vii, 363p., Figs., Tables, Gloss., Bib., Index, 23 cm. (Chaukhamba Ayurvijnan Studies No. 10) (First Edition pub. in 1998, Delhi)
CONTENTS:- 1. Approach and principles of ayurvedic Medicine 2. The fundamental Principles 3. Health its promotion and preventive care 4. Disease and aetiopathogenesis 5. Ayurvedic Diagnosis 6. Principles of Ayurvedic cure 7. Biopurification therapy of Panca Karma 8. Rejuvenation and Vrilisation through Rasayana and Vajikarana 9. Ayurvedic Dietetics, Diet Therapy and Pathyapathya 10. Ayurvedic materia Medica 11. Biomedicine and non Drug therapies 12. Ayurvedic treatment of chronic intractable diseases 13. ayurvedic psychiatry 14. Geriatrics and Geriatric care in ayurveda 15. Recent advances in Kayacikitsa -Glossary of Selected Ayurvedic Technical Terms
This is the first book in English which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity covering all aspects of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda, its unique approaches and the details of clinical medicine, diagnostics and therapeutics of Ayurveda.
In the end the book is appended with a write-up on Recent Advances in Ayurvedic Medicine extracted from the synopsis of First National Conference on Kayacikitsa organised by the author, besides a comprehensive bibliography, a descriptive glossary of Ayurvedic technical terms and an exhaustive word index.