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301. Faith and Philosophy of Jainism / Jain, Arun Kumar
302. Faith and Philosophy of Sikhism / Singh, Sardar Harjeet
303. Faith and Philosophy of Zoroastrianism / Iyer, Meena
304. Faith Philosophy of Islam / Akhter, Shamim
305. Fearless Simplicity: The Dzogchen Way of Living Freely in a Complex World / Rinpoche, Tsoknyi
306. The Fifth Mandala of the Rg-Veda (with English Translation and Critical Notes) / Velankar, H.D.
307. The Five Aggregates: Understanding Theravada Psychology and Soteriology / Boiscert, Mathieu
308. Focus on Religion and Sikh Thought / Singh, Wazir (Dr.)
309. Foreign Policy Annual: 2001-2009; 15 Volumes / Sengar, Shailendra & Gaur, Mahendra
310. The Foundational Standpoint of Madhyamaka Philosophy / Nagao, Gadjin M.
311. Four Vedas: Mantras in Sanskrit with Hindi Translation; 14 Volumes (Sanskrit text with complete Hindi translation) / Sharma, Pandit Jaydev (Tr.)
312. The Framework of Nagarjuna's Philosophy / Padhye, A.M.
313. From Dualism to Non-Dualism: A Study of the Evolution of Saivite Thought / Pandit, Moti Lal
314. From the River of Heaven: Hindu and Vedic Knowledge for the Modern Age / Frawley, David
315. Fundamentals of Islamic Philosophy / Ahmed, Sharif
316. A Garland of Views: A Guide to View, Meditation, and Result in the Nine Vehicles / Padmasambhava
317. Gates to Buddhist Practice / Tulku, Chagdud
318. Gautam Rishiyon ka Vedic Vangmaya mein Yogdan (in Hindi) / Mishra, Keshav Prasad (Dr.)
319. Gems from the Ocean of Devotional Hindu Thought / Krishnamurthy, V.
320. Gems from the Ocean of Spiritual Hindu Thought / Krishnamurthy, V.
321. Genesis and Evolution of the Rama Katha in Indian Art, Thought, Literature and Culture: From the Earliest Period to the Modern Times; 3 Volumes / Nagar, Shanti Lal
322. A Glimpse of Joy: Journey with the Divine; 3 Volumes / Dabdi, Khurshid
323. Glimpses of Buddhism / Srivastav, Diwakar Lal (Dr.)
324. Glimpses of the Bhagavadgita and the Vedanta Philosophy / Burway, Mukund Wamanrao
325. Glimpses of World Religions / Gaffney, Patrick & et. al.
326. God and Self-Realization: A Scientific and Spiritual View; A Fascinating Book to Bring Spiritual Revolution / Mangla, Dharam Vir
327. God Talks with Arjuna: The Immortal Dialogue Between Soul and Spirit; The Bhagavad Gita: Royal Science of God Realization; 2 Volumes (A new translation and commentary) / Yogananda, Paramahansa (1893-1952)
328. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna; 2 Volumes
329. The Gospel of the Buddha / Carus, Paul
330. Grace of God and Guru in Sikh Philosophy / Sondhi, S.P.
331. A Grammatical Word-Index to Taittiriya-Samhita / Vishva Bandhu (Ed.)
332. Great Epics of India: Purana; 19 Volumes (Except Volume 1, 4, 9, 13 & 19) / Debroy, Dipavali & Debroy Bibek
333. Great Epics of India: Vedas; 4 Volumes / Debroy, Bibek & Debroy, Dipavali
334. The Greeks in India: A Survey in Philosophical Understanding / Vassiliades, Demetrios Th.
335. Guhyanushthano Ka Sanskritik Anaveshan; (in Hindi) / Asthana, Reena (Dr.)
336. A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life of Shantideva: A Commentary by The Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche (Geshe Lharampa) / Holmes, Ken & Doctor, Thomas with Matics, Marion (Trs.)
337. A Handbook of Buddhism: Art Architecture, Literature and Philosophy / Tripathi, P.
338. A Handbook of Buddhism: Art Architecture, Literature and Philosophy / Vashishth, Suraj
339. Harivamsapuranam = Harivamsa Purana: Text with English translation, notes and index; 3 Volumes / Nagar, Shanti Lal (Ed.)
