Encyclopaedia of the Theoretical Sociology; 3 Volumes
Thakur, A.P. & Banerjee, Anjana (Eds.)
List Price : US$ 493.99 Our Price : US$ 395.19
Book ID : 30849
ISBN-10 : 81-8220-460-7 / 8182204607
ISBN-13 : 978-81-8220-460-7 / 9788182204607
of Publication :
of Publication :
Edition : (2nd Edition)
Language : English
Index, 29 cm.
CONTENTS:- Vol.1: Affect Control Theory; Affirmative Action; Aggression; Alienation; Altruism; American Society and Social Institution; Anomie and Alienation; Apartheid; Applied Sociology; Brahmo Samaj, Social Reformation of British Sociology; Bureaucracy; Canadian Sociology; Capitalism; Case Studies; Caste and Class; Class and Race; Cohort Analysis; Collective Decisions, Theory of Community; Complex Organisations; Conflict Theory; Consumer and Consumption Behaviour; Convergence Theories; Conversation Analysis; Corporate Organisations; Courtship; Crimes and Criminology; The Decomposition of Sociology; Demography; Dependency Theory; Development; Economic Sociology; Ehnomethodology; Epistemology; Equity Theory; Ethics in Social Research; Ethnicity; Exchange Theory; Feminist Theory; Frankfurt School of Sociology; French Sociology; Functionalism; Gender; German Sociology. Vol.2: Illegitimacy; Impression Formation and Management; Indian Social Humanism; Indian Sociology; Individualism; Industrial Sociology; Inheritance Sociology; Inheritance; Italian Sociology; Japanese Sociology; Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Crime; Kabir's Social Theory; Kinship and Family; Law and Society; Leadership; Legitimacy; Love; Macrosociology; Marriage; Marxist Sociology; Mate Selection Theories; Mathematical Sociology; Medical Sociology; Metatheory; Military Sociology; Modernisation Theory; Meo-functionalism; Neo-Marxist Theories Nursing Homes; Organised Crime; Paradigms and Models; Parental Sociology; Personality and Social Structure; Police; Polish Sociology; Political Crime; Positivism; Pragmatism; Prejudice; Probability Theory; Prostitution; Public Opinion; Qualitative Sociology; Race; Rational Choice Theory; Remarriage; Revolutions; Role Theory Among Symbolic Integrationists; Rural Sociology; Sarvodaya; Scandinavian Sociology; Science and Scientific Explanation; Segregation Indices; Self-Concept; Sikh Social Ideas; Social Accounting; Social Change. Vol.3: Social Comparison Theory; Social Control; Social Dynamics; Social Forecasting; Social Forecasting; Social Gerontology; Social Imitation; Social Indicators; Social Inequality; Social Mobility; Social Movements; Social Network Theory; Social Network Theory; Social Organisation; Social Perception; Social Philosophy; Social Problems; Social Psychology; Social Resources Theory; Social Security Systems; Social Stratification; Social Structure; Social Work; Socialisation; Socialism; Societal Stratification; Socio-biology; Socio-linguistics; Sociological Organisations; Sociological Study in China; Sociology of Art; Sociology of Law; Sociology of Religion; Soviet Sociology; Sports; Standardisation; Structuralism; Suburbanisation; Symbolic Interactionism; System Theory; Technology and Society; Terrorism; Theosophical Movement of Social Awakening; Urban Underclass; Urbanization; Utopian Social Design; Violent Crime; White-Collar Crime; Widowhood.
The main objective of this three volumes encyclopaedia work is to present a historical development and critical analysis of 150 sociological theory is a mixture of conceptual efforts, some devoted to developing scientific principles and models, others to describing empirical events, still others dedicated to criticism of oppressive social arrangements, and many directed to meta-analysis of theories and theorists. The idea of bringing out this encyclopaedia of theorists. The idea of bringing out this encyclopaedia of theoretical sociology for the first time is undoubtedly a noble endeavour of the editors which is timely and worth considering. Undoubtedly, this book becomes indispensable source of references for teachers, scholars and readers of sociology.