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1201. Studies on Indian Medical History / Meulenbeld, G.J. & Wujastyk, Dominik
1202. Studies on Medicinal Plants and Drugs in Bhavaprakasa Nighantuh / Kamat, S.D. (Dr.)
1203. Studies on Medicinal Plants and Drugs in Dhanvantari Nighantu, 2 Volumes / Kamat, S.D. (Dr.)
1204. Studies on Medicinal Plants and Drugs in Saraswatinighantuh / Kamat, S.D.
1205. A Study of Buddhist Medicine and Surgery in Gandhara / Naqvi, Nasim H.
1206. Study of Some Important Concepts of Ayurveda (Part 1) / Varshney, Rashmi (Dr.)
1207. Success Lines (For Ayurvedic Competitive Examinations) / Rao, G. Prabhakara (Dr.)
1208. Surgery in Ayurveda (Shalya Shalakya) / Kulkarni, P.H. (Prof.) (Dr.) (Ed.)
1209. Surgical Anatomy in Ayurveda / Thatte, D.G. & Gokhle, Sanyukta (Profs.)
1210. Surgical Essence of Susruta Samhita / Thakral, K.K. (Prof.)
1211. Surgical Ethics in Ayurveda / Singhal, G.D. & Gaur, Damodar Sharma
1212. Surgical Instruments of Ancient Hindus / Mukhopadhayaya, G.
1213. Sushruta Chandrika (A Complete Guide on Sushruta Samhita for MD, (Ay.), UPSC, PSC, Medical Officers and other Ayurvedic Enterence Examinations) / Pareek, Govind (Dr.)
1214. Sushruta-Samhita: Ancient Indian Surgery; 3 Volumes (English Translation and Explanatory Notes) / Singhal, G.D. & Colleagues (Prof.)
1215. Susruta Samhita (Illustrated); 3 Volumes / Murthy, K.R. Srikantha (Tr.)
1216. Susruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta with English Translation of Text and Dalhana's Commentary with Critical Notes (3 Volumes) / Patil, Vasant C. & Rajeshwari N.M. (Eds.)
1217. Susruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta, Edited with 'Susrutavimarsini' Hindi commentary alongwith special deliberation etc. by Dr. Anant Ram Sharma (3 Volumes)
1218. Susruta Samhita of Maharsi Susruta: Edited with Ayurveda-Tattva-Sandipika; Hindi Commentary, Scientific Analysis, Notes etc. by Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri; 2 Volumes
1219. Susruta Samhita of Susruta: With the Nibandhasangraha Commentary of Sri Dalhanacarya and the Nyayacandrika Panjika of Sri Gayadasacharya on Nidanasthana; Edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya and the rest by Narayan Ram Acharya "Kavyatirtha"
1220. Susruta Samhita: Sri Dalhan Acharya ki Nibandha Samgraha Vyakhya tatha Srigayadas Acharya ki Nyaya Chandrika Vyakhya; Translated into Hindi by Dr. Kewal Krisna Thakral, 3 Volumes
1221. Susruta Samhita; 3 Volumes (Text with English Translation) / Bhishagratna, Kaviraj Kunjalal (Tr.)
1222. Susrutasamhita by Sri Harichandra Chakervati Kaviraj; 3 Volumes
1223. Susrutasamhita of Maharsi Susruta: Translation of text and Nibandhasangraha Commentary of Sridalhana / Murthy, P. Himasagara Chandra
1224. Susruta-Samhita Sutrasthana (Original text & Dalhana's Nibandhasangraha commentary with Hindi translation) / Prasad, V.V. (Ed.) (Prof.)
1225. Susruta-Samhita: Sarirasthanam: Section on the Study of Human Body (Sanskrit text with English translation and commentary etc.) / Thatte, Dinkar Govind (Prof.)
1226. Susruta-Samhita: Sutrasthanam (Sanskrit Text with Ayurvedarahasyadipika Hindi Commentary) / Ghanekar, Bhaskar Govind (Dr.)
1227. Susruta-Samhita; Text with English translation, Dalhana's commentary alongwith critical notes with 5 appendices and index; 3 Volumes / Sharma, Priya Vrat (Tr. & Ed.)