340. Healing Emotions: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions, and Health / Goleman, Daniel (Ed.)
341. Heart of Buddhist Philosophy: Dinnaga and Dharmakirti / Singh, Amar
342. Heart of the Shin Buddhist Path: A Life of Awakening / Shigaraki, Takamaro
343. The Heart of Understanding: Commentaries on the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra / Hanh, Thich Nhat
344. Heart, Self and Soul: The Sufi Psychology of Growth Balance and Harmony / Frager, Robert
345. The Hidden Master: From 'I' to 'Itness on Vimalaji's Teaching' / Townend, Christine
346. Higher Fidility: A Study of Camus and the Bhagavad Gita / Chandra, Sharad
347. Hindu Centum / Chandora, Pt. Deen Bandhu
348. Hindu Mythology and Religion / Singh, P.
349. Hindu Philosophy of Religion / Thadani, N.V.
350. Hinduism and Scientific Quest, 2nd Edition / Iyengar, T.R.R.
351. Hinduism from Maya to Moksha / Singal, Vijay
352. Hinduism: Tradition and Philosophy / Singh, Ratan
353. A History of Buddhist Philosophy: Continuities and Discontinuities / Kalupahana, David J.
354. A History of Indian Philosophy; 5 Volumes / Dasgupta, Surendranath
355. A History of Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy / Barua, Benimadhab
356. History of the Sakta Religion / Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath
357. The Holy Gita: The Discourse Nonpareil / Garga, Malayaj
358. The Holy Puranas; 3 Volumes / Debroy, Bibek & Debroy, Dipavali
359. The How, What and Why of I / Chaitanya, Sudheendra
360. Human Being, Nature and Guru / Joshi, Pratima P.
361. Human Ecology in the Vedas / Vannucci, Marta
362. Human Values: Definitions and Interpretations (Volume 1) / Shastri, Satya Vrat
363. Humanisation of the World Religions / Gupta, G.B. & et. al. (Eds.)
364. Hymns of the Atharvaveda: Translated with a Popular Commentary by Ralph T.H. Griffith; 2 Volumes
365. The I Concept: The Mahamudra Concerning the Union of a Buddha and His Consort / Balsys, Bodo
366. Idealistic Thought in Indian Philosophy: Rise and Growth from the Vedic Times to the Kevaladvaita Vedanta up to Prakasananda of 16th Century, Including as Propounded in the Mahayana Buddhism / Divatia, Suchita C.
367. Ideology and Social Goals: A Study on the Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo / Dash, Gayadhar
368. Illuminating Silence: The Practice of Chinese Zen / Chan, Master Sheng-Yen
369. Illuminations: A School for the Regeneration of Man's Experience, Imagination and Intellectual Integrity / Saran, A.K.
370. The Imitation of Sankara / Divivedi, M.N.
371. In Good Faith: A Journey in Search of an Unknown India / Naqvi, Saba
372. In My Own Words: An Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
373. In Search of God: One Soul Many Gods / Puri, B.B. (Prof. & Dr.)
374. In Search of Oneness: The Bhagavd Gita and Koran Through Sufi Eyes / Raza, Moosa
375. In the Mirror of Memory: Reflections on Mindfulness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism / Gyatso, Janet
376. In the Shadow of the Buddha: Secret Journeys and Spiritual Discovery in Tibet / Pistono, Matteo
377. India Philosophy of Religion / Ramamurty, A.
378. Indian Alchemy: Soma in the Veda / Kalyanaraman, S.
379. Indian and Western Philosophy: A Comparative Study / Kadvekar, S.K.
380. Indian Conceptual World: Philosophical Essays / Balslev, Anindita N.
381. Indian Epic Tradition / Bhattacharjee, Tapodhir
382. Indian Knowledge Systems; 2 Volumes / Kapoor, Kapil & Singh, Avadhesh Kumar
383. Indian Languages and Texts through the Ages (Essays of Hungarian Indologists in Honour of Prof. Csaba Tottossy) / Dezso, Csaba (Ed.)
384. Indian Life Culture and Value in the Sukla Yajurveda: A Study / De, Sitanath (Dr.)
385. Indian Philosophy and Religion: A Reader's Guide / Padhi, Bidhu & Padhi, Minakshi
386. Indian Philosophy of Knowledge: A Comparative Study, 2nd Edition / Shastri, L.C.
387. Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought / King, Richard
388. Indian Philosophy: Past to Present / Ramaswamy (Dr.)
389. An Indian Rational Theology: Introduction to Udayana's Nyayakusumanjali / Chemparathy, George
390. Indian Religious Philosophy and Christianity: Sila, Samadhi and Prajna / Kumar, Chandrakant (Dr.)
391. Indian Wisdom: The Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus / Williams, M.M.
392. India's Intellectual Traditions and Contributions to the World / Singh, Bal Ram; Dwivedi, Surendra N.; Misra, Satish C.; Sharma, Bhu Dev & Shah, Dhirendra (Eds.)
