Organic Animal Husbandry Standards: Proceedings of the National Workshop
Chander, Mahesh (Dr.) (Ed.)
List Price : US$ 32.33 Our Price : US$ 25.86
Book ID : 17459
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Organic farming is fast emerging as an alternative for the sustainable agricultural development globally. Organic farming systems are knowledge intensive contrary to the input intensive conventional production systems which are now being increasingly considered detrimental to the environment, soil, human and animal health. Organic food sales have registered impressive growth in recent times. This obviously has generated a demand for information on organic farming in general and livestock production in particular especially in developing countries which find a great opportunity in this sector primarily for exports. However, such information is not readily available in developing countries. Realizing this vacuum, a National Workshop on Organic Animal Husbandry (OAH) Standards was organized at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) during November 26-27, 2002 with twin objectives (i) To sensitize various stakeholders on OAH standards, and (ii) To review the standards for OAH especially those developed by the APEDA, Min. of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. 182 participants attended the Workshop from ICAR institutes, SAUs, State Departments of Animal Husbandry, NABARD, Herbal Pharma companies and other agencies. On this occasion, an edited volume of proceedings was brought out which contains 13 papers mostly focusing on the issues concerning organic livestock production especially in developing country perspective, besides recommendations and suggestions, which emerged from the workshop. This 150 page volume would prove to be a good source of information for all those who are involved with livestock health, production and management in developing countries in general and India in particular. The need for information on Organic production is likely to get further fillip as the International agencies like FAO/CGIAR as also Planning Commission in India are focusing attention on sustainable production systems including Organic Farming. In X Five Year Plan, organic farming has been kept as one of the top priority areas by the Planning Commission in India. As such, this publication is timely and would be very handy to all those who look for information in this area.