1228. Svasthavrittam: Text and English Version with Modern Views / Dora, Ghanshyam (Dr.)
1229. Svasthavrtta (According to BAMS Syllabus, New Delhi) / Rao, Mangalagowri V. (Dr.)
1230. Swarna Tantram (Ras Sastra ka Dhatuvad-aadharit Adbhut evam Saral Prayogo ka Sangrah Granth) / Shukla, Shyam Sunder & Jha, Chander Bhushan (Eds.)
1231. Swastha Vritta Vijnana (Including Yoga and Naturopathy: A Textbook) / Tiwari, Prabhat
1232. Swasthavrita Vijnana (Yog evam Nisgaropacar sahit) / Rai, Vijay Kumar (Dr.)
1233. Swasthavritta Sudha (As per latest CCIM syllabus) / Samgandi, Kashinath & Sharma, Jagriti
1234. Swasthvrat Vigyan / Aggarwal, Sarvesh Kumar (Dr.)
1235. Swasthya Vigyan aur Sarvajanik Arogya / Hygiene and Public Health (Social and Preventive Medicine [in Hindi] / Ghanekar, Bhaskar Govind
1236. Synopsis of Astanga Hrdaya (Sutra Sthana) / Giri, Rajneesh V. (Dr.)
1237. Synopsis of Susruta Samhita / Giri, Rajneesh V. (Dr.)
1238. Synopsis on Caraka Samhita / Giri, Rajneesh V. & Rajneesh, Smitha (Drs.)
1239. The System of Ayurveda / Sharma, Shiv
1240. System of Plant Nomenclature in Ayurveda / Pandey, Gyanendra (Dr.)
1241. Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda / Frawley, David
1242. A Text Book for Roga Nidana and Vikruthi Vijnana, 2 Volumes (According to CCIM New Syllabus) / Kumari, Nisha (Dr.)
1243. Text Book of Agada Tantra / Urmaliya, Nitin (Dr.)
1244. A Text Book of Agada Tantra (Illustrated) / Namburi, U.R. Sekhar (Dr.)
1245. A Text Book of Anatomy (Rachana Sharira), 2 Volumes / Moharana, P.K. (Dr.)
1246. A Text Book of Ayurvedic Human Anatomy (Shareera Rachana Vijnana) / Kanthi, Giridhar M. (Dr.)
1247. Text Book of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics including Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy: In Accordance with the Syllabus of Diploma in Pharmacy (Ayurveda) of Major Universities in India / Palbag, Satadru & Sharma, Shikha
1248. A Text Book of Ayurvedic Physiology / Sharir Kriya Vijana (Revised and Enlarged 2nd Edition) / Kotur, S.B. & Kotur, Shashikala
1249. A Text Book of Ayurvedic Practical Physiology (Prayogika Sharir Kriya Vijnana) (According to revised CCIM syllabus for both UG and PG scholars) / Kotur, S.B. & Kotur, Shashikala
1250. A Text Book of Bal Roga (Kaumarbhritya): Multifaceted Ayurvedic and Modern Paeditrics / Singh, B.M. (Dr.)
1251. A Text Book of Bhaisajya Kalpana Vijnanam / Reddy, P.S. (Dr.)
1252. A Text Book of Bhaisajya Kalpana Vijnanam (Based on the syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi) / Rao, G. Prabhakar (Dr.)
1253. A Text Book of Bhaisajyakalpana (According to the Syllabus of Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi) / Dole, V.A. (Dr.)
1254. A Text Book of Bhaisajya-Kalpana-Vijnana: Pharmaceutical Science / Angadi, Ravindra (Dr.)
1255. Text Book of Dravyaguna (According to CCIM Syllabus) / Nishteswar, K. (Dr.)
1256. A Text Book of Dravyaguna Vijnana / Kallianpur, Supriya & Gokarn, Rohit A.
1257. A Text Book of Dravyaguna Vijnana, 2 Volumes / Sastry, J.L.N. & Nesari, Tanuja M. (Drs.)
1258. A Text Book of Dravyaguna Vijnana, 3 Volumes (According to the Syllabus of Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi) / Hegde, Prakash L. & Harini, A. (Drs.)
1259. A Text Book of Dravyaguna: For M.D. (Ayurveda) Degree Course / Singh, Amritpal (Dr.)
1260. A Text Book of History of Ayurveda / Chary, Dingari Lakshmana (Dr.)
1261. A Text Book of History of Ayurveda / Ranade, Subhash & Joshi, Renuka (Prof.) (Dr.)
1262. A Text Book of Kaumarabhritya Vol. 1. (According to the new Syllabus of BAMS Course) / Sheshagiri, Srihari & Bhaskaran, Jyothy K.
