CONTENTS:- 1. Allah. 2. Angels (Mala'ikat). 3. Prophets (Anbiya) and messengers (Rusul). 4. Prophet Muhammad. 5. Qur'an. 6. Islam and Muslims. 7. Worship ('Ibadah). 8. Prayers (Salat). 9. Fasting (Siyam). 10. Pilgrimage (Hajj). 11. Zakat. 12. Life in this world and the hereafter (Al-Hayatud-Dunya Wal-Akhirah). 13. Death. 14. Day of judgement (Yawmud-Din). 15. Paradise (Jannah) and hell (Jahannam).
A modern educated Muslim tends to pay lip service to the notion that the Qur’an contains a complete code of conduct for regulating the lives of Muslims, although he may not know its fundamental rules. He must realise that the primary responsibility of knowing the essential principles of Islam with reference to the Qur’an and the Hadith lies upon him, and not only upon those ho specialize in the study of religion. If he acquires knowledge only in the secular fields, he cannot properly consider himself really educated unless he can refer to the basic principles of Islam mentioned in the Qur’an and the Hadith. On the threshold of entering into the twenty-first century, it is clear that while the Western civilisation stands for complete secularism and supremacy of materialism, Islam stands for both material and spiritual welfare in this world and a firm belief in the life in the Hereafter (Akhirah). It is challenge before the modern Muslims wherever they may live in the world, to put their best efforts to present a balanced picture of Islam. In the framework of 15 chapters which includes a large chapter on Allah, the author has provided traditional commentary on the basic beliefs in Islam along with comments and observations conforming t the modern social and political conditions wherever found to be relevant. It is hoped that this book will satisfy the pressing need of the modern Muslims to keep themselves abreast with the basic beliefs in Islam mentioned in the Qur’an and the Hadith.