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601. Humanism and Nationalism in Tagore's Novels / Singh, Kh. K.
602. Humanism in the Nikaya Literature / Truong, Bikkhu Duc
603. Humanist Wordsworth / Kant, Pralay
604. Hundred Best English Essays; 2 Volumes (Selected and Edited, with an introductory Essay)
605. A Hundred Devotional Songs of Tagore / Tagore, Rabindranath & Chakrabarti, Mohit
606. The Hungry Ghosts / Selvadurai, Shyam
607. Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saint / Kingsbury, F. & Philips, G.P.
608. I Love Cinema: An Original Novel / Shiek, Isa
609. Iconoclast / Chattopadhayaya, Harindranath
610. Idamapi Srnuta Sakhayah (A Sanskrit Muktaka-Kavya with Self-Made Hindi Translation) / Dikshit, Hari Narayan (Dr.) (Tr.)
611. Identity and Gender: A Critical Study of Novels of Shobha De / Patnaik, Bharati (Dr.)
612. Ideology and the American Novel / Singh, Sukhbir (Ed.)
613. If I Die Today / Deshpande, Shashi
614. The Illicit Happiness of Other People / Joseph, Manu
615. Illustrated Encyclopaedia of English Literature; 4 Volumes / Garnett, Richard & Gosse, Edmund
616. Illustrated History of Ancient Literature: Oriental and Classical; 2 Volumes / Quackenbos, J.D.
617. Illustrated Library of World Knowledge: Encyclopaedia of Art, Architecture, Literature, Science and Technology; 4 Volumes / Ogilvie, John & Andale, Charles
618. The Image of India in English Fiction: Studies in Kipling, Myers and Raja Rao / Belliappa, K.C.
619. The Image of Women in Indian Literature / Bhat, Yashoda & Rao, Yamuna Raja (Eds.)
620. Images of Kabir / Horstmann, Monika (Ed.)
621. Images of Women: Selected Poems / Tagore, Rabindranath
622. Imaging India, Imaging Japan: A Chronicle of Reflections on Mutual Literature / Sachidanand, Unita & Teiji Sakata (Eds.)
623. Immortal Paradigms: Sri Aurobindo Home-Coming Centenary Volume / Singh, Charu Sheel
624. The Immortal Tales / Bhattacharya, A.D.
625. In Praise of Krishna: Translation of Gitagovinda of Jayadeva / Mukhopadhyay, Durgadas
626. In Search of a New Form William Carlos Williams / Soundravalli, K.
627. In Search of the Lotus Feet / Mitra, Arup
628. India in the Literature of Spain / Jardiel, Enrique Gallud
629. India Related Naipaul: A Study in Art / Sarkar, R.N.
630. Indian Aesthetics and Poetics / Jha, V.N. (Ed.)
631. Indian and Persian Prosody and Recitation (with CD) / Nagasaki, Hiroko (Ed.)
632. The Indian Critical Scene: Controversial Essays / Narasimhaiah, C.D.
633. Indian Dalits Voices, Visions and Politics / Das, K.C.
634. Indian Dance and Music Literature: A Select Bibliography / Kuppuswamy, Gowry & Hariharan, M.
635. Indian Diaspora in Asian & Pecific Region / Ghosh, L.
636. Indian English Fiction: A Critical Study / Naik, M.K. & Narayan, Shyamala A.
637. Indian English Fiction: Readings and Reflections / Kumar, Gajendra
638. Indian English Literature Since 1950; 2 Volumes / Singh, Charu Sheel
639. Indian English Literature, Volume 2-9 / Naikar, Basavaraj (Ed.)
640. Indian English Novel in the Nineties and After: A Study of the Text and its Context / Singh, Anita
641. Indian English Novel: Text and Context / Kumar, Gajendra
642. Indian English Poetry: Recent Explanations / Jha, Gauri Shankar
643. Indian English: An Examination of the Errors of Idiom Made by Indians in Writing English / Whitworth, George Clifford
644. Indian Epigraphical Glossary / D.C. Sircar
645. Indian Fairy Tales / Jacobs, Joseph
646. Indian Fiction in English: Roots and Blossoms / Prasad, Amar Nath
647. Indian Folklore / Goswami, Indira & Pattanaik, Prakash (Eds.)
648. The Indian Imagination of Jayanta Mahapatra / Sarangi, Jaydeep & Jha, Gauri Shankar (Eds.)
649. Indian Languages and Texts through the Ages (Essays of Hungarian Indologists in Honour of Prof. Csaba Tottossy) / Dezso, Csaba (Ed.)