1263. Text Book of Kaumarabhritya, 2 Volumes / Acharya, Shrinidhi Kumar (Dr.)
1264. A Text Book of Kayacikitsa (According to the Syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi); 3 Volumes / Byadgi, P.S. & Pandey, A.K. (Drs.)
1265. A Text Book of Kriya Sharira (Sharira-Kriya Vijnan), 2 Volumes (According to the New Syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi) / Ranade, Subhash; Deshpande, R.R. & Chobhe, Swati
1266. A Text Book of Marma Vigyana (Marma Sharira) / Naidu, B. Vijaya Sharadhi (Dr.)
1267. A Text Book of Neuro Anatomy (Tantra Sharira) / Naidu, B. Vijaya Sharadhi (Dr.)
1268. A Text Book of Padarth Vijnana evam Ayurvediya Itihasa (According to the Syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi) / Chary, Dingari Lakshmana (Dr.)
1269. A Text Book of Padartha Vijnana evam Ayurvediya Itihasa (Updated text as per new syllabus) / Rao, Ravi & Shubha M.
1270. A Text Book of Panchakarma / Lohith, B.A. (Dr.)
1271. Text Book of Panchakarma with Illustrated Picture / Kajaria, Divya (Dr.)
1272. Text Book of Panchakarma, 2nd Edition / Patil, Vasant C. (Dr.) (Prof.)
1273. A Text Book of Panchakarma: Principles and Practices / Kulkarni, Satyajit Pandurang & Tonde, Shivananda Sakharamji (Drs.)
1274. A Text Book of Physiology: Shareera Kriya Vijnan (2 Volumes) / Das, Chitta Ranjan (Dr.)
1275. A Text Book of Practical Dravyaguna Vignana / Mehatre, Dhulappa (Dr.)
1276. Text Book of Prasuti Tantra (Illustrated) (Text Book as per CCIM Syllabus) / Kumaramangalam, Bharati
1277. Text Book of Prasuti Tantra (Obstetrics) Including Scientific Approach of Ayurvedic Concepts / Sharma, Ramveer & Sharma, Anuja Priyadarshi (Drs.)
1278. A Text Book of Rasa Sastra / Reddy, P. Sekhar (Dr.)
1279. Text Book of Rasa Sastra [According to the New Syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi] / Reddy, K. Rama Chandra (Dr.)
1280. A Text Book of Rasa Shastra for MD Ayurveda Course / Singh, Amritpal & Garg, Naveen (Drs.)
1281. A Text Book of Rasasastra (Iatro-Chemistry and Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) / Angadi, Ravindra (Dr.)
1282. A Text Book of Rasashastra / Dole, Vilas & Paranjpe, Prakash
1283. A Text Book of Rasashastra: The Mystical Science of Alchemy / Umrethia, Bharti & Kalsariya, Bharat (Drs.)
1284. A Text Book of Rogavijnan and Vikritivijnan, 2 Volumes (According to the Syllabus of CCIM, Delhi) / Jain, Rekha N. & Jain, Nandkumar Y.
1285. Text Book of Salakya Tantra (Illustrated), Vol.1: Netra Roga (According to Revised Syllabus for B.A.M.S Course by C.C.I.M) / Udaya Shankar (Prof.) (Tr.)
1286. A Text Book of Shalakya Tantra, 2 Volumes / Biswal, Adikanda & Routray, Rasmita (Drs.)
1287. Text Book of Shalakya Tantra, Part I: Netra Vignyana (As per Revised C.C.I.M. syllabus) / Sreedhar, Suja K. (Prof.)
1288. A Text Book of Shalya Tantra (2 Volumes) / Kadegaon, Mohasin
1289. A Text Book of Svasthavrtta[Swasthavritta] (According to CCIM Syllabus, New Delhi) / Rao, Mangalagowri V. (Dr.)
1290. Text Book of Swasthavritta (According to New Syllabus CCIM, New Delhi) / Sukumar, Bargale Sushant & Shashirekha H.K. (Drs.)
