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Check List > Books on Life Sciences > Algae
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Records Found.
1. Advances in Applied Phycology / Gupta, Ranjan Kumar & Pandey, Vidya Dhar
2. Algae and Fungi / Markandan, Pushpa
3. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area (Revised Edition) / Prescott, G.W.
4. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area: With an Illustrated Key to the Ganera of Desmids and Freshwater Diatoms / Prescott, G.W.
5. The Algae: A Review / Prescott, G.W.
6. Algal Biotechnology / Trivedi, Pravin Chandra (Ed.)
7. Algal Biotechnology and Environment / Sahoo, Dinabandhu & Kaushi, B.D.
8. Algal Flora of Bihar (Zygnemataceae) / Kargupta, A.N. & Jha, R.N.
9. Algal Flora of Chilika Lake / Rath, Jnanendra & Adhikary, Siba Prasad
10. Algal Flora of Chilka Lake / Biswas, K.
11. Algal Indicators of Water Pollution / Prasad, B.N. & Singh, Y.
12. Bacillariophyta: Diatomeae / Hustedt, F.
13. The Chlorophyta: Structure Ultra-Structure & Reproduction / Vijayaraghavan, M.R. & Kumari, S.
14. Common Fresh and Brackish Water Algal Flora of India and Burma / Biswas, K.
15. Common Fresh and Brackish Water Algal Flora of India and Burma, Part 2 / Biswas, K.
16. A Concensus and Bibliography of Irish Seaweeds: Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 44 / Guiry, M.D.
17. Diatom Studies of the Headwaters of Henry Fork of the Snake River, Island Park, Idaho USA / Clark, R.L. & Samuel, R. Rushforth
18. Diatoms in Alaska / Foged, N.
19. Diatoms in Eastern Australia / Foged, N.
20. Diatoms in New Zealand, the North Island / Foged, N.
21. Diatoms of Lower Lake Powell and Vicinity / Czarnecki, D.B. & Blinn, D.W.
22. Diatoms of the Colorado River, in Grand Canyan National Park and Vicinity: Bibliotheca Phycologica, Band 38 / Czarnecki, D.B. & Blinn, D.W.
23. Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Oesterreichs Und Der Schweiz Mit Beruechsichtigung Der Uebrigen Laender Europas Sowie Der Angrenzenden Meeregebliete; 3 Volumes / Hustedt, F.
24. Forests of Himalaya Planning and Development / Diwedi, Anuraj
25. Fresh Water Algae Collected by Dr. S. Berggren In New Zealand and Austrlia / Nordstedt, O.
26. Fresh Water Algae From India / Carter, N.
27. The Fresh Water Algae of East India / Turner, W.B.
28. The Fresh Water Algae of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Vol.5: Sub-Class Protococcineae, Vacuolales and Protococcales / Korshikov, O.A.
29. Fresh Water Algal Flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands; 2 Volumes / Prasad, B.N. & Srivastava, M.N.
30. Fresh Water Biology: An Ecological Approach / Salodia, P.K.
31. Fresh Water Diatoms in Iceland / Foged, N.
32. Fresh Water Diatoms of Central Gujarat / Gandhi, H.P.
33. Germplasm Diversity and Evalution: Algae, Fungi, and Lichens / Atri, N.S.; Gupta, R.C.; Saggoo, M.I.S. & Singhal, V.K.
34. Glimpses of Indian Phycology (P. Sarma-Felictation Volume) / Keshri, J.P. & Kargupta, A.N.
35. A Guide for References and Distribution for the Class Bacillariophyceae in Chile, Between 18 Degree 28' S and 58 Degree S.: Bibliotheca Diatomologica; Band in 3 / Rivera, P.R.
36. Handbook of Blue Green Algae (of Rice of South India) / Anand, N.
37. Indian Freshwater Microalgae / Anand, N. (Dr.)
38. Indian Phycological Review; Vol.1 / Khan, M. (Ed.)
39. Indian Phycological Review; Vol.2: Cyanophyta (Cyanabacteria) / Anand, N.
40. Indian Phycological Review; Vol.3: Algological Reserch in India / Anand, N.
41. An Introduction to Algae / Kumar, Suresh
42. The Latest Portfolio of Theory and Practice in Algae / Bahrgava, Mukta
43. Manual of Phycology: An Introduction to the Algae / Smith, Gilbert M. (Ed.)
44. Marine Algae: Morphology, Reproduction and Biology / Sundralingam, V.S.
45. Monograph on Indian Charophyta / Subramanian, D.
46. The Pennate Diatoms: A Translation of Hustedt's "Die Kieselalgen, 2. Teil with Supplement by Norman G. Gensen; 1959 / Hustedt, F.
47. The Phytoplankton of Lac St-Jean, Quebec: Bibliotheca Phycologica; Band 40 / Contant, H. & Duthie, H.C.
48. Phytoplankton of the South Western Indian Ocean / Taylor, F.J.R.
49. Plankton Algae of Southeast Asia / Yamagishi, Takaaki
50. Revision of the Nostocaceae with Constricted Trichomes / Drouet, F.
51. The Seaweeds of Peru / Dawson, E.Y.
52. A Study of the Development of Cystocarps and Tetrasporangial Sori Ingigartinaceae: Rhodophyta, Gigartinales / Kim, D.O.
53. A Synopsis of North American Desmides; Part 2: Desmidiaceae: Placodermae; 5 Volumes / Prescott, G.W.; Croasdale, H.T.; Bicudo, Carlos, E.DE. & Vinyard, W.C,
54. A Text Book of Algae, Fungi and Embryophytes / Coulter, John Merle & Barnes, C.R.
55. A Textbook of Algae / Johri, R.M.; Lata, Sneh & Sharma, Sandhya
56. Textbook of Algae / Saxena, Sandeep
57. A Textbook of Algae / Verma, H.K.
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