650. Indian Lexicon / Bharatiya Kosh; 2 Volumes / Kumar, Braj Bihari
651. Indian Literary Criticism in English: Critics, Texts, Issues / Rajan P.K. (Ed.)
652. Indian Literature and Culture / Sarkar, Subhash Chandra
653. Indian Literature in English: Critical Discourses / Kahtri, C.L.
654. Indian Literature in English: Critical Views / Barbuddhe, Satish
655. Indian Literature in English: New Perspectives / Surendran, K.V.
656. The Indian Literature of the Great Rebellion / Scholberg, Henry
657. Indian Literature: Issues and explorations / Gadgil, Gangadhar
658. Indian Literature: Paradigms and Praxis / Satchidanandan, K.
659. Indian Music Literature: A Compendium / Haroon, Mohammed (Dr.)
660. Indian Novelists in English: Critical Perspectives / Prasad, Amar Nath
661. Indian Philosophy : Past to Present / Ramaswamy Dr.
662. Indian Poetesses: From Vedic to Modern Times / Margaret, M.
663. Indian Political Novel in English / Bhatnagar, O.P.
664. Indian Tales / Sharpe, E.
665. Indian Women Novelists in English / Bheda, P.D.
666. Indian Women Novelists in English / Dodiya, Jaydipsinh (Ed.)
667. Indian Women Novelists in English / Pandey, Birendra (Ed.)
668. Indian Women Novelists in English: A Critical Study / Chaudhury, Ivy & Saha, Shukla (Eds.)
669. Indian Women Writers in English / Javalgi, P.G.
670. Indian Women Writing in English: New Perspectives / Sree, S. Prasanna (Ed.)
671. Indian Women's Writing in English: A Bibliography / Kuortti, Joel
672. Indian Women's Writings in English / Mouli, T. Sai Chandra & Sarangi, Jaydeep
673. Indian Writers at Work / Kohli, Devindra
674. Indian Writing in English / Ray, Mohit K.
675. Indian Writing in English Perspective / Chakravarty, Joya (Ed.)
676. Indian Writing in English: A Critical Study / Agrawal, K.A. (Ed.)
677. Indian Writing in English: Critical Appraisals / Prasad, Amar Nath (Ed.)
678. Indian Writing in English: Critical Explorations / Prasad, Amar Nath
679. Indian Writing in English: Critical Ruminations; 2 Volumes / Prasad, Amar Nath & Joseph, S. John Peter (Eds.)
680. Indian Writing in English: Past and Present / Prasad, Amar Nath
681. Indian Writing in English: Speculations and Observations / Nawale, Arvind M.
682. Indian Writing in English: The Last Decade / Bhargava, R. (Ed.)
683. Indian Writing in English: Tradition and Modernity / Prasad, Amar Nath & Kanupriya
684. Indian Writings in English / Mishra, Binod & Kumar, Sanjay (Eds.)
685. India's Bangladesh Problem: The Marginalization of Bengali Muslims in Neoliberal Times 273p. / Murshid, Navine
686. Indira Gandhi & The Emergency as viewed in the Indian Novel / Mathur, O.P.
687. Indira Goswami (Mamoni Raisom Goswami) and Her Fictional World: The Search for the Sea / Satarawala, Kaikous Burjor
688. Indomitable Spirit / Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul
689. Influence of Kalidasa on Rabindranath Tagore / Howlader, Chinmoy (Dr.)
690. Inhabiting the Other: Essays on Literature and Exile / Lahiri, Sharmistha (Ed.)
691. Inner Courtyard (AANGAN) / Mastur, Khadija
692. The Inside View: Native Responses to Contemporary Indian English Novel / Bhongle, Rangrao (Ed.)
693. Inspirations from the Sadguru: A Kundalini Kriya / Guha, Pradeep K. (Dr.)
694. Intellect India: The Vedas, Upanishads, Buddhism, Jainism, Classics, Folklore, Technical Literature, etc. / Macdonell, A.A.
