Edited by Mukunda Stiles.
ii, 150p., Figs., Tables, Annex., Bib., Gloss., Index, 21 cm. (The Chaukhamba Ayurvijnana Studies No. 77)
CONTENTS:- 1. Historical overview. 2. Ashtanga Ayurveda. 3. Ayurvedic Literature Charaka Samhita. 4. Sushruta Samhita. 5. Vagbhata. 6. Later Ayurvedic Writers. 7. Ayurveda and modern times. 8. Vedic philosophy. 9. Sankhya Philosophy. 10. Nyaya Vaishesika. 11. Yoga Philosophy. 12. Purva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa. 13. Vedanta Philosophy. 14. Non-Vedic Philosophies. 15. Summary. 16. Ayurveda in agriculture & Veterinary science. Annexture 1- Some Important Ayurvedic Journals. Annexture 2- List of Ayurvedic Colleges. Annexture 3- Bibliography. Annexture 4- Glossary of Sanskrit Terms.
The book deals with history & Philosophy of ancient healing science of Ayurveda. Both are very important subjects for beginners and for those who are interested in understanding the progress of Ayurveda. The authors we have taken note of the work done by western scholars like J. Fillozat Max Muller of Germany and the recent Indian Indologists as well as historians. This book will also be appreciated by students and practitioners.