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Check List > Books on Life Sciences > Fungi/Microbiology   Displaying 1 - 108
108 Records Found.  
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1. Advances in Mycology and Plant Pathology / Prasher, I.B. & Sharma, M.P. (Ed.)
2. Advances in Mycology and Plant Pathology / Sinha, Satish Kumar (Dr.)
3. The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy, 4th Revised Edition / Singer, R.
4. Amanitaceae of India / Kumar, Ashok; Bhat, R.B. & Lakhanpal, T.N.
5. Ananthanarayan and Paniker’s Textbook of Microbiology, 10th Edition / Kanungo, Reba (Ed.)
6. A-Z General Microbiology / Pradhan, Nirmal Chandra
7. Bacteria / Singh, Shailendra
8. Bacteria / Singh, Shailendra
9. Bacterial Disease Resistance in Plants: Molecular Biology and Biotechnological Applications / Vidhyasekaran, P.
10. Basic Embryology / Sharan, Praveen K.
11. Basic Entomology / Sharan, P.K.
12. Basic Genetics / Sharan, Praveen K.
13. Basics of Microbiology (Basics of the Hard Sciences) / Bhoi, Sudhansu Sekhar
14. The Biology of Fungi (6th Edition) / Ingold, C.T. & Hudson, H.J.
15. British Ascomycetes / Dennis, R.W.G.
16. The Clavarias of the Sikkim Himalayas / Rattan, S.S. & Khurana, I.P.S.
17. The Coelomycetes of India / Mathur, R.S.
18. Comparative Morphology of Fungi / Gaumann, Ernst Albert
19. A Compendium of Fungi on Legumes from India / Pande, Alaka & Rao, V.G.
20. Concepts in Mycology / Singh, Bibhuti Dutta
21. A Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Higher Fungi of China / Teng, S.C.
22. Crop Diseases: Identification and Management: A Colour Handbook / Gangawane, L.V. & Khilare, V.C. (Eds.)
23. Cyanobacteria Antibacterial Activity / Kaushik, Purshotam & Chauhan, Abhishek
24. Dictionary of Microbiology / Jas, P.K.
25. Diseases of Fruit Crops / Misra, A.K.; Chowdappa, P.; Sharma, Pratibha & Khetarpal, R.K. (Eds.)
26. A Diseases of Fruits and Plantation Crops and Their Management / Jahagirdar, Shamarao; Ravikumar, M.R. & Kulkarni, Srikant
27. Diseases of Green Gram and Black Gram / Agarwal, S.C.
28. Diseases of Vegetable Crops / Steferud, Alfred (Ed.)
29. Encyclopaedia of Environmental Microbiology; 3 Volumes / Hotter, P.
30. Encyclopaedia of Fungi / Rastogi, V.K.
31. Encyclopaedia of Fungi; 4 Volumes / Bagulia, A.M.
32. Encyclopaedia of Microbiology / Majumdar, N.C.
33. Food Microbiology: Methods of Enumeration / Narang, S.P.
34. The Fungi / Carlile, Michael J. & et. al.
35. Fungi and Diseases in Plants / Butler, E.J.
36. Fungi in Human and Animal Health / Kushwaha, R.K.S.
37. Fungi in Oceans and Estuaries / Johnson, T.W. & Sparrow, F.K.
38. Fungi of Bhutan / Prasher, I.B.
39. Fungi of Chandigarh / Prasher, I.B.
40. The Fungi of India / Butler, E.J.
41. Fungi of Northern and Eastern India: A Monograph on Biology of Keratinophilic vs Keratinolytic Fungi / Ghosh, Gouri Rani
42. The Fungi: Diversity and Conservation in India / Dargan, J.S.; Atri, N.S. & Dhingra, G.S.
43. Fungi: Their Structure and Development / Gwynne-Vaughan, H.C.I. & Barnes, B.
44. Gasteromycetes of West Pakistan / Ahmad, Sultan
45. Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure Culture / ARX, J.A. Von
46. Guava Diseases: An Annotated Biodiversity / Misra, A.K. & Prakash, O.
47. Handbook of Entomology / Dhingra, M.R.
48. Handbook of Microbiology / Phadke, Arun Shridhar
49. Histoire et Classification Des Discomycetes D' Europe / Boudier, E.
50. Illustrated Dictionary of Microbiology / Kapoor, Kiran
51. Illustrated Fungi of North India with Special Reference to Jammu and Kashmir State / Pandotra, V.R.
52. Indian Septoriae / Paul, Y.S. & Singh, Amar
53. Indian Slime-Moulds (Myxomycetes): Being Descriptions of the Species collected by the late Mrs. Drake / Lodhi, Sher Ahmad
