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1801. The Tantras and Their Impact on Indian Life; (Tantron Ka Bharatiya Jivan Par Prabhav) (in Sanskrit, English & Hindi) / Kumar, Pushpendra (Ed.)
1802. Tantras: Studies on their Religion and Literature / Chakravarti, Chintaharan
1803. Tantratmak Rawan Samhita: Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translations; 4 Volumes
1804. Tantric Cult of South India / Nagaswami, R.
1805. Tantric Forms of Ganesa: According to the Vidyarnavatantra / Buhnemann, Gudrun
1806. Tantric Hedonism of Mahanadi Valley (Uddiyana Pitha) / Deo, Jitamitra Prasad Singh
1807. Tantric Mysticism / Santideva, Sadhu (Ed.)
1808. The Tantric Path to Higher Consciousness: Jewel in the Lotus, A Complete and Systematic Course in Tantric Kriya Yoga / Saraswati, Sunyata & Avinasha, Bodhi
1809. Tantric Sex: A Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfilment / Richardson, Diana
1810. Tantric Shivadvayvaad Main Icha, Swatantray Tatha Niyamanvaad: Free will and Determinism in Tantric Saiva Monism / Rastogi, Meera
1811. Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses: Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda / Frawley, David
1812. Tantric Yoga: The Royal Path to Raising Kundalini Power / Gavin & Frost, Yvonne (Trs.)
1813. Tantrik Literature and Culture: Hermeneutics and Expositions / Loseries, Andrea
1814. The Tantrik Practices in Sri-Vidya / Rao, S.K. Ramachandra
1815. Tantrik Texts; 13 Volumes / Avalon, Arthur (Ed.)
1816. Tantrik Traditions in Tibet / Rao, S.K. Ramachandra (Prof.)
1817. Tantrism in Nepal / Bajracharya, Vidya Bahadur
1818. Tara in Hinduism: Study with Textual and Iconographical Documentation / Bhattacharya, Bikas Kumar
1819. Tara: The Supreme Goddess / Kumar, Pushpendra
1820. Tattvabodha, Volume IV : Essays from the Lecture Series of the National Mission for Manuscripts / Tripathi, Dipti S. (Ed.)
