Volume 1 : Nidanadhikarah to Slipadarogadhikarah:
1. Mangalacaranam
2. Nidanapancakam (The five ways of diagnosis)
3. Nidanadhikara
4. Jvara chikitsa (treatment of fevers)
5. Atisaradhikarah (diarrhoeas)
6. Grahani disorder
7. Piles (haemorrhoids)
8. Indigestion
9. Visucika (gestroenteritis)
10. Bhasmaka (excessively intense digestive fire)
11. Intestinal worms (helminthes)
12. Pandu roga (anaemia)
13. Raktapitta (innate haemorrhage)
14. Rajayaksma (pulmonary tuberculosis-consumption)
15. Chest - wound and wasting
16. Cough
17. Hiccough
18. Dyspnoea
19. Hoarseness of voice
20. Anorexia
21. Vomiting
22. Thirst (polydipsia)
23. Fainting
24. Alcoholism
25. Burning sensation of the body
26. Insanity
27. Epilepsy
28. Vatavyadhi (specific vatika disorders)
29. Vatarakta (gout)
30. Urustambha (stiffness of the leg)
31. Amavata (rheumatism)
32. Sula (colic)
33. Parinama sula (colic during or after digestion)
34. Udavarta (upward movement of vayu)
35. Anaha (hardness of bowels)
36. Gulma (abdominal tumors)
37. Hrdroga (heart disease)
38. Urograha, Mutrakrcchra (dysuria)
39. Mutraghata (retention and suppression of urine)
40. Asmari (vesical calculus)
41. Prameha (polyurea)
42. Obesity
42. Udara (abdominal enlargement)
43. Sotha (oedema)
44. Amtra-vrddhi (swellings of the scrotum)
45. Bradhna (scrotal swelling at the junction of lower abdomen (below urinary bladder and scrotum)
46. Galaganda (goitre)
47. Gandamala (cervical adenitis)
48. Granthi (cyst)
49. Arbuda (tumour)
50. Slipada (filaria)
Volume 2 : Vidradhirogadhikara to Dipana-pacana-dravyalaksanadhikara:
53. Vidradhi (abscess)
54. Vrana sotha (inflammation)
55. Agantuka vrana (traumatic ulcers) (accidental wounds)
56. Bhagna (fracture of bones)
57. Nadi vrana (sinus)
58. Bhagandara (fistula - in - ano)
59. Upadamsa (soft chancre)
60. Kustha (leprosy and skin diseases)
61. Udarda, sitapitta and kotha (urticaria, skin rashes and erythema, allergy etc.)
62. Amlapitta (acid gastritis)
63. Visarpa (erysipelas)
64. Visphota (eruptions) (small pox)
65. Snayuka (guinea worm) (thread worm)
66. Masurika (chiken pox)
67. Ksudra roga (minor diseases)
68. Mukha roga (diseases of mouth)
69. Karna-roga (diseases of ear)
70. Nasa-roga (diseases of nose)
71. Disease of eye
72. Diseases of siro-roga (head disease)
73. Stri roga (diseases of women)
74. Bala roga (diseases of children)
75. Visarogadhikara (diseases due to poison)
76. Jaladosadiyogadhikara (disorders due to water etc.)
77. Rasayanadhikara (promotive therapy)
78. Vajikarana (aphrodisiacs)
79. Snehapana (unction)
80. Svedadhikara (sudation)
81. Vamanadhikara (emesis)
82. Virecanadhikara (purgation)
83. Bastikarmadhikara (enema)
84. Dhumapana (smoking)
85. Kavaladhikara (gargles)
86. Nasyadhikara (nasal evacuation or snuffing)
87. Svasthavrattadhikara (ways for keeping good health)
88. Dravyagunadhikara (properties of drugs)
89. Ganapathadhikara (description of drug groups)
90. Samsodhana samsamana rasadravyadinam vargadhikara (groups of drugs which are used for purification of body, cure of body disorders and liquid materials.)
91. Rtucaryadhikara (seasonal routine - regimen)
92. Dhanyavargadhikara (groups cereals)
93. Mamsavargadhikara (properties of meat)
94. Sakaphalavargadhikara (chapter on vegetables and fruits)
95. Vyanjana - mamsa-vyanjanadhikara [ordinary food items (vegetarian food) and non-vegetarian items of meat]
96. Matsya Vyanjana-gunadhikara (properties of food items prepared from fish)
97. Drava - dravyadhikara (liquid items)
98. Aristadhikara (signs and symptoms indicative of death of the patient)
99. Dipana pacana dravyalaksanadhikara (Definition of dipana and pacana etc.)
100. Vangasenotpatti
Appendix I : Plant names with botanical identification
Appendix II : Units of weight with metric equivalents
Appendix III : Diseases mentioned in Vangasen's Cikitsasarasamgraha with their nearest modern equivalents