1. India and Buddhism.
2. Indian pantheism and pessimism before Buddha.
3. Asceticism-Monastic orders.
I. Buddha's Life:
1. The character of tradition. Legend and myth.
2. Buddha's youth.
3. Beginning of the teacher's career.
4. Buddha's work.
5. Buddha's death.
II. The Doctrines of Buddhism:
1. The tenet of suffering.
2. The tenets of the origin and of the extinction of suffering.
3. The tenet of the path to the extinction of suffering.
III. The Order of Buddha's Disciples:
1. The constitution of the order and its codes of laws.
1. On the relative geographical location of Vedic and Buddhist culture.
2. Notes and authorities on the history of Buddha's youth.
3. Appendices and authorities on some matters of Buddhist dogmatic.