1821. Teachings from the Bhagavad Gita / Shastri, Hari Prasad
1822. Temple Architecture and Sculpture of the Nolambas: Ninth-Tenth Centuries / Cohen, Andrew L.
1823. The Temple of Chaunsatha Yogini at Bherghat / Sharma, R.K.
1824. Temple of Spirituality: Golden Temple of Amritsar, with new introduction by Ganga Ram Garg / Singh, Jagjit
1825. Temple Tents for Goddesses in Gujarat, India / Fischer, Eberhard; Jain, Jyotindra & Shah, Haku
1826. Temples at Srisailam / Anuradha, V.
1827. The Temples in Kumbhariya / Dhaky, M.A. & Moorti, U.S.
1828. Temples of Andhra Pradesh / Vasudevan, C.S.
1829. Temples of Hampi / Suresh, K.M.
1830. The Temples of Himachal Pradesh / Nagar, Shantilal
1831. Temples of Himachal Pradesh: Architectural, Sculptural, Religious and Cultural Singnificance / Upadhyay, Neelmani
1832. Temples of India; 2 Volumes / Krishna Deva
1833. Temples of Karnataka: An Epigraphical Study (From the earliest to 1050 A.D.) / Bolar, Varija R.
1834. Temples of Karnataka: Ground Plans and Elevations; 2 Volumes / Suresh, K.M. (Dr.)
1835. Temples of Kozhikkode District (Census of India, Special Studies - Kerala) / Jayashankar, S.
1836. Temples of Krsna in South India / Padmaja, T.
1837. Temples of Rajasthan / Somani, Ram Vallabh
1838. Temples of the Kalachuri Period / Singh, Amrendra Kumar (Dr.)
1839. Temples of Trssoor District (Census of India, Special Studies - Kerala) / Jayashanker, S.
1840. Ten Upanishads of Four Vedas / Piparaiya, Ram K. (Ed.)
1842. Text and Variations of the Mahabharata: Contextual, Regional and Performative Traditions / Chakravarty, Kalyan Kumar
1843. Text of the Mahabharata and the Harivamsa; 5 Volumes
1844. Thangka: The Sacred Painting of Tibet / Santiago, J.R.
1845. That Alone, The Core of Wisdom: A Commentary on (Atmopadesa Satakam) the One Hundred Verses of Self-Instruction of Narayana Guru / Yati, Guru Nitya Chaitanya
1846. The Uttararamacharita of Bhavabhuti (Edited with the commentary of Viraraghava, Various Readings, Introduction, a Literal English Translation, Exhaustive Notes and Appendices) / Kale, M.R. (Ed. & Tr.)
1847. The Theatre of the Hindus by H.H. Wilson, V. Ragavan, K.R. Pisharoti and Amulya Charan Vidyabhusan / Singh, P.N. (Dr.) (Introduction)
1848. The Theory and Practice of Mantra / Ghim, Moo-Saeng (Gyeong Jung)
1849. Theory of Avatara and Divinity of Chaitanya / Roy, Janmajit
1850. Theory of Incarnation: Its Origin and Development in the Light of Vedic & Puranic Reference / Mishra, Rabiprasad
1851. Therapeutic Tantra: The Power of Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Healing / Santideva, Sadhu
1852. They Spoke with Gods: Saints of Tamizhaham / Ramaswamy, Sethu
1853. This Mystical life of Ours: A Book of Suggestive Thoughts for each Week through the Year / Trine, Ralph Waldo
1854. The Thoughtful Guide to Sufism / Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
1855. Three Essays on Sri Ramakrishna and His Times / Sen, Amiya Prosad
1856. Three Hundred and Sixty Buddhist Deities / Tachikawa, Musashi; Mori, Masahide & Yamaguchi, Shinobu (Comp.)
1857. Tibet: Buddhas-Gods-Saints / Algar, Maria Angela
1858. Tibet: The Himalayan Region: Religion, Society and Politics / Shah, Giriraj (Dr.)
1859. Tibetan Meditation: Practical Teaching and Step-by-Step Exercises on How to Live in Harmony, Peace and Happiness / Tulku, Tarthang
1860. Tibetan Religious Dances: Tibetan text and annotated translation of the 'Chams Yig' / Wojkowitz, Rene de Nebesky
1861. The Tibetan Tantric Vision / Santina, Krishna Ghosh Della
1862. Time and Eternity / Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
1863. The Time Keepers of the Vedas: History of the Calendar of the Vedic Period (From Rgveda to Vedanga Jyotisa) / Gondhalekar, Prabhakar
1864. Tolerance: A Golden Path to Peaceful Co-existence / Mahale, K.J.
1865. Torch Bearers of India's Heritage; 2 Volumes / Sharma, R.N.
1866. Torvey Ramayana: Torvey Narahari (Kumara Valmiki) (A Workbook of 15th Century A.D.) / Nagar, Shanti Lal
1867. A Touch of Divine Love: Life of Swami Krishnanad / Verma, Nalini
1868. The Touch of Sakti: A Study in Non-dualistic Trika Saivism of Kashmir / Furlinger, Ernst
1869. Tourism and Pilgrimage: With Special Focus on Pilgrimage Tourism of Kashmir / Mukhtar, Shahnawaz
1870. Towards Peace and Prosperity / Kumar, Ravindra
1871. Towards the Pilgrimage Archetype: The Pancakrosi Yatra of Banaras / Singh, Rana P.B.
1872. Tradition and Change: A Study of 20th Century Indian Thought / Sharma, Gopinath N.
1873. Traditional Religious Systems of the Rengma Nagas / Kath, Kenilo
1874. Traditions of Mysticism in Bengal / Santideva, Sadhu (Ed.)
1875. The Transcendent Unity of Religions / Schuon, Frithjof
1876. Transform your Life: A Blissful Journey / Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
1877. Travelling with the Master: Pilgrimage into the Heartland of the Yungdrung Bon Tradition / Canstein, Florens Van Raab Van