695. Intellegent Endings / Rothman, Richard M.
696. Interdisciplinarity / Moran, Joe
697. The Interior Landscape: Anita Desai's Novels from Cry, the Peacock to Baumgarter's Bombay / Swain, S.P.
698. International Encyclopaedia of India Literature; 9 Volumes / Garg, Ganga Ram
699. International Guide to Art Research Material, Vol.1: Indian Language and Literature / Choudhary, Ashok K. & et. al.
700. International Library of World Literature; 32 Volumes / Brandl, Alois & Mitchell, Donald G.
701. Interpretations of Literature; 2 Volumes / Heam, Lafcadio & Erskine, John
702. Interrogative Post Colonialism: Theory, Text and Context / Trivedi, Harish & Mukherjee, Meenakshi (Eds.)
703. Interviews with Indian Writers: Covering Thirth Five Writers of Fifteen Languages / Ranga, Ranvir
704. Introduction to Classical Indian Literature; 4 Volumes / Kapoor, S. (Ed.)
705. An Introduction to Literary Criticism / Kahn, M.I.
706. An Introduction to Nyaya Varttika of Srimadudyotakaracarya / Dwivedi, Vindhyeswari Prasad
707. An Introduction to the Poetry of Ghalib / Rehman, Sarvat (Tr.)
708. Introduction to the Science of Language / Sayce, A.H.
709. Investing Ties and Bonds in English: Diasporic Literary Consciousness / Mishra, Binod & Dhanasekaran, P.J. Paul (Eds.)
710. Inviolable Air: Canadian Poetic: Modernism in Perspective / Rao, T. Nageswara
711. The Invisible Influence: A Story of the Mystic Orient with Great Truths Which Can Never Die / Cannon, Alexander
712. The Iqbal's Poetry: A Critical and Evaluative Stury / Ghani, Abdul (Prof.)
713. Island of the Blue Dolphins (50th Anniversary Edition) / O'Dell, Scott
714. The Jagannatha-Vallabha Nataka: A Study with Introduction and Translation / Swain, Rajalaxmi
715. Jagged Lines Poems / Kharparn Daly, Brain D.
716. James Bladwin: Protest and Beyond: A Study of Afro-American Fiction / Sharma, Asha
717. Jane Austen: A Critical Study / Hudson, Robert & Arnold, Edwin
718. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: The Atlantic Critical Studies / Bhattacharyya, Jibesh
719. Janjiron Mein Jakadi Aurat / Firojpuri, Gopal Krishan Sharma
720. Jankiharana of Kumaradasa: A Critical Study (Cantos. 16-20) / Raghavan, V. (Ed.)
721. Jayantabhatta krit Agamdamber ke Kavyashastriya Aayam / Misra, Prayaga Narayan (Dr.)
722. Jews of Indian: Their Story / Israel, Rachanel Rukmini
723. The Jivanmukti-Viveka of the Path to Liberation in this Life (Translated into English) / Dvivedi, M.N. (Tr.)
724. Jnanasrimitras Vyapticarca; (Sanskrit Text, Ubersetzung Analyse) / Lasic, Horst
725. John Donne: A Critical Study / Joseph, T. & Francis, S.
726. John Dryden: A Critical Study / Joseph, T. & Francis, S.
727. John Milton: A Critical Study / Joseph, T. & Francis, S.
728. John Steinbeck: A Study of His Finctional Women / Arya, Sushma
729. John Steinbeck's Novels: A Critical Understanding / Singh, Elangbam Hemanta
730. Joseph Andrews / Fielding, Henry
731. Joseph Conrad: A Critical Study / Hudson, Robert & Arnold, Edwin
732. Joseph Conrad: The Gothic Imagination / Mahanta, Banibrata
733. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness / Ray, Mohit K.
734. Journey to the Centre of the Earth / Verne, Jules
735. Joyce Cary: A Critical Study / Nirmala, A.
736. Kabir Legends and Ananta-Das's Kabir Parachai: With a translation of the Kabir Parachai prepared in collaboration with Jagdish Kumar and Uma Thukral with an edition of the Niranjani Panthi recension of this work / Lorenzen, David N. (Tr.)
