Photographs by Ganesh Saili , Thomas L. Kelly, Sanjay Acharya, Sanjeev Saith, Ashok Dilwali; 144p., 31x31 cm.
Myth, magic and mountains merge in the mighty Himalaya. For nearly 2,500 kilometers, a wondrous terrain unfolds: a shaman dances in the frenzy of possession while a five-year-old Buddhist reincarnate plays with his sword: skulls lurk beneath a frozen lake while strange footprints come to sight amid the snows: a young virgin becomes a goddess even as another unites with her in death: a monastery hangs precariously to edges of sheer rock, but a flower used for worship and healing peeps out boldly. And, always there are the gods, the demons and at least one respectable ghost for company. Himalayn Mysteries journeys from the foothills of the Indian Himalaya to the grand mountains of Nepal, and on to secluded valleys and remote recesses in Bhutan and Tibet, exploring the silent heart of mystery. Packed with rewarding photographs and adventourous tales of tragedy and triumph, of fable and fantasy, faith and folklore, Himalayan Mysteries makes that heart beat.