54. Indigenous Medicinal Plants and Their Practical Utility / Lakshman, H.C. & Inchal, R.F.
55. Indigenous Medicinal Plants Social Forestry and Tribals / Singh, M.P.; Srivastava, J.L. & Pandey, S.N.
56. Indigenous Medicinal Plants: Including Microbes and Fungi / Kaushik, Purshotam (Ed.)
57. Innovative Approaches in Microbiology / Maheshwari, D.K. & Dubey, R.C.
58. Insect Predators and Pest Management / Patil, Vaishali J. & Sathe, T.V.
59. An Introduction to Fungi (4th Edition) / Dube, H.C.
60. Introductory Microbiology / Singh, Uma Shankar & Kapoor, Kiran
61. Laboratory Manual of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Saxena, Jyoti; Baunthiyal, Mamta & Ravi, Indu
62. The Latest Portfolio of Theory and Practice in Fungi / Bhargava, Mukta
63. A Manual of Aquatic Fungi: Chytridiomycetes & Oomycetes / Khulbe, R. D.
64. Marine Microbiology: A Monograph on Hydro-Bacteriology / Zobell, C.E.
65. Medical Microbiology / Reddy, Rajeshwar K.
66. Microbes and Man / Chandra, S.; Khanna, K.K. & Kehri, H.K.
67. Microbes Application and Effects / Trivedi, P.C.
68. Microbes: Agriculture, Industry and Environment / Maheshwari, D.K.; Dubey, R.C.; Prasad, G. & Navneet
69. Microbial Biotechnology / Tewari, J.P.; Lakhanpal, T.N.; Singh, J.; Gupta, Rajni & Chamola, B.P.
70. Microbial Spoilage of Foods / Modi, H.A.
71. Microbiological Analysis of Food and Water: Guidelines for Quality Assurance / Lightfoot, N.F. & Maier, E.A. (Eds.)
72. Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications / Purohit, S.S.
73. A Monograph of Clavaria and Allied Genera / Corner, E.J.H.
74. A Monograph of Thelephora: Basidiomycetes / Corner, E.J.H.
75. Morphology of Fungi / Mishra, Shubharata R.
76. Mushroom Cultivation in India / Suman, B.C. & Sharma, V.P.
77. Mushrooms and Truffles: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization / Singer, R.
78. Mycoflora of Western Himalayas (Himachel Predesh) / Paul, Y.S. & et. al.
79. Mycotrophy in Plants (Lectures on the Biology of Mycorrhizae and Related Structures) / Kelly, A.P.
80. Outlines of Fungi and Plant Diseases / Bannett, F.T.
81. Phytopthora Diseases in India / Mehrotra, R.S. & Aggarwal, A.
82. Plant Diseases and Its Management / Trivedi, Pravin Chandra (Ed.)
83. Plant, Diseases, Pathogens and their Vectors / Sharma, J.N. & Sharma, R.C.
84. Polyporaceae of India / Roy, Anjali & et. al.
85. Polypores of Kerala / Leelavathy, K.M. & Ganesh, P.N.
86. Practicals in Basic Entomology / Sathe, T.V. & et. al.
87. Predacious Spiders of Crop Pest / Satpathi, Chitta Ranjan (Dr.)
88. Problems & Progress of Wheat Pathology in South Asia / Joshi, L.M.; Singh, D.A. & Srivastava, K.D.
89. Recent Advances in Plant Diseases; 5 Volumes / Chandniwala, K.M.
90. Recent Advances in Plant Pathology; 6 Volumes / Chandniwala, K.M.
91. Recent Advances in the Biology of Micro-Organisms; 2 Volumes / Bilgrami, K.S. & Vyas, K.M.
92. Root Diseases and Soil Borne Pathogens / Toussoun, T.A.; Bega, R.V. & Nelson, P.E.
93. Soil Microflora / Gupta, Rajan Kumar; Kumar, Mukesh & Vyas, Deepak
94. Soil Solarization and Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests / FAO
95. The Species Concept in Hymenomycetes / Clemencon, H.
96. The Stipitate Hydnums of the Eastern United States / Coker, W.C. & Beers, A.H.
97. Supplement to "A Monograph of Clavaria and Allied Genera" / Corner, E.J.H.
98. Supplement to the List of Indian Fungi / Tondon, R.N. & Chandra, S.
99. Synopsis Methodica Fungorum / Persoon, Christian Hendrik
100. Taxonomy of Indian Mosses / Chopra, R.S.
101. A Textbook of Fungi / Gupta, Rajni (Dr.)
102. A Textbook of Fungi / Johri, R.M.; Sneh Lata & Sharma, Sandhya
103. A Textbook of Fungi / Verma, H.K.
104. Textbook of Immunology / Dutta, Somnath
105. Textbook of Microbiology / Arora & Arora
106. A Textbook of Objective Microbiology / Aggarwal, R.M.
107. Textbook of Virology / Dutta, Somnath (Dr.)
108. Tropical Diseases


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