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Check List > Science and Technology > Veterinary Science
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Records Found.
1. Advances in Cattle Research / Singh, Umesh; Kumar, Sushil; Kumar, Arun; Deb, Rajib & Sharma, Arjava
2. Advances in Indigenous Dairy Products / Pandey, Rajendra Kumar (Ed.)
3. Analysis of Cattle Genome: A Tool Manual / Deb, Rajib; Singh, Umesh; Kumar, Sushil & Sharma, Arjava
4. Analytical Techniques in Animal Nutrition Research / Prabhu, T.M. & Singh, K. Chandrapal
5. Animal Feeding and Production in India / Singh, Vir; Kumar, Ashoka & Jaiswal, R.S.
6. Animal Health and Production / Sahoo, A. & Sinha, R.K.
7. Animal Physiology / Tomar, Virender
8. Animal Sciences: The Biology Care and Production of Domestic Animals (4th Edition) / Campbell, John R.; Kenealy, M. Douglas & Campbell, Karen L.
9. Applied Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics / Kumar, Pradeep
10. Applied Veterinary Science / Singh, Arun Kumar
11. Atlas Animal Genetic Resources of India / Ahlawat, S.P.S.; Gupta, S.C. & Kumar, Dinesh
12. A-Z Animal Physiology / Tripathi, Manoranjan
13. A-Z Veterinary Science / Prarera, James
14. Clinical Veterinary Medicine / Sharma, Neelesh & Upadhyay, S.R.
15. Dairy Production and Business Management / Acharya, R.M. & Kumar, Puneet (Drs.)
16. Dairy Science and Technology / Kapoor, Ajay
17. Dictionary of Dairy Science / Arora, Dinesh [Ed.]
18. Diseases and Parasites of Cattle / Hambidge, Gove (Ed.)
19. Diseases and Parasites of Dogs and Cats / Hambidge, Gove (Ed.)
20. Diseases and Parasites of Horses and Mules / Hambidge, Gove (Ed.)
21. Diseases and Parasites of Poultry / Hambidge, Gove (Ed.)
22. Diseases and Parasites of Sheep and Goats / Hambidge, Gove (Ed.)
23. Diseases and Parasites of Swine / Hambidge, Gove (Ed.)
24. Diseases of Cattle / Atkinson & et. al.
25. Domestic Animal Diversity / Sarkar, Amita
26. Emerging Opportunities in Alternative Poultry Farming Systems / Thyagarajan, D.; Ashok, A.; Rajmanohar, G. & Murugan, M.
27. Encyclopaedia of Veterinary Science / Sharma, Anuj
28. Essentials of Veterinary Practice / Jana, Debasis & Ghosh, Nilotpal
29. Feeding Dairy Cows in the Tropics/FAO / Speedy, Andrew
30. Field Cum Laboratory Procedures in Animal Health Care / Pampori, Zahoor A.
31. Fundamentals of Disease and Insect Control / Hanbidge, Gove (Ed.)
32. Glimpses of Indian Veterinary Science / Verma, Rishendra
33. A Handbook of Pet Care and Management / Ranjan, Amita
34. Handbook of Pet Care and Management / Selvam, R.K. Veera
35. Handbook of Pig Husbandry / Das, Anubrata; Tamuli, M.K.; Mohan, N.H. & Thomas, R. (Eds.)
36. Handbook of Poultry Practices / Nandan, Ramesh
37. Handbook of Quality Control of Dairy and Meat Products / Garg, Sudhi Rajan & Jadhav, Vijay V.
38. Immunology: At a Glance / Nanda, S.
39. Information Technology in Veterinary Science / Patil, Vivek M.
40. Internal Diseases of Domestic Animals / Malkums, Bernard
41. International Encyclopaedia of Applied Science and Technology; 15 Volumes / Singh, Arun Kumar
42. Issues in Ethics and Animal Rights / Vyas, Manish A.
43. Livestock and Livelihoods: The Indian Context / Ghotge, Nitya S.
44. Livestock Farming / Hegde, Parameshwar
45. Medical and Veterinary Arthropod-Disease Ecology / Sharma, B.D.
46. Modern Analytical Techniques Used in Animal Nutrition Research / Singh, Putan; Verma, A.K. & Mehra, Usha R.
47. New Horizones of Animal Husbandry and Allied Sciences; 3 Volumes / Pushpesh, J.
48. Organic Animal Husbandry Standards: Proceedings of the National Workshop / Chander, Mahesh (Dr.) (Ed.)
49. Origin and Evolution of Vertebrates / Arora, Richa
50. The Origin of Species / Darwin, Charles
51. Practical Handbook on Meat Science and Technology / Sahoo, Jhari; Sharma, Davinder Kumar & Chatli, Manish Kumar
52. Production Processing and Marketing of Milk and Milk Products / Pandey, Rajendra Kumar
53. Quality Control of Veterinary Vaccines in Developing Countries / Mowat, Noel (Ed.)
54. Question Bank of Veterinary Parasitology / Mandal, S.C.
55. Red Jungle Fowl / Sharma, Deepak (Ed.)
56. Reproductive Disorders of Livestock: Prevention and Management / Honnappagol, Suresh S.; Tandle, M.K. & Sonwane, S.D. & Bijurkar, R.G.
57. Review of Medicinal Plants used in Veterinary Practices / Padhi, M.M. (Chief Ed.)
58. Veterinary Education / FAO
59. Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics / Hoare, E. Wallis & Greig J. Russell
60. Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry / Pushpesh, J.
61. Wright's Encyclopaedia of Poultry Science / Lewer, S.H.
165-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi - 110007 (INDIA)