1. Introduction / Sharmistha Lahiri.
2. Art, exile and the case of James Joyce: a note / Lalita Subbu.
3. Albert Camus: Kingdom of exile - A biblical paradigm in exile and the Kingdom / Dominique Sarfaty-Varma.
4. The exile in the plays of Samuel Beckett / Hema V. Raghavan.
5. The land of the dead in Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh and some reflections based on Indian response to the theme of exile / V. Rajakrishnan.
6. Milan Kundera and 'Forgetting' as a metaphor / Rosy Singh.
7. Faces of exile in Portuguese literature / Maria Alzira Seixo.
8. Travel and metaphors of exile in African literature in Portuguese / Alberto Carvalho.
9. Two exiles in the contemporaneous Brazil / Fernando Cristovao.
10. Camilo Pessanha and the poetry of exile / Ana Paula Laborinho.
11. Sunday circle on Mondays: exile in Vienna / Margit Koves.
12. Neither here nor there: Reflections on German-German exile / Manfred Stassen.
13. Brecht's "Fugitives in Conversation" / Shaswati Mazumdar.
14. Notes on Fontamara / Stefano Fossati.
15. God was born in exile: Mircea Eliade and the recuperation of the sacred / Mircea Itu.
16. Exile blossomed - The case of Yiddish literature / Pratibha Bhattacharya.
17. Exile as recuperation of the past in Augusto Roa Bastos' El Fiscal / Vijaya Venkataraman.
18. Exile as ex-centricity: Juan Goytisolo's rehabilitation of Moorish Spain in Reivindicaion del Conde don Julian / Sonya S. Gupta.
19. I shall inhabit my name or memory of oblivion / Antonia Cabanilles.