CONTENTS:- Concurrent Evaluation of Total Literacy campaign; Total Literacy Campaign in sample District; Organization and Management of Zila Saksharta Samiti; Environment Building and Survey; Selection, Train8ing and Support to Volunteers; Teaching Learning Materials, Monitoring, and Finance; Final Evaluation of Total Literacy Campaign; Total Literacy campaign in Pakur District: An Overview; Annexures.
Ever since the Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) began in Ernakulam district of Kerala state on Jan 26, 1989, it has been the serious endeavor of the National Literacy Mission (NLM) and concerned experts to assess the outcome of literary programmes for adults on the basis of scientific evaluation. The book is based on two evaluations -(i) The Total Literacy Campaign launched in different areas of the country. The book is very informative and analytical for its illuminating contents on the impact of adult education. A valuable referral to policy planners, researchers and social scientists and for those who dream of removing the adult illiteracy in our country.