737. Kabir: Selected Couplets from the Sakhi in Transversion (400-odd verses in iambic Tetrameter Stanza Form) / Karki, Mohan Singh
738. Kabir: The Weaver's Songs / Dharwadker, Vinay (Tr.)
739. Kadambari by Banabhatta / Tiwari, S.N. (Ed.)
740. Kadambari of Banabhatta (Sanskrit text with Kadambini Hindi translation) / Tripathi, Narmadeshwar Kumar (Dr.)
741. Kadwa Sach / Lal, Pyare
742. Kalhana's Rajatarangini: A Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir; 2 Volumes / Stein, M.A. (Tr.)
743. Kalhana's Rajatarangini: Chronoicle of the Kings of Kasmir; Edited with 'Sobhana' Hindi Commentary by Shri Ramtej Shastri Pandey
744. Kalidasa Kosha: Thesaurus of Kalidasa; 2 Volumes / Shukla, H.L.
745. Kalidasa Sahitya Evam Kamakala; 5 Volumes / Kulshreshtha, Sushma (Ed.)
746. Kalidasa Sahitye Antyaksari (in Hindi) / Tandan, Kiran (Dr.) (Ed. & Tr.)
747. Kalidasa: A Fresh / Narang, Satapal (Prof.) (Ed.)
748. Kalidasa: New Perspectives / Radhakrishnan, C.S.
749. Kalidasa's Meghaduta / Hultzsch, E.
750. Kalidasa's Ritusamharam / Sehgal, S.R.
751. Kalidasa-sahitye Saundarya-Chetna (in Sanskrit) / Samantarai, Sharada (Dr.)
752. Kalidash Sarvaswam: The Complete Works of Kalidasa; Text with English Translation; 2 Volumes (2nd Edition) / Unni, N.P. (Tr.)
753. Kalpalata: A Collection of Devotional Poems / Pandey, Ramesh Kumar (Ed.)
754. Kamala Das: A Critical Spectrum / Mittapalli, Rajeshwae & et. al. (Eds.)
755. Kamala Markandaya: A Critical Study of Her Novels / Rao, A.V. Krishna
756. Kamala Markandaya's: Vision of Life / Garg, Neerja (Dr.)
757. Kama's Flowers: Nature in Hindi Poetry and Criticism, 1885-1925 / Ritter, Valerie
758. Kamla Markandaya: A Critical Spectrum / Bhatnagar, M.K.
759. Karmic Debts / Tandan, Mohini
760. Karmic Ties: A Novel of Modern Asia / Long, Stephen
761. Karmkand Pradeep / Karmakanda-Pradipah: Dasakarmadipaddhatih 'Sruti' Hindi vyakhyavibhusita (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Sharma, Devanarayana (Dr.) (Tr.)
762. Kashi ki Kavyashastriya Acharya Parampara = Poetics Acharya Tradition of Kashi (in Sanskrit & Hindi) / Sarkar, Rajesh
763. Kashmir Bliss: Selected Poetry of Nund Reshi / Muqeem, Badruddin
764. Kashmir Folklore: A Study in Historical Perspective / Fayaz, Farooq
765. Kashmir is Free (A Novel) / Kumar, Arun & Kumar, Prasenjeet
766. Kathamritanidhi of Sri Anantabhatta; (Fresh version of Panchtantra) with critical edition and estimate) / Saxena, Rama (Dr.)
767. Kavita Ka Paripath; (in Hindi) / Pandey, Ramsajan (Dr.)
768. Kavya Kairavam (in Sanskirt only) / Satapathi, Swetapadma (Dr.)
769. Kavyadarpan: Shadullasatmak / Virchit, Sri Rajchudamani Dixit
770. Kavyadarsah of Dandin: Text with the Commentary of Jibanand Vidyasagar; Translated into English by V.V. Sastrulu / Panda, R.K. (Ed.)
