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Check List > Meditation and Yoga
Displaying 301 - 451
Records Found.
301. Step-by-Step Yoga for Stress Relief / Shivapremananda, Swami
302. Stillness Speaks / Tolle, Eckhart
303. Stress in Women: Manage with Ayurveda and Yoga / Mehra, Raakhi
304. Stretch Your Limbs for Balance: Yoga for Long and Healthy Living / Miller, Elise Browning & Blackmen, Carol
305. Super Science of Yoga / Kumar, Kamakhya
306. Superconscious Meditation / Bharati, Swami Veda
307. Superconsciousness: How to Benefits from Emerging Spiritual Trends / Walters, J. Donald
308. The Supreme Yoga: A New Translation of Yoga Vasistha; 2 Volumes / Venkatesananda, Swami
309. Synthesis of Yoga: History of Science, Philosophy, and Culture in Indian Civilization; Volume XVI, Part 4 / Joshi, Kireet (Ed.)
310. Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda / Frawley, David
311. Tantric Yoga: The Royal Path to Raising Kundalini Power / Gavin & Frost, Yvonne (Trs.)
312. Tao Te Ching: A New Translation and Commentary by Ralph Alan Dale / Tzu, Lao
313. Tapping Your Inner Strength: How to Find the Resilence to Deal with Anything / Grotberg, Edith Henderson
314. A Text Book on Yoga and Health / Bhowmik, Sanjib Kumar
315. Textbook of Yoga / Yogeswar
316. Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness / Motaoyama, Hiroshi
317. Theory and Practice of Meditation / Ballentine, Rudolph M.
318. Therapeutic Tantra: The Power of Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Healing / Santideva, Sadhu
319. Theravada Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga / King, Winston L.
320. The Tibetan Art of Healing / Baker, Ian A.
321. The Tibetan Book of Meditation / McNally, Lama Christie
322. The Tibetan Book of Yoga / Roach, Geshe Michael
323. Tibetan Healing: The Modern Legacy of Medicine Buddha / Fenton, Peter
324. Tibetan Meditation: Practical Teaching and Step-by-Step Exercises on How to Live in Harmony, Peace and Happiness / Tulku, Tarthang
325. Tibetan Power Yoga: The Essence of All Yogas (A Tibetan Exercise for Physical Vitality and Mental Power) / Mattausch, Jutta
326. Tibetan Wisdom for Modern Life / Arpaia, Joseph & Ragpay, Lobsang
327. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines / Evans-Wentz, W.Y.
328. Tibetan Yoga for Health and Well-Being: The Science and Practice of Healing Your Body, Energy and Mind / Chaoul, Alejandro
329. The Tibetan Yoga Its Secret Doctrines (Attaining Right Knowledge) / Wentz, W.Y. Evans
330. The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep / Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal
331. To Be and Not to Be, that is the Answer: Umpire Exeriments for Tapping Our Infinite Resources / Harding, D.E.
332. Traditional Healing in Ladakh: Shamanic Trance and Amnesia, with the Shamans of the Changpa in Ladakhi Changthang / Rosing, Ina
333. Transforming Self through Yoga: Getting more than Exercise from an Ancient Spiritual Practice / Pilarzyk, Tom
334. Unconditional Bliss: Finding Happiness in the Face of Hardship / Cushnir, Howard Raphael
335. Understanding Mysteries of the Mind / Vanvari, Nandlal
336. The Upasana Cintamani; (Vol2 Pt.1: Kavaca-Rahasyam) / Joshi, Rasik Vihari (Ed. & Tr.)
337. Vibrant Celestial Meditation / Sahib, Sri Bhai & Singh, Bhai Kirpal
338. Vijnana Bhairava: The Practice of Centring Awareness, commentary of Swami Lakshman Joo (Sanskrit text with English translation)
