Equally useful as a handy reference source for students of veterinary courses, practicing veterinaries, as well as the cattle owners-this book compiles the necessary available information related to various diseases of the animals and their treatment. In over 15 chapters, written and revised by a team of competent and experienced veterinary physicians and surgeons, the book discusses the symptoms, causes and treatment of the diseases of different organs and parts of the body of the cattle: skin, foot, eye, ear, bones and heart: and the digestive, nervous, respiratory urinary and genital organs and systems. Each of the chapters begins with an introduction to the structure and functions of the particular organ and the methods of diagnosis of its ailments. Also, there are special chapters on poisoning of cattle infections diseases, tumors, surgical operations, and parasites of cattle. A set of over 50 illustrations, textual figures, and a comprehensive subject index have been provided to enhance the utility of the book.