771. Kavyalankara of Bhamaha: A Stylistical and Methodological Study / Lele, W.K.
772. Kavyalankara of Rudrata (Sanskrit text with Hindi translation) / Chaudhary, Satyadev (Dr.)
773. Kavyamimamsa of Rajasekhara (Original text in Sanskrit and translation with explanatory notes) / Parashar, Sadhana
774. Kayakalpa: The Elixir of Everlasting Youth / Bora, Lakshmi Nandan
775. Kekavali of Moropanta: A Series of the Peacock's Screams / Bobde, P.V. (Tr.)
776. Khushwant Singh: A Critical Study of His Novels / Dubey, S.K.
777. Khushwant Singh: Reality and Myth / Gupta, Ruby
778. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti / Khan, K.D.
779. The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil / Zimmer, Heinrich
780. The King in Exile: The Fall of the Royal Family of Burma / Shah, Sudha
781. Kiran Desai and Her Fictional World / Sharma, Vijay K. & Tandon, Neeru (Eds.)
782. Krishna Hari: A Play / Tulsiram, Nandlal
783. Ksemendra Studies of Dr. Suryakanta: Text with English Translation / Panda, R.K. (Ed.)
784. Kumara Sambhavam of Kalidasa (Fifth Canto text and English translation) / Panda, R.K.
785. Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa (Text with English translation and introduction) / Kale, M.R. (Ed.)
786. Kumarsambhavam of Kalidasa with Pancika of Vallabhadeva / Patel, Gautam
787. Kunti Kuntala Shakuntala / Mohanty, Binapani & Mohanty, A.K.
788. Labour Economics: Principles, Problems & Practices (2nd Revised & Enlarged Edition) / Singh, Jiwitesh Kumar Dr.
789. The Lalita Sahasranama Stotram (Text with English translation and annotations) / Sri Lalita Sahasranama Stotram: Thousand Attributes of Para Shakti Lalita (Text with Interpretive Translation from Kashmir Sakta Viewpoint) / Raina, Chaman Lal (Dr.)
790. Lalla Rookh: An Oriental Romance / Moore, Thomas
791. Lalla to Nuruddin: Rishi-Sufi Poetry of Kashmir (A Translation and Study) / Odin, Jaishree K.
792. The Lambent Moon; (Poems) / Jha, Mummun
793. The Lamp is Lit: Leaves from a Journel / Bond, Ruskin
794. Landmarks in Modern English Literature / Roy, Virendra K.
795. Landour Days: A Writer's Journal / Bond, Ruskin
796. The Last Song of Dusk / Shanghvi, Siddharth Dhanvant
797. Last Wilderness / Verma, Nirmal
798. Lawrence Durrell and His Fictional World / Chaturvedi, A.K.
799. A Layman's Guide to Sanskrit Literature / Banerji, S.C.
800. Learn to Write A Short Story: The Art Craft & Anxieties / Das, Kishori Charan
801. Leaves from Kashmir / Shafi, Saba
802. The Legacy and Other Short Stories / Rahman, Tariq & Narang, Harish (Eds.)
803. Letter from a Lhasa Merchant to His Wife / Chittadhar 'Hridaya' (Mimmanahpau)
804. Letter Writing made Easy / Sawhney, P. & Gupta, A.
805. Leviathan / Hobbes, Thomas
806. Life and Works of Booker Prize Winners / Miller, Winnie
807. Life and Works of Saadat Hasan Manto / Bhalla, Alok (Ed.)
808. Life in the Fringes: The Aborigines in Patrick Whites Voss Riders in the Chariot and a Fringe of Leaves / Mahananda, Saroj Kumar
