CONTENTS:- Vol.1: I. Biotic resources in world: 1. Resources of population. 2. Resources of animals. 3. Resources of vegetation. II. Natural resources in world: 4. Resources of metals. 5. Resources of soil. 6. Resources of water. 7. Resources from agriculture. 8. Agricultural methods. 9. Natural resources preservation. Vol.2: I. Basic resources in India: 1. Human resources. 2. Biotic resources. 3. Forest resources. 4. Metal resources. 5. Mineral resources. II. Secondary resources in India: 6. Energy resources. 7. Role of agriculture. III. General: 8. Environmental factors. 9. Major developmental projects.`
"The earth has enough for man's needs but not for his greed." Basically human resources form the central theme in the study of Resource Geography because it is the man who utilises various natural resources to meet his needs. The present encyclopaedic work encompasses all necessary information on Resourse Geography. Organised in many parts like-Biotic resourses in the world; Natural Resourses in the world;basic resources in India; secondary resourses in India; and miscellaneous resourses, etc. this work will prove a veritable mine of information to one and all concerned.