393. The Indo-Aryan Origins and Other Vedic Issues / Kazanas, Nicholas
394. Indo-Tibetan Madhyamika Studies
395. Inference and Fallacies Discussed in Ancient Indian Logic: With Special Reference to Nyana and Buddhism / Gokhale, Pradeep P.
396. Insights into Buddhism: Selected Essays on Buddhist Philosophy, Art and History / Gupta, Sunil K. (Ed.)
397. Insights into the Bhagavad Gita / Thakar, Vimala
398. Integral Thought of Sri Aurobindo / Sharma, R.N.
399. The Intellectual Legacy of Ibn Taimiyah / Rafiabadi, Hamid Naseem
400. An Introduction to Abhidharmakosa Bhasyam (Prathama Kosasthana) [Sanskrit Text in Devanagari and Roman Script with English Translation] / Singh, Indra Narain (Ed. & Tr.)
401. Introduction to Buddhism: An Explanation of the Buddhist Way of Life / Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
402. An Introduction to Buddhist Art and Thoughts / Gupta, S.D.
403. An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy / Laumakis, Stephen J.
404. An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy in India and Tibet / Ahmad, Zahiruddin
405. Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy: Vijnanavada and Madhyamika / Sharma, T.R.
406. An Introduction to Epic Philosophy; 6 Volumes / Kapoor, Subodh (Ed.)
407. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy / Chatterjee, Satischandra & Datta, Dhirendramohan
408. An Introduction to Madhyamaka Philosophy / Singh, Jaideva
409. An Introduction to Mahayana Buddhism: With Special Reference to Chinese and Japanese Phases / McGovern, Willam Montegomery
410. Introduction to Religious Philosophy, 2nd Revised Edition / Masih, Y.
411. Introduction to Tantras and their Philosophy / Kumar, Pushpendra
412. Introduction to the Middle Way: Chandrakirti's Madhyamakavatara with Commentary, translated by the Padmakara Translation Group / Mipham, Jamgon
413. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Trika Saivism / Pandit, Moti Lal
414. Islam and Non-Violence / Desai, Mehboob (Dr.)
415. Islam and the Divine Comedy / Asin, Miguel
416. Islam: Fundamental Belief / Ahmed, Salahuddin
417. Islam: Philosophy and Ideology / Hasan, Dilshad
418. Islamic Philosophy of Religion: Snthesis of Science Religion and Philosophy / Laliwala, Jaferhusein I.
419. Islamic Philosophy; 2 Volumes / Kumar, Raj & Kulkarni, Jagmohan
420. Islamic Thought / Husaini, Waqar (Prof.)
421. Islamic Thought and Movement in the Subcontinent: A Study of Sayyid Abu A'la Mawdudi and Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi / Ali, Sheikh Jameil
422. Islam's Message / Ahmed, M. Mukarram (Mufti) (Ed.)
423. Islam's Message / Husain, Muzaffar
424. Issues in Veda and Astrology / Pandya, Haribhai (Prof.) (Ed.)
425. Isvarasamhita: An Agamic Text of the Pancaratra School of Vaisnavism; 5 Volumes / Lakshmithathachar, M.A. (Ed. & Tr.)
426. Italian Scholars on India, Volume 1: Classical Indology / Torella, Raffaele
427. J. Krishnamurti as I Knew Him / Weeraperuma, Susunaga
428. Jada-Bharata's Prasnavali: A Text on Advaita-Vedanta (Critically Edited & Translated into English by Pranati Ghosal)
429. The Jaiminigrhyasutra: Belonging to the Samaveda (Edited with an Introduction and translated into English) / Caland, W. (Ed. & Tr.)