809. Life of John Keats: His Life and Poetry his Friends Critics and After Fame / Colvin, Sidney
810. Life of PI: A Novel / Martel, Yann
811. Lifelines: New Writing from Bangladesh / Ghuznavi, Farah
812. Literacy and Social Transformation / Pillai, P.G.
813. Literacy Programmes for all Adults / Fahimuddin
814. Literary Cascades: A festschrift for Prof. B. Gopal Rao / Kumar, G. Thirupathi; Pothen, Annie & Roy, Sumita (Eds.)
815. Literary Criticism / Jakhar, S.
816. Literary Criticism in Theory and Practice / Shrivastava, Ravindra Nath
817. Literary Criticism of R.S. Crane: Theory and Practice / Biswas, Asit Kumar (Dr.)
818. Literary Critism: An Introduction / Das, Ajay
819. Literary Debates / Kaul, R.K. & et. al.
820. Literary Gems from Sanskrit Literature: A Study of Rare Manuscripts / Wakankar, Siddharth Yeshwant
821. Literary Glory of Greece; 2 Volumes / Cunliffe, John W. & H. Thorndike, Ashley (Eds.)
822. The Literary Heritage: A New Anthology of Prose and Short Story / Prasad, Hari Mohan; Masih, Ivan Khristo & Singh, Chakradhar Prasad
823. Literary Polyrhythms: New Voices in New Writings in English / Gnanamony, S. Robert
824. Literary Spectrums: Recent Studies in English Literature / Mukhopadhyay, Partha Kumar
825. Literary Terms in Fiction and Prose / Sebastian, A.J.
826. Literary Terms in Poetry / Chandra, N.D.R. & Sabastian, A.J. (Dr.)
827. Literary Theory Today / Nayar, Pramod K.
828. Literary Theory: An Anthology / Rivkin, Julie & et. al. (Eds.)
829. Literary Theory: Possibilities and Limits / Singh, Charu Sheel
830. Literary Vision / Naikar, Basavaraj
831. Literature and Epigraphy of Tamilnadu / Krishnan, A.
832. Literature and Infinity / Manjali, Franson
833. Literature and Social Morality: A Gandhian Overview / Patil, Hemalatha V. & Patil, V.T.
834. A Literature-History Paradigms in Michel Foucault's Literary Theory / Rai, Sunil, K.
835. The Litterature As Art Theorist: Some Approaches to Art / Sharma, K.K.
836. Living Literature: A Trilingual Documentation of Indo-German Literary Exchange / Lauts, Barbara & et. al. (Eds.)
837. Living Thoughts of Immanuel Kant / Benda, Julien
838. Living With Honour: What's Easy to See is Easy to Miss / Khera, Shiv
839. The Long Transition: Essays on Poilitical Economy / Patnaik, Utsa
840. A Long Way Home / Brierley, Saroo
841. Lord Macaulay's Critical Essays; 2 Volumes / Goyal, Bhagwat S. & Tomar, Monica
842. The Lost Dreams: Collection of Poems / Salim, Mohammed
843. Love in Modern American Drama / Jain, Naresh K.
844. Love Poems of Ghananand / Bahadur, K.P.
845. Love, Eroticism and Female Sexuality in Classical Sanskrit Literature: Seventh-Thirteenth Centuries / Shah, Shalini
846. Lovescape Crucified: A Study of Gerard Manley Hopkins / Samanta, Soumyajit
847. Lunchtime Enlightenment / Dove, Pragito
848. Maa Meri Maa / Ranka, Binjraj (Comp. & Ed.)
849. The Mad Tibetan: Stories from Then and Now / Nawal, Deepti
850. Madhukari: Art of Honey-Gathering / Guha, Buddhadeba
851. Madhva und Seine Unbekannten Literarischen Quellen / Mesquita, R.
852. Mahabharata: The Great War of the Bharata Clan / Vyasa, Maharshi
853. Mahadevi Verma ke Sahitya mein Anubhuti evam Vichar / Rajrani (Dr.)
854. Mahakavi Doctor Harinarayaan Dikshit ke Subhashita (in Hindi) / Tandon, Kiran (Dr.)
855. Main in Bellow's Fiction / Maggirwar, G.N.
856. Major Plays of Barry and Behrman / Joshi, B.D.
857. Major Trends in the Post-Independence: Indian English Fiction
858. Makers of Indian Literature: Shadaksharadeva / Naikar, Chandramouli S.
859. Making Sense of the First Quartos of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and Hamlet / Bains, Y.S.
860. The Malavikagnimitram of Kalidasa: With the Commentary of Katyavema, Various Readings, Introduction, Translation into English and Critical and Explanatory Notes / Kale, M.R. (Ed.)
861. Malcolm Lowery-Novelist / Singh, Ravindra Prasad
862. Malgudi Milieu / Dhillon, Mohinder Singh
863. A Man Who Saw God: A Novel / Singh, R.A. (Brig.)
864. Managing Radical Change: What Indian Companies Must do to Become World-Class / Ghoshal, Sumantra & et. al.
865. Mandana and His Works: An Appaisal / Varma, Satyavrat
866. The Manidarpana (Sabdaparichchheda) of Rajachudamanimakhin (Samsodhakah) by Mahamahopadhyaya T. Ganapati Shastri / Shastri, G. Jayamanikya (Dr.) (Ed.)
