CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. Why keep fish? 3. Getting started; 4. Decor- equipment; 5. Decor-plants and gravel; 6. Selecting gravel and ornaments; 7. Setting up your aquarium; 8. Know your water; 9. Know your fish; 10. Maintaining your aquarium; 11. Feeding your fish; 12. Sick fish! What do I do?.
This book is a complete guide on setting up of fish aquariums and fish care. Written in simple English with easy to understand steps, it is an amazing book covering all aspects of fish aquariums and fish care. A step by step guide for beginners on how to set up an aquarium and the different type of equipment needed: gravel, plants and ornaments. And once you have set up your aquarium in accordance to the budget and space constraints, how to maintain your aquarium, feed the fish and care for it.