1878. The Treasury of Good Sayings: A Tibetan History of Bon / Karmay, Samten G. (Tr. & Ed.)
1879. A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom / Perry, Whitall N.
1880. A Treatise on Advaita Vedanta: English Translation of Vicaracandrodaya of Pandit Pitambar / Bhuvaneshwari, S.
1881. Tribal Movement, Politics and Religion in India; 3 Volumes / Mittal, A.C. & et. al.
1882. Tribal Religions / Singh, S. Shyamkishore (Ed.)
1883. Trisastisalakapurusacaritra (Set Of 3 Vol.) / Johanson, Helen M.
1884. Truth and Value: Essays in Honour of Dr. Pabitra Kumar Roy / Ghosh, Raghunath (Ed.)
1885. Tulasidasa's Sri Ramacaritamanasa: The Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama (A Romanized Edition) (Edited with Romanized text & English translation) / Prasad, R.C. (Ed. & Tr.)
1886. Tulsi Sahitya Evam Sarvabhaum Manviya Mulya / Pandey, Nandini [Dr.]
1887. Tulsidas (Original text, Romanised version with Hindi-English translation) / Chaturvedi, B.K.
1888. Turning Points in Indian Sastric Tradition: Proceedings of National Seminar / Tripathi, Radhavallabh & et. al. (Eds.)
1889. The Twelve Jyotirlingas (Liteary background, Location, Historical background and Photographs) / Nagar, Shanti Lal (Comp.)
1890. The Twelve Principal Upanisads; 3 Volumes / Roer, E.; Cowell, E.B. & Raja Rajendralal Mitra
1891. Ujjayini Ki Sanskritika Parampara; (In Hindi) / Ahirwar, Ramkumar
1892. Umapati's Commentary on the Pauskaratantra: Chapter 7 Pramana: An annotated translation by Usha Colas-Chauhan
1893. Understanding God / Bhatnagar, Ram Gopal
1894. Understanding Mantras / Alper, Harvey P. (Ed.)
1895. Understanding Occult Sciences: Focussing on Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Physiognomy, Phrenology, Moleosophy & Graphology / Vanvari, Nandlal
1896. Understanding the Divine Mysteries / Spencer, H.S. & et. al.
1897. Unfolding a Mandala: The Buddhist Cave Temples at Ellora / Malandra, Geri H.
1898. A Universal History of the Religious Rites: Ceremonies and Customs of the Whole World; 2 Volumes / Hurd, W.
1899. The Universe of Acharya Sushil Muni: The Philosophy of the World Religion / Sadhana, Acarya Sadhvi (Dr.)
1900. The Universe That is God: An Insight into the Thousand Names of Lord Visnu / Rao, I. Panduranga
1901. The Unknown Pilgrims: History, Life ans Spirituality of the Jaina Women Ascetics / Shanta, N.
1902. Unto Brahma Consciousness: A Rendering of Vaalmeeki Raamaayana in a New Perspective Equalising the Claims of Raavana an Raama for the here parti / Mukundan, A.P.
1903. Upadesasahasri: Prose and Poetry of Sri Sankaracarya: The Commentary Padayojanika by Sri Ramatirtha with English translation & notes by Swami Jagadananda / Panda, N.C. (Rev. & Ed.)
1904. Upanishads and the Bible / Subramanian, V.K.
1905. Upper Palaeolithic Culture of India / Sharma, M.I.
1906. Uttar Vedic Samaj evam Sanskriti (in Hindi) / Rao, Vijay Bahadur (Dr.)
1907. The Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature: A Commentary on the Uttra Tantra Sastra of Asanga / Rinpoche, Ven. Khenchen Thrangu (Geshe Lharampa)
1908. The Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature: A Translation of the Root Text and a Commentary on the Uttara Tantra Sastra of Maitreya and Asanga / Rinpoche, Ven. Khenchen Thrangu (Geshe Lharampa)
1909. Uttaranchal: Dilemma of Plenties and Scarcities / Sati, V.P. & et. al.
1910. Uttararamacarita (with Malti Sanskrit-Hindi commentary) / Sharma, Ramadhar (Dr.) (Ed. & Comm.)
1911. The Uttaratantra of Maitreya: Containing introduction, E.H. Johnston's Sanskrit Text and E. Obermiller's English translation / Prasad, H.S. (Ed.)
