CONTENTS:- 1. Zoroastrianism: an Introduction 2. History 3. Philosophy 4. Concept of God 5. Main Figures 6. Scriptures 7. Teaching 8. Moral Value System 9. Movements 10. Reformers 11. Major Sects 12. Demographic Propagation 13. Political Influence 15. Society 16. Festivals 17. Religious Places 18. Art and Iconography 19. Zoroastrianism in Modern world
Zoroastrianism was founded by Zarathushtra Spitama. This Religion believes in the existence of one God, whom it knows under various names of Mazda, Ahura and Ahura-Mazda. This book deals with almost every aspect of Zoroastrianism philosophy, character, Nature and spirit of philosophy. The book covers the subject of Zoroastrianism thoroughly in a manner which makes it interesting to read and easy to understand. A special care has been taken to put the principles of Zoroastrianism Philosophy in proper order so that the reader finds the book very useful and enjoyable. This volume covers all Religious customs and ceremonies from Birth to death, including traditional values and values in society. Information given in this volume is fairly comprehensive in contents so that all the readers should feel benefited with the text of the religion which they follow, preach, and profess.