867. Manisara (Anumaan Khanda) Samsodhakah by Mahamahopadhyaya T. Ganapati Shastri / Shastri, G. Jayamanikya (Dr.) (Ed.)
868. Manmohan Sahgal Rachnawali; 4 Volumes / Bedi, Harmahendra Singh & Mishra, Naresh
869. Mannu Bhandari ke Katha Sahitya mein Samajik Chetna (in Hindi) / Tiwari, Smita
870. March of the Aryans / Gidwani, Bhagwan S.
871. Marianne Moore's Poetry: Perceptions and Illusions / Menon, Sujatha
872. Marital Discord in Indian English Novel: An Indepth Study of Major Contemporary Indian Novelists in English / Khurana, K.K.
873. Mark Twain: A Critical Study / Hudson, Robert & Arnold, Edwin
874. Marriage in the Eighteenth Century English Novel / Singh, Sarup
875. The Masnavi; 2 Volumes / Rumi, Jalalu D-Din
876. Masterpieces of English Literature
877. Maukhik Mahakavya / Mishra, Manoj Kumar (Ed.)
878. The Maxims of Kabir / Das, G.N.
879. Meddling with the Middle the Novels of John Updike / Verma, Priti
880. Medieval Indian Literature; Vol.1-3
881. Medieval Literature: Song and Story; 2 Volumes / John, W.C. & Ashley, H.T. (Eds.)
882. Meditating Indian Writing in English: German Perspectives / Lange & Pandurang
883. Meghaduta of Kalidasa (Edited with a Complete Translation into English, Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Extracts from the Commentaries of Vallabha, Daksinavarta and Mallinatha) / Karmarkar, R.D. (Ed.)
884. The Meghaduta of Kalidasa (with the commentary (Sanjivani) of Mallinatha edited with an introduction, Hindi and English Translation, Critical notes) / Bharadwaj, Saroj (Dr.)
885. Meghaduta: Critical Edition with Sanskrit and Tibetan Index / Lama Chimpa, Bimalendra Kumar & Jampa Samten (Eds.)
886. Meghadutam of Kalidasa with verse translations in thirteen languages (Hindi, Garwali, Gujarati, Dogari, Mewari, Brij, Chhattisgari, Marathi, Rajasthani, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Nepali and Bundeli) / Bhargava, Dayanand (Ed.)
887. Meghadutam of Kalidasa with verse translations in twelve European languages (German, Italian, French, Swedish, Hungarian, Danish, Spanish, Dutch, Croatian, Czech, Portuguese and English) / Bhargava, Dayanand (Ed.)
888. Meghadutam of Kalidasa with verse translations in twelve languages (Tamil, Telgu, Kannad, Malyalam, Bangla, Oriya, Assamese, Manipuri, Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi and Kashmiri) / Bhargava, Dayanand (Ed.)
889. Memories of Malgudi: The Dark Room, the English Teacher, Waiting for the Mahatma the Guide, the World of Nagaraj / Narayan, R.K.
890. Memories That Linger / Gore, M.S.
891. Merlion and the Hibiscus: Contemporary Short Stories from Singapore and Malaysia / Mukherjee, Dipika & et. al.
892. Metamorphosts / Kafka, Franz (1883-1924)
893. Migrant Voices in Literature in English / Shukla, Sheobhushan & Shulka, Anu
894. A Million Fires: A Novel / Gill, Raj
895. Milton's Paradise Lost / Dwivedi, A.M.
896. Minister's Wife / Misra, Amaresh
897. Miracle / Dadachanji, Parveez
898. Mirage and Mirror: Poems / Chattopadhayaya, Harindranath
899. The Mirror of Beauty / Faruqi, Shamsur Rahman
900. The Mirror of Composition: A Treatise on Poetical Criticism: Being an English Translation of The Sahitya-Darpana of Viswanatha Kaviraja / Ballantyne, J.R. & Mitra, P.D. (Dr.)
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