1912. Uttishtha Bharata: Call of Eternity (Based on Srimad Bhagvad Gita) / Verma, Neelam
1913. Vac: The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras by Andre Padoux / Gontier, Jacques (Tr.)
1914. Vaidik Sahitya ka Itihas / Vedalankar, Raghuvir (Dr.)
1915. Vaishnava Tantra (Siddhanta aur Sadhana) / Dwivedi, Shyamakant (Dr.)
1916. Vaishnavism: A Iconographic Study; 2 Volumes / Welankar, Vaishali
1917. Vaisnava Contribution to Varanasi / Sharma, R.C. & Ghosal, Pranati (Eds.)
1918. Vaisnavi: Women and the Worship of Krishna / Rosen, Steven J.
1919. Vaisnavism: Its Philosophy, Theology and Religious Discipline / Chari, S.M. Srinivasa
1920. The Valmiki Ramayana; 2 Volumes (in Sanskrit only) / Krishnacharya, T.R. (Ed.)
1921. Values in Vedanta Tradition / Das, P.K.
1922. Vamana Mahapuranam, Edited and Translated by Omnath Bimali and K.L. Joshi (Sanskrit text, Hindi translation and index of verses)
1923. Vamana Purana translated by A Board of Scholars (Sanskrit Text, English Translation, An Exhaustive Introduction, Notes and Index of Verses) / Joshi, K.L. & Bimali, O.N. (Eds.)
1924. Vanmayi: Panorama of Indological Researches / Tripathi, Radha Vallabh
1925. Varaha Avatara of Visnu in Art and Literature of Tamil Nadu / Vasanthi, S.
1926. Varanasi: Myths and Scientific Studies / Jayaswal, Vidula (Ed.)
1927. Vartamana Sandarbha Mein Mahabharata Ki Punarvyakhya / Jain, Anita (Dr.)
1928. Vartamana Siksha aura Veda = Vartaman Siksha aur Ved / Gupta, Ravindra Kumar (Dr.)
1929. Vasantotsava: The Spiring Festivals of India (Texts and Traditions) / Anderson, Leona M.
1930. Vasudevahimdi: A Cultural Study / Jamkhedkar, A.P.
1931. Vasudevavijayam of Vasudeva / Devi, P. Syamala (Dr.) (Ed.)
1932. Vayu Mahapurana: An Exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Notes & Index of Verses; 2 Volumes / Sharma, Sudarsan Kumar (Tr.)
1933. Veda and Vedic Literature (Selected Papers) / Hock, Hans Henrich (Ed.)
1934. The Vedanta of Swami Vivekananda / Prasannakumary, B.
1935. The Vedanta Philosophy: With Original Sutra and Explanatory Questions from Upanishads, Bhagwat Gita and their English translation / Majumdar, Sridhar
1936. The Vedanta Verses: An Annotative of the Vedanta Triology in Verses / Pathak, Bhawesh Nath
1937. The Vedantasutras of Badarayana: Sanskrit text with English translation and the commentary of Baladeva / Vasu, Srisa Chandra (Tr.)