1291. Text Book of Thyroid in Ayurveda / Prasuna, V.V.L. (Dr.)
1292. Text Book of Vyavahara Ayurveda evum Vidhi Vaidyak (Forensic Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence) (in English) / Prasad, P.V.N.R. & Lakshmi, K.J. Lavanya (Drs.)
1293. Text Book of Vyavaharayurveda and Vidhivaidyaka (According to the Syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi) / Namburi, U.R. Sekhar (Dr.)
1294. A Text Book on Agada Tantra (As per CCIM Syllabus, New Delhi) / Bharati, Ashwinkumar S. (Dr.)
1295. A Text Book on Roga Nidana evum Vikriti Vignana (Nidana Bodhini), Volume 1 / Krishnan, Nithin R. (Dr.)
1296. A Text Book on Salya Tantra; 2 Volumes / Giri, Rajneesh V. (Dr.)
1297. A Text Book on Shalakya Tantra, 2 Parts (As per CCIM Syllabus) / Moharana, Haramohan (Dr.)
1298. A Text Book on Vyavahara Ayurveda / Bharati, Ashwinkumar S.
1299. A Text Book on Vyavaharayurveda and Vidhivaidyaka (Forensic Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence) / Sen, Binay (Dr.)
1300. A Textbook of Ayurveda Philosophical Background; Volume 1, Section II / Lakshmipathi, A.
1301. A Textbook of Ayurveda: Historical Background / Lakshmipathi, A. (Ed.)
1302. A Textbook of Ayurveda: Principles of Pathology / Lakshmipathi, A. (Dr.)
1303. The Textbook of Balaroga / Kulamarva, Ravishankar (Dr.)
1304. A Textbook of Kayachikitsa (3 Volumes) / Ranade, Subhash & Ranade, Sunanda
1305. Textbook of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants / Saroya, Amritpal Singh
1306. Textbook of Padartha Vijnana and History of Ayurveda / Dadu, Vaibhav
1307. A Textbook of Swasthavritta / Ranade, Subhash; Deshpande, Rajendra & Bobade, Rajkumar B. (Drs.)
1308. A Textbook on Vyavaharayurveda Evm Vidhivaidyaka / Rao, P. Mallikarjuna & Kumar, D. Anil (Drs.)
1309. Thatte's Sharira Rachana Vigyan (Human Anatomy) [For Scholars of Ayurveda and Medical Sciences] / Thatte, D.G. (Prof.)
1310. Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants / Rabb, Umakant N. (Dr.)
1311. Thin Layer Chromatographic Atlas of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Drugs, Part I, Volume I
1312. Tibetan Ayurveda: Health Secrets from the Roof of the World / Sachs, Robert
1313. Todarananda Ayurveda Saukhayam; 9 Volumes / Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan & Kashyap, Lalitesh
1314. Traditional Indian Medicine with Specific Reference to Buddhist and Tribal Medicine / Jha, Amit
1315. Traditional Knowledge on the Medicinal Plants of Ayurved / Singh, Sandhya & et. al.
1316. Traditional Medicine and Globalization: The Future of Ancient Indian Medicine / Mukherjee, Pulok K. (Ed.)
1317. Traditional Medicine of South-East Asia and Indian Medical Science / Pandey, Gyanendra
1318. Traditional Medicine System in India / Sreelekha, K.G.
1319. The Treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants; 6 Volumes / Chatterjee, Asima & Pakrashi, Satyesh
1320. Treatment of Cancers by Medicinal Plants / Pandey, Govind
1321. Treatment of Complicated Diseases with Ayurveda Medicine / Devaraj, T.L. (Dr.)
1322. The Trees Called Sigru (Moringa SP.) Along with a study of the drugs used in errhines / Meulenbeld, Jan
1323. Tridosha Theory: A Study on the Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda / Sastri, V.V. Subrahmanya (Dr.)
1324. Triphala-Vigyan (Trifala-Bhaishaj-Samhita) / Pandey, Gyanendra (Prof.) (Dr.)
1325. Turning Plants into Medicines: Novel Approaches / Parimelazhagan, T.
1326. The Ultimate Medicine: As Prescribed by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj / Powell, Robert (Ed.)