430. Jain Karmvigyan Aur Manovigyan (in Hindi) / Tater, Sohan Raj
431. A Jaina Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion / Sharma, Arvind
432. Jaina Philosophy: Religion and Ethics / Raynade, B.B. (Prof.)
433. Jainism Philosophy and Culture / Singh, Ratan
434. Jnanagarbha on the Two Truths: An Eighth Century Handbook of Madhyamaka Philosophy / Eckel, Malcolm David
435. Joyful Wisdom: Embracing Change and Finding Freedom / Rinpoche, Yongey Mingyur & Swanson, Eric
436. Kabir and His Followers / Keay, F.E.
437. Kalachakra Meditations: Based on the Discussion Between J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm in the Ending of Time / Grover, Ramesh
438. Kapila Samhita: Text with English Translation and Critical Study / Mishra, Pramila (Dr.) (Smt.)
439. Karma and Rebirth: Post Classical Developments / Neufeldt, Ronald W. (Ed.)
440. Karma Dharma Moksha: The Art and Science of Living, Dying and Enlightenment / Jain, Amit (Dr.)
441. Karma, Destiny and your Career / Hucknall, Nanette V.
442. Kathasaritsagara of Somadevabhatta (in Sanskrit only) / Vasudeva, Laksmana Sastri Pansikara (Revised)
443. Kathavatthu: A Critical and Philosophical Study / Barua, Alka
444. Kavyaprakasha of Mammata: Text with English translation by Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Sir Ganganatha Jha (Chapters I to X) with Index and Appendices (Revised)
445. Kena Upanisad / Anirvan
446. Kena Upanishad: With the original text in Sanskrit and Roman transliteration / Prasad, Swami Muni Narayana
447. The Key of Knowledge (4th Edition) / Jain, Champat Rai
448. King of Samadhi: Commentaries on the Samadhi Raja Sutra and the Song of Lodro Thaye / Khenchen Rinpoche
449. Krishi Mandala in Rgveda / Jategaonkar, Narayan Laxman
450. Kumarajiva: Philosopher and Seer / Shashibala (Ed.)
451. The Labyrinth of Solitude: A Comparative Exposition of Dharma as Ontology According to the Mahabharata; 2 Volumes / Prithipaul, K.D.
452. Lalita Sahasranama with Bhaskararaya's Commentary / Sastry, R. Ananthakrishan (Tr.)
453. Language and Truth in Buddhism / Basak, Jyotish Chandra & Ghosh, Raghunath
454. The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom: With the divisions of the Abhisamayalankara, Prajnparamita / Conze, Edward (Ed.)
455. The Laughing Swamis: Australian Sannyasin Disciples of Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Osho Rajneesh / Aveling, Harry
456. The Law Code of Visnu: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Vaisnava-Dharmasastra / Olivelle, Patrick
457. Lexicography of Ramanujacharya: Founder of Visisthavaitam / Rangarajan, T.
458. Liberating Intimacy: Enlightenment and Social Virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism / Hershock, Peter D.
459. Life and Vision of the Vedic Seer Kavsaailusa / Singh, Satya Prakash (Prof.)
460. Life and Vision of the Vedic Seer: Dadhyan Atharvana / Singh, Satya Prakash (Prof.)
461. The Limits of Scripture: Vivekananda's Reinterpretation of the Vedas / Rambachan, Anantanand
462. Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala: A Buddhist Scripture on the Tathagatagarbha Theory / Wayman, Alex & Wayman, Hideko (Trs.)
463. The Living Thoughts of Gotama the Buddha / Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. & Horner, I.B.
464. Lord Buddha Thoughts (Art of Survival) / Wagh, B.G.
465. Love is God: From Everyday Love to Love of God / Easwaran, Eknath
466. Love, Kindness and Universal Responsibility / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV
467. Madhyamaka Schools in India: A Study of the Madhyamaka Philosophy and of the Division of the System into the Prasangika and Svatantrika Schools / Santina, Peter Della
468. Madhyamika and Yogacara: A Study of Mahayana Philosophies / Nagao, Gadjin M.
469. The Mahartha-Manjari of Mahesvarananda (Sanskrit Text with English Translation) / Singh, Satya Prakash & Swami Maheshvarananda (Trs.)
