Sikkim, the 22nd state of the india union, is a small mountain state in eastern in eastern himalayas. Sikkim is a land of rich and varied scenic beauty, magnificent mountains, eternal snows, dark foresta, green fertile valleys, raging torrents and calm, placid lakes. Her magnificent varient of flore and fauna are the naturalist's dream; the steep variations in elevation and rainfall give rise to a glorious multitude of species within a comparatively limited area. sikkim lies in the estern himalayas. Being a region which had its geophysical uniqueness owing to its location and climates, human inhabitation was sparse. It was only in 1641 that it was given a political entity. The population inhabiting this area were of indo-mongoloid, Tibetan or nepalese origin. The population of the region is rural and tribal. The book is an asset for all scholars, researchers, teachers, students and of course, the general readers.