1327. Uncommon Plant Drugs of Ayurveda / Pandey, Gyanendra
1328. Understanding Ayurveda / Gaur, Banwari Lal
1329. Unfolded Secrecies of Sushruta Samhita / Chaudhari, Mahesh Kumar N. (Dr.)
1330. Unified Dimensions of Ayurvedic Medicine / Tripathi, J.S. (Dr.)
1331. Urology in Ayurveda (Bastivijnana) / Athavale, V.B. (Dr.)
1332. Useful Indian Herbs: An Ethnobotanical Handbook / Prakash, Sudha
1333. Useful Plants / Dhawan, Satish (Dr.)
1334. Uttaranchal ki Parmukh Jadi Butiya aur Unki Jaivik Kheti: Devbhumi ki Divya Aushidhiya (in Hindi) / Joshi, Pramod
1335. Vagbhata and Candra-Nandana in Indo-Tibetan Medicine: Traditions, Concepts and Practice in Tibetan Medicine and Ayurveda / Dash, Vaidya Bhagawan
1336. Vagbhata Vivechan / Sharma, Acharya Priyavat
1337. Vagbhata's Astanga Hrdaya: Sutra-Sthana (Original Text with Authentic English Translation, Notes incorporating Opinion of other Sages, Important quotes of Commentators and Examination oriented Tables etc.) / Yadav, Deepak 'Premchand' (Dr.)
1338. Vagbhata's Astanga Samgraha: Text with English Translation, Notes, Index and Sloka Index (3 Volumes) / Rao, P. Srinivas (Dr.)
1339. Vagbhata's Astanga Samgraha: The Compendium of Eight Branches of Ayurveda; 3 Volumes
1340. Vaginal Anti-Itching Drugs in Ayurveda / Sastri, Vaidya Pammi Satyanarayana
1341. Vaginal Deodourants in Ayurveda / Sastri, Pammi Satyanarayana & Suryakumar, Pammi V.N.
1342. Vaidya Cintamani (Chintmani): Bhesajottama Grantha, A great treatise of best recipes by Shri Vallabhacarya (Vallabhendra); 2 Volumes (Text with Editing and English Translation) / Reddy, K. Rama Chandra (Prof. Dr.) (Ed. & Tr.)
1343. Vaidya Jivana of Lolimbaraja (Text with English translation, notes, historical introduction, comments index and appendixes) / Saxena, Nirmal (Dr.)
1344. Vaidya Jivanam of Lolimbaraja: With Dipika Commentary by Rudrabhatta and Hindi translation / Sharma, Priya Vrat (Ed.)
1345. Vaidya Jivanam of Sri Lolambaraja / Kumar, S. Pavan (Dr.)
1346. Vaidya Sahachar (in Hindi) / Devaraj, T.L. (Ed.)
1347. Vaidya Vallabha: Authoritative Scripture on Ayurveda Therapeutics / Shreevathsa & Arhanth Kumar A. (Drs.)
1348. Vaidyak Shabda Sindhu (Comprehensive Glossary of Ayurvedic Technical Terms with synonyms of Sanskrit, Latin, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali etc. and having references of standard Ayurvedic Act) / Gupta, Umesh Chandra (Comp.)
1349. Vaidyaka Camatkara Cintamani of Lolimbaraja (Text with English translation, notes, historical introduction, comments, index and appendixes) / Saxena, Nirmal (Dr.)
1350. Vaidyaka Paribhasa Pradipa (The Captivating Magic of Classical Ayurvedic Terminologies): A Dictionary of Ayurveda / Angadi, Ravindra (Dr.)
1351. Vaidyaka Paribhasa Pradipa of Sri Govindasena / Reddy, K. Ramachandra (Dr.) (Tr.)
1352. Vaidyakiyasubhasitasahityam or Sahityikasubhasitavaidyakam (Dr. Bhaskara G. Ghanekar) / Dora, Ghanashyam (Dr.) (Tr.)
1353. Vaidyakiyasubhasitasahityam or Sahityikasubhasitavaidyakam (I-XX Chapters, compiled by Dr. Bhaskara G. Ghanekar) (Translated into English) / Rao, Ramsunder (Tr.)
1354. Vaidyamanorama evam Dharakalpa (A Treatise on Magnificent Medicaments) of Kaviraja Sukhadeva Vaidya Vacaspati viracita Sukhabodhini Bhasa Tika / Shreevathsa & Arhanth Kumar A. (Eds.) (Drs.)