470. Mahayana Buddhism / Dutt, Nalinaksha
471. Mahayana Buddhism in Andhradesa / Sitaramamma, J. (Dr.)
472. Mahayana Buddhism: History and Culture / Bryant, Darrol & Bryant, Susan (Eds.)
473. Mahayanasutralamkara by Asanga; Sanskrit text, translated into English by Dr. (Mrs.) Surekha Vijya Limaye
474. Major Hetvabhasas: A Formal Analysis with reference to Nyaya and Buddhism / Pandeya, Raghavendra
475. Managing Life with Bhagwad Gita / Malhotra, Vinod
476. Manava Dharma Shastra, or the Institutes of Hindu Laws: Laws of Manu; 4 Volumes / Haughton, G.C.
477. The Mandukya Upanisad and the Agama Sastra / Wood, Thomas E.
478. A Manual of Buddhist Cosmology / McGovern, William Montgomery
479. A Manual of Buddhist Law: Being Sparks' Code of Burmese Law with Notes of All the Rulings on Points of Buddhist Law / Lutter, Henry M.
480. Manual of Buddhist Philosophy / McGovern, William Montgamery
481. Materials for the Study of Aryadeva, Dharmapala and Candrakirti: The Catuhsataka of Aryadeva, Chapters XII and XIII with the commentaries of Dharmapala and Candrakirti; 2 Volumes (bound in 1) / Tillemans, Tom J.F.
482. The Matsya Puranam; 2 Volumes / Basu, B.D.
483. Meaningful to Behold: The Bodhisattva's Way of Life / Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
484. A Metaphorical Study of Saundarananda / Covill, Linda
485. Metaphysical Aspects of Buddhism / Vashishth, Suraj
486. The Middle Way: A Commentary on Santaraksita's Madhyamakalamkara by Mipham Jamyang Namgyal Gyatso / Doctor, Thomas H. (Tr.)
487. Millennium of Buddhist Logic, Part 1 / Wayman, Alex
488. Mimamsa Darsana ke Prabhakara Matanuyayi Ramanujacarya krta Tantrarahasya ka Adhyayana / Sharma, Satyakama
489. Mimamsa in Controversy / Bhat, Shripad
490. Mimamsa Sutra of Jaimini (Text with Translation in English and Notes) / Thadani, N.V.
491. Mind and Mental States in the Dhammapada and the Bhagvadgita (Rare Book) / Bandyopadhyay, A.K.
492. Mind and Supermind; 2 Volumes / Panda, Nrusing Charan
493. Mind as Mirror and the Mirroring of Mind: Buddhist Reflections on Western Phenomenology / Laycock, Steven W.
494. The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide - Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science for Greater Mindfulness / Culadasa & Matthew Immergut with Jeremy Graves
495. The Mind in Early Buddhism / Thanh, Thich Minch
496. The Mind of Adi Shankaracharya / Menon, Y. Keshava
497. The Mind of Ramana Maharshi / Osborne, Arthur
498. Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of the Vijnanavada / Wood, Thomas E.
499. Mipam on Buddha-Nature: The Ground of the Nyingma Tradition / Duckworth, Douglas S.
500. Modern Evaluation of the Mahabharata (Prof. R.K. Sharma Felicitation Volume) / Narang, Satya Pal (Prof.) (Ed.)
501. Modern Relevance of Theravada Buddhist Ethics / Tater, Sohan Raj & Agarwal, Suresh Kumar
502. Mother of All: A Revelation of the Motherhood of God in the Life and Teachings of the Jillellamudi Mother / Schiffman, Richard
503. Mother Teresa: Seeker of Souls / Mathew, Joseph
504. My Life My Culture: Autobiography and Lectures on the Relationship Between Tibetan Medicine, Buddhist Philosophy and Tibetan Astrology and Astronomy / Wangyal, Lobsang (Dr.)
505. Mystical Verses of a Dalai Lama / Mullin, Glenn H.
506. The Mystique of Om / Malhotra, M.L.
507. Nagarjuna in Context: Mahayana Buddhism and Early Indian Culture / Walser, Joseph
508. Nagarjuna Revisited: Some Recent Interpretations of his Madhyamaka Philosophy / Joy, A.P.
509. Nagarjuna: A Translation of his Mulamadhyamakakarika with an Introductory Essay / Inada, Kenneth K.
510. Nagarjuna's Philosophy of No-Identity: With Philosophical Translation of Madhyamaka Karika, Sunyata-Saptati and Vigrahavyavartani) / Pandeya, Ramchandra & Manju
511. Nagarjuna's Philosophy: As presented in the Maha-Prajnaparamita-Sastra / Ramanan, K. Venkata
512. Nagarjuna's Refutation of Logic (Nyana) Vaidalyaprakarana (Zib mo rnam par hthag pa, Zes bya bahi rab tu byed pa) / Tola, Fernando & Dragonetti, Carmen (Eds.)
