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Check List > Science and Technology > Fisheries
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Records Found.
1. Advance in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology / Dhir, Shambhu
2. Advances in Aquatic Ecology; 9 Volumes / Sakhare, Vishwas B.; Escalante, P.R.D. Los Rios & Vasanthkumar, B. (Eds.)
3. Advances in Fishing Technology / Biswas, K.P.
4. Advances in Harvest and Postharvest Technology of Fish / Nambudari, D.D.
5. Aquaculture Fisheries Biotechnology and Genetics / Kumar, Yougesh & Tyagi, Rajeev (Drs.)
6. Aquatic Environment and Fish Genetics: An Analysis / Puri, Neelima
7. A-Z of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology / Bhardwaj, K.D.
8. A-Z of Industrial Marine Fisheries in Asia / Long, A.C.
9. Basic Limnology and Fish Biodiversity / Das, Bubul & Kar, Devashish
10. Basics of Fisheries Science; 5 Volumes / Badapanda, K.C.
11. Beginner's Guide to Aquarium Fish and Fish Care / Lowe, Harish
12. A Case Study on Intensification for Freshwater Fish Culture and Training / Bose, N.K. & Dhir, Shambhu
13. Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture Management; 2 Volumes / Diwan, A.D. & Gopakumar, K.
14. A Complete Book on Fish Genetics and Aquatic Environment / Dhir, Shambhu
15. Deep Sea Demersal Fish and Fisheries / Long, Arnold
16. Dictionary of Aquatic Resources and Fisheries / Saini, V.P.; Sharma, L.L. & Ujjania, N.C.
17. Diversification in Aquaculture / Sinha, Archana; Datta, Subhendu & Mahapatra, Bijay Kali
18. Economics And Fisheries Research / Akhter, Nasreen (Dr.)
19. Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Fishes / Singh, Praveen Kumar
20. Encyclopaedia of Classification of Fish; 4 Volumes / Bagulia, A.M.
21. Encyclopaedia of Fish and Fisheries / Anand, Vishal
22. Encyclopaedia of Fish Culture; 3 Volumes / Hussain, S.M.
23. Encyclopaedia of Fisheries and Aquaculture; 7 Volumes / Prasad, T. Lakshmi & Ramaswamy, K.
24. Essentials of Fish Biology / Kar, Devashish
25. A Field Guide to Fishes / Rao, D.V.
26. Fish Anatomy / Shagufta
27. Fish and Fisheries / Pandey, Kamleshwar (Prof.)
28. Fish and Fisheries / Shukla, Arvind N.
29. Fish Biology and Physiology / Shagufta
30. Fish Cell and Tissue Culture: A Text Book / Goswami, Mukunda & Lakra, W.S.
31. Fish Cytogenetics / Singh, Vijay
32. Fish Diseases / Singh, Vijay
33. Fish Diseases and Disorders / Charan, Neha
34. Fish Farming / Shagufta
35. Fish Health and Fish Diseases / Shagufta
36. Fish Markets and Fisherman: The Economics of Over Fishing / Dhir, Shambhu
37. Fish Mycopathology / Srivastava, R.C.
38. Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology: A Teaching Manual / Athithan, S.; Felix, N. & Venkatasamy, N.
39. Fish Pathology / Ramachandran, V.
40. Fish Processing Technology / Long, Arnold C.
41. Fish Processing Technology / Mukhopadhyay, P.K.
42. Fisheries and Aquaculture / Patro, Lingaraj
43. Fisheries Conservation and Management / Malik, Ramesh
44. Fisheries Development in India / Dixitulu. J.V.H. & Eashwar, Dev Anand
45. Fisheries Development in India: The Political Economy of Unsustainable Development; 2 Volumes / Korakandy, Ramakrishnan
46. Fisheries Diversity and Environment / Saxena, Amita
47. Fisheries Economics / Saxena, Amita
48. Fisheries Extension / Saxena, Amita
49. Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem / Pandey, S.K.
50. Fisheries Management and Conservation / Shagufta
51. Fisheries Management in Crisis / Bose, N.K.
52. Fisheries Processing Biotechnological Applications / Long, Arnold C.
53. Fisheries Processing-Biotechnological Applications / Puri, Neelima
54. Fisheries Sociology of Indian Sundarban / Pramanik, S.K. & Nandi, N.C.
55. The Fishes of Malabar / Day, Francis
56. Fishes: Aid to Collection Preservation and Identification / Jyoti, M.K. & Sharma, Arti
57. Fish-Fishing Technology / Yadav, Manju
58. Food, Feeding Habits, Almentary Canal and Digestion in Fishes: A Bibliography / Nath, Surendra (Dr.)
59. Freshwater Fish Culture and Training / Charan, Neha
60. Growth of Fishnet Industry / Scott, D. Andrews & Murugan, R. Pon
61. A Guide to the Reptiles and Fishes / Gunther, A.
62. Hand Book of Fish Farming and Fishery Products
63. A History of Fishes: A Complete Known Account of Fishes / Norman, J.R.
64. Inland Fisheries / Sakhare, V.B.
65. Inland Fisheries / Singh, Vijay
66. International Encyclopaedia of Fishery Science and Technology; 10 Volumes / Sarvanan, M.R. & Santhanam, K.L.
67. Marine Capture Fisheries / Selvamani, B.R. & Mahadevan, R.K.
68. Marine Capture Fisheries / Singh, Praveen Kumar
69. Marine Fisheries Ecosystem: Its Quantitative Evalution and Management / Long, A.C.
70. Marine Fisheries Fish Farming Systems / Sen, Jayendra Kumar
71. Microbial Diversity of Fishes: A Colour Handbook / Dhevendaram, K. (Prof.)
72. Modern Techniques in Fish Handling and Processing / Bhardwaj, K.D.
73. Principles of Biochemistry: With Special Reference to Fishes / Samantrya, Kasturi
74. Production Trends in Fisheries and Aquaculture / Pandey, Sushil Kumar
75. Regulating Oceanic Fishing: International Laws and Treaties / Dixit, Ram Naresh
76. Shrimp Raceway Aquaculture Technology for India / Felix, S
77. Sustainable Rural Livelihood Systems: The Case for India's Inland Fisheries Sector / Misra, Sub Ranjan
78. Technology Applications in Marine Fisheries / Pandey, Sushil Kumar
79. Treatise on Mahseer Fishes / Barbhuiya, Anjam Hussain & Kar, Devashish
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