1355. Vaidyamanorama of Kalidas with 'Sudha' Hindi Tika sahit (in Hindi) / Sharma, H.L. & Sharma, D.S. (Trs.)
1356. Vaidyamrta (The Nectar of Ayurvedic Therapeutics) / Shreevathsa & Arhanth Kumar A. (Drs.)
1357. Vaidyasara Sangraha (Text with English Translation, Notes and Appendices etc) / Krishnamurthy, M.S. (Prof.)
1358. Vaishashik Darshan Ke Ayurved Ko Den / Upadhyaya, Sroj
1359. Vajikarana Tantra: Reproductive Medicine in Ayurveda / Sastry, J.L.N. & Nishteswar, K.
1360. Vanausadhi Darpana or The Ayurvedic Vegetable Materia Medica: With Questions and Copious Original Prescriptions from Standard Works in Sanskrit by Kaviraj Biraja Charan Gupta Kavibhushan alongwith Constituents, Therapeutics, Actions & Uses in English / Tripathi, Vaidya Indradev (Ed. & Hindi Tr.)
1361. Vangasena Samhita or Cikitsasara Samgraha of Vangasena, 2 Volumes (Sanskrit Text with English Translation, Notes, Historical Introduction, Comments, Index and Appendixes) / Saxena, Nirmal (Dr.)
1362. Vangasena Samhita: Sanskrit text with Hari Hindi translation by Pandit Hariharprasad Tripathi
1363. Vanosdhi evam Ayurvedic Chikitsa / Choudhary, Navhind
1364. Vanoshadhi Sangraha (Sachitra) 2 Volumes / Shastri, Jayaram Shukla
1365. Vanoushadhi Talika, Vol. 1 / Johari, Rohit (Dr.)
1366. Vedic Bheshajya / Bhatti, Devdutt (Prof.)
1367. Vedic Health Care System: Clinical Practice of Sushrutokta Marm Chikitsa and Siravedhan (Highlighting Acupuncture) / Sah, Ram Lal; Joshi, Binod Kumar & Joshi, Geeta
1368. Vedic Heritage for Global Harmony and Peace in Modern Context / Dwivedi, Surendra N. & Singh, Bal Ram (Eds.)
1369. Vedic Medicine / Singh, Rita (Dr.)
1370. Vedon mein Aushadhiya Sutra (Medicinal Plants in Ayurveda) [in Hindi] / Dubey, Satya Deo
1371. Vedon mein Ayurveda / Ayurveda in the Vedas (in Hindi) / Shastri, Pt. Vaidya Ramgopal
1372. Vedon mein Kala evam Vigyan (Part 1) / Sharma, Satyakama & Sharma, Yogesh (Eds.)
1373. Vish Chikitsa: Vedic, Ayurvedic aur Paramparagath Chikitsa (Holistic Management of Poisonous Bites) / Verma, Monika & Purvia R.P. & Sharma, L.N. (Drs.)
1374. Vishikha Anupravesh Vijnanam: Chikitsa Karma Pravesh Karmo Abhyasa: Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy tatha Allopathic ke Chhatropyogy; Translated into Hindi by Pt. Shivkaran Sharma / Misra, Gulraj Sharma & Upadhyaya, Govind Prasad
1375. Viswanatha Chikitsa / Kumar, C.S. Mahesh (Dr.)
1376. The Vital Force in Health and Disease (Vital Force in Ayurveda, Chinese, Pneuma, Yunani, Tantra Yoga and Tibetan Medicine) / Rao, S.K. Ramachandra (Prof.)
1377. Viva in Rachana Shareera / Moharana, P.K. (Dr.)
1378. Vraddhatrayi Vastunistha Prasnamala: Caraka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Hradaya tatha Astanga Samgraha par aadharit 2000 Prasno ka Samgraha / Choudhary, Satya Pal (Dr.)
1379. Vrana / Singh, Sudha (Dr.)
1380. Vrana and its Healing / Mehra, Raakhee (Dr.)
1381. Vridhatrayi: History of Ancient Indian Medical Science (in Sanskrit) / Haldar, Gurupada Sarma
1382. Vrikshayurvedic Farming: The Traditional Indian Agricuture / Swaminathan, C. & Nandhakumar, M.R.
1383. Vrindamadhava athva Siddhayoga (in Hindi) / Tewari, Premvati (Ed. & Tr.)
1384. Vrindamadhava or Siddha Yoga: The First Treatise of Ayurveda on Treatment; 2 Volumes / Tewari, Premvati & Asha Kumari (Eds. & Trs.)
