Tibetan Studies |
Spyod Jug shes rab leu dka grel lung rigs od snang zhes bya ba: Rme ba mkhan chen bsod nams chos grub, The Brilliant Illumination of scriptural citation and reason, A Commentary on the ninth chapter of the way of the Bodhisattva.2023 / Spyod Jug shes rab leu dka grel lung rigs od snang zhes bya ba: Rme ba mkhan chen bsod nams chos grub |
Man ngag mdzod kyi don khrid rab gsal zla bai bdud rtsi, An Explanation of the Treasury of instructions, The Nectar of A Brilliant Moon / Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse |
Bed Gshegs Mthong Grol Mchod Rten bzhengs pa la nyer mkho doncha`i rigs phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa : A Collection of Prayers and Practices used when ConstructingStupa that cause Libaration on sight. 2022 / |
Hunting in the Himalaya / Dunlop, R.H.W. |
Tibetan Folk Tales / Shelton, A.L. |
Blessings from Beijing: Inside China's War on Tibet in Exile / Bruno, Greg C. |
Caravan to Tibet / Agarwal, Deepa |
Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life / Robbins, Tom |
Childhood in Tibet: Tendol's Story / Holder, Therese Obrecht |
Mad Tibetan: Stories from Then and Now / Nawal, Deepti |