Gellner; 44. Charles Albert Gobat; 45. Samuel Gompers; 46. Georges Ivanovitch Gurdijieff; 47. Friedrich Hayek; 48. Georg Hegel; 49. Thomas Hobbes; 50. William James; 51. Carl Gustav Jung; 52. Emmanuel Kant; 53. John Maynard Keynes; 54. Soren Kierkeggard; 55. Harold D. Lasswell; 56. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; 57. George Lukacs; 58. Friedrich Nietzsche; 59. Newel Perry; 60. Plato; 61. Pythagoras; 62. S. Radhakrishnan; 63. Jean Jacques Rousseau; 64. Bertrand Veblen; 70. Swami Vivekanand; 71. Voltaire; 72. Max Weber; 73. Arthur M. Young; 74. Ulrich Zwingli.
Delving into the complex yet fascinating mind of man, these profiles of the great minds of the ages present systems, philosophies and theories that make up the very reason and purpose of thought. From the fountainhead of philosophy in the classical discussion of plato to the complex investigations into the deepest recesses of the human mind by Freud, Jung, and Kant, the entire fascinating range of men's ceaseless quest for knowledge is presented in these engrossing portraits of the greatest intellectuals of human history. Also included are other great minds such as economists, sociologists, historians and ideologues who have contributed to the development of human consciousness and endeavour.