339. Vijnanabhairava or Divine Consciousness: A Treasury of 112 Types of Yoga / Singh, Jaideva
340. Vipassana: A Universal Buddhist Meditational Technique / Ahir, D.C. (Ed.)
341. Vital Energy: Energy for Normal Body Function / Sahi, B.B.
342. Vyayam Yoga: The Art of Dynamic Breathing / Plazas, Javier
343. What is Karma? / Brunton, Paul
344. The Wisdom of Sri Chinmoy / Chinmoy, Sri
345. The Wisdom of Vasistha: A Study on Laghu Yoga Vasistha from a seeker's point of View / Raghunandan
346. Wonders that is Reiki: First Steps in Healing through Reiki / Vennells, David F.
347. World Great Yoga and Meditation Gurus / Kataria, Sundeep
348. Yog Darshan mein Chittvritti (Chittavritti in Yoga Darshan - in Hindi) / Dubey, Jitendra (Dr.)
349. Yog Dwara Rogo Ka Upchaar / Sareen, N.
350. Yog Sadhana Pranayam (VCD in English) / Swami Ramdev
351. Yog Sadhana Pranayam (VCD in Hindi) / Swami Ramdev
352. Yog Sadhna Evam Yog Chikitsa Rahasaya (in Hindi) / Swami Ramdev
353. Yoga A Way of Life: A Comprehensive Multimedia CD-Rom based on Ashtanga, Yoga
354. Yoga and Ayurveda / Mehta, M.N.
355. Yoga and Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization / Frawley, David
356. Yoga and Ayurveda: Their Alliedness and Scope as Positive Health Sciences / Mishra, Satyendra Prasad & Pathak, Ashutosh Kumar (Dr.)
357. Yoga and Meditational Psychotherapy / Singh, N.K.
358. Yoga and the Luminous: Patanjali's Spiritual Path to Freedom / Chapple, Christopher Key
359. Yoga and the Sacred Fire: Self Realization and Planetary Transformation / Frawley, David
360. Yoga and the Supreme Bliss: Songs of Enlightenment / Tirtha, Swamy Rama & Alston, A.J.
361. Yoga and Your Heart / Datey, K.K.; Gharote, M.L. & Pavri, Soli
362. Yoga and Zen: A Monograph / Raghupathi, K.V.
363. Yoga aur Ayurveda (in Hindi) / Bhanot, Pinki & Kahre, Ravikant
364. The Yoga Book: A Practical Guide to Self-Realisation / Sturgess, Stephen
365. The Yoga Cookbook: Vegetarian Food for Body and Mind / Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres
366. Yoga Darsana: Sutras of Patanjali with Bhasya of Vyasa (Translated into English with notes) / Jha, Ganganath (Tr.)
367. Yoga for Back & Joint Disorders / Vyas, K.P.
368. Yoga for Body, Breath and Mind: A Guide to Personal Reintegration / Mohan, A.G.
369. Yoga for Busy People / Hota, Bijoylaxmi
370. Yoga for Common Diseases / Kumar, Kaul H.
371. Yoga for Easier Pregnancy and National Childbirth / Anand, Anjali Devi & Sri Ananda
372. Yoga for Every Athlete: Secrets fo An Olympic Coach / Kogler, Aladar
373. Yoga for Healing / Venkateswaran, P.S. (Dr.)
374. Yoga for Health / Sekhar, K. Chandra
375. Yoga for Health and Bliss / Mangla, Dharam Vir
376. Yoga for Men: Postures for Healthy, Stress-Free Living / Claire, Thomas
377. Yoga for Peace / Raghupathi, K.V.
378. Yoga for Psychosomatic Diseases / Bhaskar, Sanjay
379. Yoga for Teens / Schenk, Shawna
380. Yoga for You / Devi, Indra
381. Yoga for Youngsters / Rao, Vellurisubba
382. Yoga for Your Spiritual Muscles / Schaffer, Rachel
383. Yoga for Your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice / Frawley, David & Kozak, Sandra Summerfield
384. Yoga in Modern India: The Body between Science and Philosophy / Alter, Joseph S.
385. Yoga in Practice / White, David Gordon (Ed.)
386. Yoga Karnika of Nath Aghorananda: An Ancient Treatise on Yoga / Sharma, N.N. (Dr.)
387. Yoga Mahavigyan / Kumar, Kamakhya (Dr.)
388. The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine / Frawley, David & Lad, Vasant
389. The Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism: Consiousness is Everything / Swami Shankarananda
390. The Yoga of Knowledge: Based of Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga / Pandit, M.P.
391. The Yoga of Love: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga / Pandit, M.P.
392. The Yoga of Netra Tantra: Third Eye and Overcoming Death / Baumer, Bettina Sharda
393. The Yoga of Self-Perfection: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga / Pandit, M.P.
394. The Yoga of Works: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga / Pandit, M.P.
395. Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali with Bhasvati / Aranya, Hariharananda