1938. Vedantasutras of Badrayana: With the Commentary of Baladeva; 2 Volumes / Basu, B.D. & Vasu, S.C. (Ed.) & (Trs.)
1939. Vedas: An Essence / Dilwali, Ashok
1940. Vedic Aorist and Panini / Joshi, Prasad P.
1941. Vedic Beliefs and Practices through Arthavada; 2 Volumes / Dange, Sindhu S.
1942. Vedic Bibliography; 6 Volumes / Dandekar, R.N. (Ed.)
1943. Vedic Civilization / Pruthi, R.K. (Ed.)
1944. Vedic Concept of God / Saraswati, Swami Vidyanand
1945. A Vedic Concordance / Bloomfield, Maurice
1946. Vedic Concordance; 2 Volumes (in Devanagari) / Bimali, O.N. & Upadhyaya, Sunil Kumar (Eds.)
1947. Vedic Culture / Upadhyaya, Ganga Prasad
1948. Vedic Dharma and Islam / Suman, Anand (Dr.)
1949. The Vedic God Mitra / Vannucci, Marta
1950. Vedic Humanism: Path to Peace / Vedalankar, Dilip
1951. Vedic India: A History / Ajithkumar, M.P.
1952. Vedic Kosha (3 Volumes) / Upadhyaya, Chandrasekhar & Upadhyaya, Anil Kumar
1953. Vedic Mathematics (Selected Papers) / Glover, James T.
1954. Vedic Myth, Ritual and Philosophy: A Study of Davita Interpretation of Veda by Madhva / Tiwari, Anant Sharan
1955. Vedic Mythology / Prasad, Abhinav
1956. Vedic Mythology / Singh, Nagendra Kumar
1957. Vedic Mythopoeia: An Approach to Religion Myth and Poetry / Choudhuri, Usha
1958. The Vedic Origins of Karma: Cosmos as Man in Ancient Indian Myth and Ritual / Tull, Herman W.
1959. Vedic Philosophy of Values / Nigal, S.G.
1960. The Vedic Philosophy: Or An Exposition of the Sacred and Mystrerious Monosyllable AUM / Narayana, Har (Tr.)
1961. Vedic Sacrifices Early Nature: Some Problems and Discussions; 2 Volumes / Dange, Sadashiv Ambadas
1962. Vedic Science and Culture in India / Sharma, H.C.
1963. Vedic Studies / Kulkarni, Nirmala R.
1964. Vedic Studies (in Hindi) / Tiwari, Shashi
1965. Vedic Studies: Language, Texts, Culture, and Philosophy / Hock, Hans Henrich (Ed.)
1966. Vedic Symbolism / Singh, Satya Prakash
1967. Vedic Thoughts: Vedic Way of Life / Sawant, Chitaranjan (Brig.)
1968. Vedic Traditions and Rituals / Pruthi, Rajkumar & Rameshwari Devi
1969. Vedic Variants: A Study of the Variant Readings in the Repeated Mantras of the Veda; 3 Volumes / Bloomfield, Maurice; Edgerton, Franklin & Emeneau, Murray Barnson
1970. Vedic Venues: Volume 1 / Jha, Ram Nath; Tiwari, Shashi & Kazanasm Nicholas (Eds.)
1971. Vedic View of the Earth: A Geological Insight into the Vedas / Murthy, S.R.N.
1972. A Vedic Word-Concordance; 15 Volumes (in 16 parts) / Vishva Bandhu
1973. Vedon mein Kala evam Vigyan (Part 1) / Sharma, Satyakama & Sharma, Yogesh (Eds.)
1974. Verbal Forms in the Rgveda / Devi, Shantipriya
1975. Vidishi through the Ages / Chakraverty, K.K. & et. al.
1976. Vidura Gita: Mahabharata's other Dialogues, In English and Hindi Verses: With full Samskrita and Roman Transliterations / Pathak, Bhawesh Nath
1977. Vijayanagara Temples / Kamble, M.T.
1978. Vijayanagara Temples at Tadapatri / Jayaprada, V.
1979. Vijnana Bhairava: The Practice of Centring Awareness, commentary of Swami Lakshman Joo (Sanskrit text with English translation)
