CONTENTS:- Preface; Foreword; The Language and its Origin; A General Survey of Urdu Literature; General Characteristics of Urdu Poetry; The Deccan School of Early Urdu Poetry; The Delhi School of Urdu Poets: The Age of Arzu and Hatim; The age of Mir and Souda; The age of Insha and Mushaffi; The Lucknow School of Urdu Poets; The Court of Lucknow and its Urdu Poets; Elegy and Elegy Writers; The Stragglers-Nazir Akbrabadi and Nasir Dehlvi; Courts of Delhi and its Poets : The age of Ghalib and Zouq; The Court of Rampur and Hyderabad: The age of Amir and Dagh; The New Movement in Urdu Poetry: The age of Azad and Hali; Urdu Prose: Its Birth and Growth Part 1, Fort William College at Calcutta; Part II, The age of Ghalib and Sir Syed Ahmad; Part III, The rise of Urdu Novel-The age of Sarshar and Sharar; Urdu Drama; Progress and Achievement of the Urdu Literature;