396. Yoga Philosophy: An Introduction. Translated into English by Srisa Chandra Vasu
397. The Yoga Philosophy: Traditions and Reflections / Das, S.C.
398. Yoga Power: The Path of Personal A Chievement / Nigam, Braj Bihari
399. Yoga Practices / Kilam, Lalit & Kilam, Manju
400. Yoga Psychology: A Handbook of Yogic Psychotherapy / Kumar, kamakhya
401. Yoga Pushpanjali: A Treatise on Astrological Combinations / Jha, Sunita
402. Yoga Rahasya (in Hindi) / Kumar, Kamakhya & Joshi, Bhanu Prakash (Drs.)
403. The Yoga Science for Everyone / Javalgekar, Ravi R. (Dr.)
404. Yoga Self-Taught / Lysebeth, Andre Van
405. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / Styles, Mukunda
406. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / Swami Venkatesananda
407. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on Concentration of Mind / Tola, Fernando & Dragonetti, Carmen
408. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A Study Guide for Book I - Samadhi Pada / Dass, Baba Hari & Diffenlaugh, Dayanand (Tr. & Ed.)
409. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: An analysis of the Sanskrit with accompanying English translation / Chappel, Christopher & Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)
410. The Yoga System of Patanjali / Nair, P.K. Sasidharan
411. Yoga Tantra: Theory and Praxis: In the Light of Hevajra Tantra (A Metaphysical Perspective) / Augustine, Tomy (Dr.)
412. Yoga the Science of Living / Osho
413. Yoga Therapy in Asthama, Diabetes and Heart Disease: Principles, Practice, Scientific Results by the Sadhakas
414. Yoga to Banish Backache / Hota, Bijoylaxmi
415. The Yoga Tradition of the Mysore Palace / Sjoman, N.E.
416. The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice / Feuerstein, Georg
417. Yoga Upanishad Samgraha; 2 Volumes (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Swami Anant Bharati
418. Yoga Vigyan Pradipika / Shastri, Vijaypal (Dr.)
419. The Yoga Works: Based on Sri Aurobindo's Synthesis of Yoga / Pandit, M.P.
420. Yoga: A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists / Fuller, J.F.C.
421. Yoga: A Synthesis of Psychology and Metaphysics / Swami Rajarshi Muni
422. Yoga: Commentaries of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; 4 Volumes / Osho
423. Yoga: For the Cure of Common Diseases / Sharma, Lakshminarain
424. Yoga: From Confusion to Clarity; 5 Volumes / Singh, Satya Prakash & Mukesh, Yogi
425. Yoga: The Alchemy of Yoga / Osho
426. Yoga: The Art of Integration (A Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) / Mehta, Rohit
427. Yoga: The Divine Solution / Mehta, Anand
428. Yoga: The Indian Tradition / Whicher, Ian & et. al.
429. Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health / Iyengar, B.K.S.
430. Yoga: The Science of the Soul: Commentaries of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / Osho
431. Yoga: Theory and Practice / Kaul, H. Kumar
432. The Yogacara Idealism / Chatterjee, Ashok Kumar
433. Yogadarshanam / Pyarelal
434. Yogakshema / Sankhdher, M.M.
435. Yoga-Nidra: Yogic Trance: Theory, Practice and Applications / Panda, N.C.
436. Yoga-sara-samgraha of Vijnanabhiksu (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Jha, Ganganath (Tr.)
437. Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali / Bhaduri, Saugata (Tr.)
438. Yogasutras of Patanjali with Bhojavrtti called Rajamartanda / Ballantyne, J.R. & Deva, Govind Sastri
439. Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali: With 'Bhojavrtti' in English / Ballantyne, J.R. & Deva, G. Shastri
440. The Yoga-System of Patanjali / Wood, J.F. (Prof.)
441. Yoga-Tantra and Sensuousness in Art / Mishra, T.N.
442. Yogayatra of Varaha Mihira (Sanskrit text with Hindi commentary) / Mishra, Satyendra (Tr. & Ed.)
443. The Yogi: Portraits of Swami Vishnu-Devananda / Krishna, Gopala
444. Yogic Cure to Avoid Heart Surgery / Jain, B.L. (Dr.)
445. Yogic Pranayama: Breathing for Long Life and Good Health / Joshi, K.S. (Dr.)
446. Yogic Siddhiyaen: Ek Vivechnatmak Adhyayan / Sharma, Jaipal
447. You Too Can Be Ideal: A Spiritual Approach / Murthy, Vedula V.L.N.
448. Your Aura and Your Chakras: The Owner's Manual / Mclaren, Karla
449. Your Secret Energy Centre: Taking Care of Your Dan-Tien / Markert, Christopher J.
450. Your Sun Sign as a Spiritual Guide / Walters, J. Donald (Kriyananda)
451. Zen Kama Sutra: From Sex to Samadhi / Jain, Amit (Dr.)
165-E, Kamla Nagar, Delhi - 110007 (INDIA)