1980. Vijnanabhairava or Divine Consciousness: A Treasury of 112 Types of Yoga / Singh, Jaideva
1981. The Village Gods of South India / Whitehead, Henry
1982. Vinoba: The Revolutionary Saint / Das, Ratan (Dr.)
1983. Vishnu Kosha / Rao, S.K. Ramachandra (Prof.)
1984. Vishnu Pratimaye (in Hindi) / Singh, Kiran (Dr.)
1985. The Vishnu Purana, 2 Volumes / Wilson, H.H.
1986. Vishveshvaranand Indological Research Series, Vols. 1-88
1987. Visnu Mahapuranam: Text with English Translation by M.N. Dutt / Kumar, Pushpendra (Ed.)
1988. The Visnu Puranam: A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition (Sanskrit text and English translation with various notes derived from other texts) / Joshi, K.L. (Ed. & Revised)
1989. Visnu Temples of Kancipuram / Nagaswamy, R.
1990. Visnu: The Preserver / Nagar, Shantilal
1991. Visnudharmottara Purana: Translated into English from Original Sanskrit Text; 3 Volumes / Shah, Priyabala (Dr.)
1992. Visnumahapuranam of Maharsi Vedavyasa: With Sanskrit Commentary 'Atmaprakasa' of Sridharacarya; 2 Volumes / Upreti, Thanesh Chandra (Ed.)
1993. Vitthalaswamy Temple at Hampi / Suresh, K.M. (Dr.)
1994. Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries; 6 Volumes / Vivekananda, Swami
1995. Vivekananda: Charita-mahakavyasya Samalochanatmakamadhyyanam / Shastri, Shaligram
1996. Vivekananda: East Meets West: A Pictorial Biography / Swami Chetanananda (Ed.)
1997. Vivekananda: Voices and Vision A Literary Perspective (With Selected Poems and Speeches) / Khatri, Chhote Lal
1998. Voice of God: Traditional Thought and Modern Science / Saraswati, Baidyanath (Ed.)
1999. The Voice of Women: Gargi to Gangasati (With a DVD) / Singh, Avadhesh Kumar (Ed.)
2000. Void and Fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu and Christian Traditions; (Sunya - Purna - Pleroma) / Baumer, Bettina & Dupche, John R. (Eds.)
2001. Vratya Culture in Vedic Sources (Selected Papers) / Pontillo, Tiziana; Dore, Moreno & Hock, Hans Henrich (Eds.)
2002. Vyakaranaparipracchya - Vyakarana Section (Selected Papers) / Cardona, George & Ogawa, Hideyo (Eds.)
2003. The Wandering Sufis: Qalandars and Their Path / Srivastava, Kumkum
2004. War on Sacred Grounds / Hassner, Ron E.
2005. Warfare, Religion, and Society in Indian History / Aquil, Raziuddin & Roy, Kaushik (Eds.)
2006. The Way of God
2007. Way to Liberation Moksa-Marga: An Itinerary in Indian Philosophy / Sribhashyam, T.K. & Sheshadri, Alamelu
2008. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan / Nakamura, Hajime
2009. Western Thoughts for Asian Readers: Traditions of Greeks, Romans, Jews and Christians / Johnson, D.L.
2010. Where Gods Reside: Sacred Places of Kolkata / Mukerjee, Mala & Silliman, Jael
2011. White Lotus: Discourses on Fragmentary Notes of Bodhidharma's Four Disciples / Osho
2012. White Shadow of Consciousness: Re-cognition of the Actor / Chatterjee, Gautam
2013. Who is a Guru? and Other Inspiring Speeches / Saraswati, Paramahamsa Omkarananda
2014. Windows to the World Religions / Mathur, Suresh Narain
2015. The Wisdom of India / Yutang, Lin
2016. The Wisdom of India / Yutang, Lin
2017. Wisdom of the Ancient Seers: Mantras of the Rig Veda / Frawley, David
2018. Woman and Religion: An Encyclopadia on Women in Different Religions of the World; 8 Volumes / Anil Dutta Mishra (Ed.)