513. Nagarjunian Disputations: A Philosophical Journey through an Indian Looking-Glass / Wood, Thomas E.
514. Nagarjuniana: Studies in the Writings and Philosophy of Nagarjuna / Lindtner, Chr.
515. The Nasiketa Story: Nasiketopakhyana / Nevo, Amos (Ed. & Tr.)
516. Nature and Man: The Hindu Perspectives; 2 Volumes / Santis, Stefano De
517. The Nature of Perception: With Special Reference to Nyaya and Buddhism / Kotwal, Anita
518. Nature Worship In India / Varadpande, Manohar Laxman
519. New Dimensions in the Atharvaveda; (Prof. K.C. Acharya Commemoration Volume) / Mishra, Prafulla K. (Ed.)
520. New Lives: 50 Westerners Search for Themselves in Sacred India / Tillis, Malcom
521. Nibbana in Early Buddhism: Based on Pali Sources from 6th B.C. to 5th A.D. / Sobti, Harcharan Singh
522. Nidana Samyutta: Group of Related Discourses on Casual Factors from Nidanavagga Samyutta: Division Containing Groups if Discourses on Casual Factors
523. Nine Yana: Teaching on the Nine Vehicles According to the Buddhist Philosophy / Rinpoche, Khenpo Chimed
524. The Ninth Karmapa's Ocean of Definitive Meaning / Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
525. Nirvana in Candrakirti's Prasannapada: A Study in the Madhyamika Concept of Nirvana in the Context of Indian Thought / Nayak, G.C.
526. Nirvana in Tibetan Buddhism / Obermiller, E.
527. Nirvana: Concept, Imagery, Narrative / Collins, Steven
528. Nitya Yoga: The Yoga of Constant Communion: Essays on the Sreemad Bhagavad Gita / Vanamali
529. Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions / Chapple, Christopher Key
530. The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Volume 6 : The EGO from Birth to Rebirth / Brunton, Paul
531. The Notion of Ditthi in Theravada Buddhism: The Point of View / Fuller, Paul
532. The Nyaya Sutras of Gautama / Sinha, Nandlal (Ed.)
533. Nyayadarsana (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Mishra, Sachchidanand (Prof.) (Ed. & Tr.)
534. Nyayadarsana of Gotama: With Sanskrit Text, Vatsyayana Bhasya, Sanskrit Commentary, English Summary and English Translation / Vidyabhusana, Satish Chandra (Tr.)
535. The Ocean of Buddhist Wisdom, 9 Volumes / Sharma, S.P. & Labh, B. (Eds.)
536. Ocean of Eloquence: Tsong Kha pa's commentary on the Yogacara Doctrine of Mind / Sparham, Gareth (Tr.)
537. Ocean of Nectar: Wisdom and Compassion in Mahayana Buddhism / Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
538. Om: Our Cosmic Connection / Prakash, Meera
539. On Being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood / Griffiths, Paul J.
540. On Buddha Essence: A Commentary on Rangjung Dorje's Treatise / Thrangu, Khenchen
541. On the Four Noble Truth / Gyamtso, Yeshe
542. On the Intellectural Vocation: A Rosary of Edifying Texts with an Analytical Elucidatory Essay / Saran, A.K.
543. On Understanding Buddhists: Essays on the Theravada Tradition in Sri Lanka / Carter, John Ross
544. The Origin of Religious: An Open Eyed Journey Through A Mystic World / Karkra, B.K.
545. The Original and Developed Doctrines of Indian Buddhism / Kimura, Ryukan
546. Outlines of Indian Philosophy / Hiriyanna, M.
547. Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism / Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
548. Paippalada-Samhita of the Atharva-Veda (Books 1-20) / Raghuvira (Ed.)
549. Pancasila the Foundation of the Indonesian Republic / Majumdar, Munmum
550. Panna in Early Buddhism: A Philosophical Analysis with Special reference to the Visuddhimagga / Labh, Baidyanath
551. Parmarathadarsana of Ramavatar Sharma / Pandeya, Janardan Shastri & Pandey, Janardan Shastri (Ed.)
552. The Path is the Goal: A Basic Handbook of Buddhist Meditation / Trungpa, Chogyam
553. Path of Knowledge: Exposition of Spiritual Knowledge / Pradeep
554. Path to the Middle: Oral Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibet: The Spoken Scholarship of Kensur Yeshey Tupden / Klein, Anne Carolyn (Tr. & Ed.)