1385. Vrksayurveda of Parasara: A Treatise on Plant Science (Sanskrit text, English translation and notes with comparative references to modern botany) / Sircar, N.N. & Sarkar, Roma (Eds. & Trs.)
1386. Vyadhi Nigraha (Monograph of Management of Malady) by Sri Visrama Yati / Shreevathsa & Arhanth Kumar A. (Drs.)
1387. Vyadhikshamatwa: The Cryptography of Bio-Medical Research to Live with Virus / Mohanty, Bishnupriya; Das, Sangram Keshari & Byadgi, Parameswarappa S.
1388. Vyavharayurveda evam Vidhivaidhyaka (Sachitra) / Sharma, Ajay Kumar
1389. Vyavharayurveda: Vidhi Ayurveda (in Hindi) / Gupt, Harishchandra & Verma, Virendra Kumar (Drs.)
1390. The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs: The Most Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Health With Traditional Ayurvedic Herbalism / Khalsa, Karta Purkh Singh & Tierra, Michael
1391. The Wealth of Indian Alchemy and its Medicinal Uses: Being and English Translation of Rasajalanidhi; 2 Volumes / Mukherji, B.
1392. Why Ayurveda? Open your Eyes to Ayurveda / Mehta, Anil K. & Rao, Alakananda (Drs.)
1393. Wisdom on Basti Chikitsa / Lohith B.A. & Rajan, Amritha (Drs.)
1394. Women Health Care through Ayurveda / Dwivedi, Manjari (Dr.)
1395. Women's Health-Diseases and Baby Care in Ayurveda / Ranade, Sunanda (Dr.)
1396. World Healing Plants for Tomorrow (A Colour Handbook) / Khare, C.P.
1397. Wound Healing Drug Therapy: Vranaropana Ausadha Vijnanam / Pandeya, Gyanendra (Dr.)
1398. X-Ray, Sonography, CT Scan evam MRI Diagnosis (Sachitra) / Choube, Priya Kumar
1399. Yoga and Ayurveda / Mehta, M.N.
1400. Yoga and Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization / Frawley, David
1401. Yoga and Ayurveda: Their Alliedness and Scope as Positive Health Sciences / Mishra, Satyendra Prasad & Pathak, Ashutosh Kumar (Dr.)
1402. Yoga aur Ayurveda (in Hindi) / Bhanot, Pinki & Kahre, Ravikant
1403. Yoga Chintamani (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation)
1404. Yoga for Your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice / Frawley, David & Kozak, Sandra Summerfield
1405. The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine / Frawley, David & Lad, Vasant
1406. Yoga Ratnakara with VIDYOTINI Hindi Commentary by Vaidya Laksmipati Sastri (2 Volumes) / Bhisagratna, Brahmasankar Sastri & Purvardh (Eds.)
1407. Yoga Ratnakara: The A to Z Classic on Ayurvedic Formulations Practices and Procedures; 2 Volumes (Sanskrit texts with English translation and explanatory notes) / Babu, Madham Shetty Suresh (Ed. & Tr.)
1408. Yogacandrika: A Book on Treatment by Sri Laksamana Pandita (Text with Hindi and English translation) / Kumari, Asha & Tiwari, P.V. (Eds. & Trs.)
1409. Yogaratnakara: A Complete Treatiese on Ayurveda; 2 Volumes (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Tewari, P.V. & Asha Kumari (Eds. & Trs.)
1410. Yogaratnakara: A Complete Treatise on Ayurveda (Sanskrit text with Priyasiddhida Hindi commentary) / Pandey, Rameshwar (Dr.) [Ed. & Tr.]
1411. Yogaratnasamuccaya of Sundararaja (Critical Edition with Study) / Manju P.M. (Dr.)
1412. Yogatarangini of Trimalla Bhatta: Text with English Translation, Notes, Historical Introduction, Comments, Index and Appendices / Saxena, Nirmal (Dr.)
1413. Yogic Nadis: The Subtle Flow of Vibration / Sharma, Sachin (Dr.)
1414. Yogik Aahar-Vihar evam Chikitsa Paddhati / Raman, Indra Narayan
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