Tibetan Texts |
Yon ten rin po chei Mdzod kyi `Grel Pa zla Bai sgron me dang nyi mai od zer; Commentaries to the Treasury of Spiritual Qualities: The Lam of the Moon and the Rays of the Sun 2022, 3 Volume Set, / Yon ten rin po chei Mdzod kyi `Grel Pa zla Bai sgron me dang nyi mai od zer; Commentaries to the Treasury of Spiritual Qualities: The Lam of the Moon and the Rays of the Sun 2022, |
Rdo rje glin pa'i zab gter rnams dan mjal ba'i rnam thar dan gsun thor : The account of the discovery and revelation of the concealed treasures of Rdo-rje-glin-pa with the collected miscellaneous writings (Rate Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Rdo rje glin pa'i Yab kyi rnam thar dan Rdor glin Slob ma'i gsun : Materials connected with the early history of the Rdo-rje-glin-pa tradition (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Rdo rje sems dpa?i chos skor : Teachings relating to a practice focussing upon Vajrasattva (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Skyabs 'gro dan Rdor glin brgyud 'debs phral dgos sna tshogs sogs : A collection of miscellaneous liturgical texts used by followers of the Rdo-rje-glin-pa tradition in Bhutan (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Hum skor snin thig : A cycle of Rdzogs-chen practice (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Bla ma drag po rtsal : A cycle of Buddhist practice focussing upon the idealized guru in his wrathful aspect (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Thugs rje chen po Nan son kun skyobs: A cycle of Buddhist practice focussing upon Avalokitesvara (Rare Tibetan Text) / Rdo-rje-glin-pa, Gter-ston |
Zhal gdams dang gsung mgur sna tshogs kyi skor kun phen bdud stsi'e spring chen bden gnyis bsal bzhag dang bral ba'i don gyi dgongs bshad glog gi sgrom ma sm don dngos gzhi sogs (in Tibetan) / |
Yid bzhin mdzod kyi 'grel chung dang sems nyid ngal gs'i mchan 'grel / Presentations of Longchenpa's Wish Fulfilling Treasury and Resting in Mind Itself(in Tibetan) / Zhe chen rgyal tshab 'gyur med padma rnam rgyal |