555. Path Without Form: A Journey into the Realm Beyond Thought / Powell, Robert
556. The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines and Its Verse Summary / Conze, Edward (Tr.)
557. Perspective of Indian Thought / Panda, N.C.
558. Perspectives on Karma and Rebirth / Mittal, K.K. (Ed.)
559. A Philosophical Analysis of Buddhist Notions: The Buddha and Wittgenstein / Kalansuriya, A.D.P.
560. The Philosophical and Practical Aspects of Kasmira Saivism: A Study of Trika Thought and Practice / Pandit, Moti Lal
561. A Philosophical Development Buddhist Theory of Apoha (with Reference to Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy) / Chatre, Lata Dilip
562. Philosophical Roots in Buddhism / Singhal, Ranjana Rani & Kumar, Pradeep
563. A Philosophical Study of the Mysticism of Sankara / Ramaiah, G. Sundara
564. Philosophy and Ethics in Islam / Sharma, S.R.
565. Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma / Guenther, Herbert V.
566. Philosophy and Religion / Kumar, Raj & Kulkarni, Jagmohan
567. Philosophy and Religion / Singh, M. Kirti
568. The Philosophy and Religion of Sri Chaitanya: The Philosophical Background of the Hare Krishna Movement / Kapoor, O.B.L.
569. Philosophy in the Samadhirajasutra: Three Chapters from the Samadhirajasutra / Regamey, Konstanty
570. Philosophy of Brahman / Ramamurty, A.
571. Philosophy of Buddhism / Bhardwaj, Manohar
572. Philosophy of Buddhism / Kumari, Krishna
573. Philosophy of Buddhism / Trivedi, V.R. (Ed.)
574. The Philosophy of Buddhism (Die Philosophie des Buddhismus) / Frauwallner, Enrich
575. Philosophy of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam / Suman Lata (Dr.) (Ed.)
576. Philosophy of Buddhist, Jaina and Six Systems of Indian Thought (A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume-I) / Dasgupta, Surendranath
577. Philosophy of Gorakhnath: With Goraksha-Vacana-Sangraha / Banerjea, Akshaya Kumar
578. The Philosophy of Guru Nanak; 2 Volumes / Singh, Ishar
579. Philosophy of Hindu Sadhana / Brahma, Nalini Kanta
580. The Philosophy of Jainism / Sinha, K.P. (Dr.)
581. The Philosophy of Nyaya-Vaisesika and its Conflict with The Buddhist Dignaga School: Critique of Indian Realism / Shastri, Dharmendra Nath
582. Philosophy of Peace / Mohapatra, Amulya Ranjan
583. Philosophy of Religion in Hindu Thought / Amaladass, Ananda (Ed. & Tr.)
584. The Philosophy of Religion in India / Dayanand, Swami
585. The Philosophy of Shri Bhagavad Gita / Shukla, Ajay
586. Philosophy of Sri Madhavacarya / Sharma, B.N.K.
587. The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita: A Study Based on the Evaluation of the Commentaries of Samkara, Ramanuja and Madhva / Chari, S.M. Srinivasa
588. Philosophy of Universal Flux in Theravada Buddhism / Singh, Indra Narain
589. The Philosophy of Vivekananda / Jhanji, Rekha (Ed.)
590. The Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus / Seal, Brajendranath
591. The Power of Buddhism / Dalai Lama, H.H. the XIV & Carriere, Jean-Claude
592. Pramana: Dharmakirti and the Indian Philosophical Debate / Tulku, Lama Doboom & Joshi, Maya (Eds.)
593. Prameyakamala Martanda: A Commentary on Shri Manik Nandi's Pareeksha Mukh Sutra by Shri Prabha Chandra (in Sanskrit)
594. Prarambhik Bauddhadarshan evam Manavavad (in Hindi) / Sharma, Ram Narayan
595. The Principle of Sakti / Kumar, Pushpendra
596. The Principles of Buddhist Psychology / Kalupahana, David J.
597. The Problem of Existence in Nyaya and Buddhism / Kumar, Prabhas (Dr.)
598. Prophet's Teaching and Knowledge and Philosophy / Ilyas, Muhammad & Syed M.H.
599. The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddha Philosophy / Govinda, Anagarika B.
600. Pure Philosophy: Simplified for Youth / Prasad, Swami Muni Narayana

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