1. Definition of Vyavahara Ayurveda (Forensic Medicine) and Vidhivaidyaka (Medical Jurisprudence)
Concise History of Vyavahara Ayurveda (Forensic Medicine) and Vidhivaidyaka (Medical Jurisprudence)
Introduction to
- Indian Penal code
- Indian Evidence Act
- Criminal Procedure Code
2. Legal Procedures
- Inquest
- Evidence
- Witness
- Courts and their powers
3. Personal Identity and Its Medico Legal Aspects
- Forensic Odontology
Introduction to
- DNA Profiling
4. Death and Its Medico Legal Aspects
- Medico Legal Autopsy
- Exhumation
5. Injuries and Thermal injuries, their Medico Legal Aspects
- General Introduction of weapons
6. Dowry deaths (Domestic violence), their Medico Legal Importance and
- Laws in relation to Dowry deaths
7. Asphyxial Death and Its Medico Legal Importance
8. Medico Legal Importance of
- Pregancy
- Delivery
- Impotence & Sterility
- Abortion
- Infanticide
- Battered Baby
- Virginity
- Artificial Insemination
- Legitimacy
9. Sexual Offences and their Medico Legal Aspects
Sexual perversions
10. Introduction to Forensic Psychiatry
11. Introduction to Forensic Laboratory
12. Ethics as in Classical Texts
- Types of Vaidya
- Pranabhisara and Rogabhisara Vaidya
- Qualities of Vaidya
- Responsibilities of Vaidya
- Chaturvidha Vaidyavrutti
- Duties of Vaidya to his patient
- Vaidya Sadvrittam
- Apujya Vaidya
- Code of conduct
13. Laws in relations to Medical Practitioners
Indian Medicine Central council Act
14. Maintenance of Medical Records
15. Physicians responsibility in Criminal matters
- Professional Negligence
- Civil Negligence
- Criminal Negligence
- Medico Legal aspects of Acquired Immune DeficiencySyndrome
- Rights of an Unborn Child
- Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
- Transplanation of Human Organs Bill 1994
- Pre-Natal Diagnostic Testing Act
- Malingering of Feigned Diseases
- International code of Medical Ethics for Doctors
- Clinical Establishment Act
- consumer Protection Act 1986