2019. Women and Religion / Doshi, Nitin
2020. Women Seers of the Rigveda / Gupta, Mau Das
2021. Women: Human Rights, Religion and Violence / Tanwar, Reicha
2022. Woolner Indological Series, 27 Volumes
2023. The Word of the Guru: The Life and Teachings of Guru Narayana / Guru, Nataraja
2024. The World as Power / Woodroffe, Sir John (Arthur Avalon)
2025. The World of Religions / Samarpan
2026. The World of Tantra / Bhattacharya, B.
2027. World Religions and Human Liberation / Cohn-Sherbok, Dan (Ed.)
2028. World Religions and their Beliefs Systems / Tiwary, Shiv Shanker (Dr.)
2029. World Religions; 14 Volumes / Lugira, Aloysius M.; Hartz, Paula R.; Wangu, Madhu Bazaz & Brown, Stephen F.
2030. World Renowned Jain Pilgrimages: Reverence and Art / Sagar, Mahopadhyaya Lalitprabh
2031. World Vedic Heritage: A History of Histories; 2 Volumes / Oak, P.N.
2032. The World Wisdom's Library of Perennial Philosophy; 6 Volumes
2033. World's Living Faiths Voice and Visions: Reflections of the Great Thinkers of All Religions, Races and Countries; 3 Volumes / Weller, Charles Frederick (Ed.)
2034. The Worship of Love: A Study of Nature Worship Throughout the World / Longwork, T. Clifton
2035. The Worship of Mahaganapati According to the Nityotsava / Buhnemann, Gudrun
2036. Worterbuch Zum Rig-Veda by M. Kozianka / Grassmann, Hermann
2037. Woven on the Loom of Time: Many Faiths and One Divine Purpose / Bryant, M. Darrol
2038. Writings from Spiritual and Mystical Books: A Collection / Mukherjee, K.C.
2039. Yadavas through the Ages, 2 Volumes / Yadav, J.N. Singh
2040. Yagyadipika with Hindi commentary / Shastri, Dipchand (Ed.)
2041. Yajurveda Samhita: Sanskrit text, English translation and Notes of Ralph T.H. Griffith / Arya, Ravi Prakash (Ed.)
2042. The Yajurveda: Sanskrit text with English translation by Devi Chand
2043. Yajurveda-Samhita [Adhyayas 1-40] (Sanskrit text, introduction, notes and index of verses) / Joshi, K.L. (Ed.)
2044. Yama: The Glorious Lord of the Other World / Merh, Kusum P.
2045. Yantra Images / Kumar, Dilip (Comp. & Ed.)
2046. Yantra, Mantra, Tantra and Occult Science / Dwivedi, Bhojraj (Dr.)
2047. The Yantras (Text with 32 Plates) / Rao, S.K. Ramachandra (Prof.)
2048. The Yantras of Deities and Their Numerological Foundations: An Iconographic Consideration / Bunce, Fredrick W.
2049. Yog Sadhana Pranayam (VCD in English) / Swami Ramdev
2050. Yog Sadhana Pranayam (VCD in Hindi) / Swami Ramdev
2051. Yog Sadhna Evam Yog Chikitsa Rahasaya (in Hindi) / Swami Ramdev
2052. The Yoga of Netra Tantra: Third Eye and Overcoming Death / Baumer, Bettina Sharda
2053. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / Swami Venkatesananda
2054. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Sanskrit Text and English Translations / Dvivedi, M.N. (Tr.)
2055. Yoga Tantra: Theory and Praxis: In the Light of Hevajra Tantra (A Metaphysical Perspective) / Augustine, Tomy (Dr.)
2056. Yogakshema / Sankhdher, M.M.
2057. Yoga-Tantra and Sensuousness in Art / Mishra, T.N.
2058. The Yogavasistha of Valmiki with the commentary Vasisthamaharamayanatatparyaprakasa; 2 Volumes / Pansikar, Vasudeva Laxmana Sharma (Ed.)
2059. The Yoga-Vasistha of Valmiki; 4 Volumes (Sanskrit text with English translation) / Arya, Ravi Prakash (Ed.)
2060. Yogis in Silence: The Great Sufi Masters / Gupta, R.K.
2061. Yuktikalpataru of Sribhojaraja: Sanskrit text with Hindi translation by Dr. Bhagwatilal Rajpurohit
2062. Zen Buddhist Meditation and Hindu Sadhana: A Comparative and Anthological Study / Ananda
2063. Zoroastrianism: The Religion of Good Life / Masani, Rustam

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