xiv, 198p., 92 B/W Illus., App., Bib., Index, 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- List of illustrations; Preface; Scholars and their works; Male divinities; Female Divinities.
Buddhist Divinites is a thoughtful contribution to the history of Buddhism comprising both history of religion and art. It presents a systematic account of many renowned scholars of Buddhist religion, philosophy and literature who worked and studied in the monastic universities of Bengal and Bihar. These scholars contributed most to the history of Buddhist religion and for this they received respect above god for their learning and character. Besides these deified historical personages a detailed list is made of Buddhist gods and goddesses (On the basis of Images discovered) both major and minor with their symbols, attributes, characteristics and iconographical details, in the hope that it may help to give a broad and general Idea of the peculiarities of Buddhism which were developing In some of its later phases. The book is a comprehensive treatment of these subjects which are vital from the point of view of history of Buddhism, both history of religion and art: but which are least understood and studied in systematic manner.