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CONTENTS:- 1. Soil Development; Sources of Material from Which Soils are Developed, Characteristics of Rocks and Minerals from Which Soils are Derived, Chemical and Physical Processes Active in Soil Development, Biological Agencies which Aid in Soil Formation, Products and Results of Mineral-Decomposing Processes, Constructive Processes of Soil Development, The Soil Profile. 2. Classification of Soils; A Textural Classification of Soils, A Systematic Classification of Soils, Soil Mapping and the Soil Survey, Soil Groups in Relation to Climatic Conditions, Age Relief and Parent Material in Relation to Soil Groups, Soil Groups in Relation to Vegetative Cover, Soil Groups in Relation to Population Density and Production of Agricultural Products. 3. Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils; Making a Mechanical Analysis, Properties of Soil Separates, Soil Structure, Tillage Operations and Soil Properties, Porosity and Weight of Soil, Soil Color, Soil Temperature. 4. Soil Reaction; Soil Acidity and Conditions Giving Rise to Acid Soils, Conditions in Acid Soils which are Beneficial or Detrimental to the Growth of Plants, Conditions of Development and Effect on Plants of Neutral and Alkaline Soils. 5. Lime and Its Use; The Need of Soils for Lime, Functions of Lime in the Soil, Forms of Lime, Lime Guarantees, Sources of Lime, the Use of Lime. 6. Soil Moisture; Soil Water which Yields to the Pull of Gravity, Soil Water which is Retained Against the Pull of Gravity, Water in Relation to Plant Growth, Loss of Moisture from the Soil, Runoff Water. 7. Soil Organisms: Their Relation to Soils and Soil Productivity; Nature and Extent of the Soil Population, Activities of Soil Microbes in Relation to the Growth of Higher Plants, The Role of Microorganisms in the Development of Soils, Interrelationship Between Higher Plants and Soil Microorganisms and Among Soil Microorganisms Themselves. 8. Soil Organic Matter; Organic Matter Accumulation in Soils, Effects of Organic Matter on Soil Productivity, The Decomposition of Organic Matter and Humus Formation, Loss and Restoration of Soil Organic Matter. 9. Cover and Green-Manure Crops; The Effects of Cover and Green-Manure Crops, The Principal Cover and Green-Manure Crops and their Regional Distribution, The Utilization of Cover and Green-Manure Crops, Effect of Green Manure on Yield of Crops. 10. Farm Manures; The Production of Manure, The Decomposition of Manure, Losses Occurring with Manure, Methods of Handling Manure, Field Management of Manure, Fertilizing Properties of Manure, Effects of Manure Upon the Soil. 11. Nutrient Requirement of Plants; Elements Used by Plants, Effects of Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium on Plants and the Quantities Removed by Crops, Determining Soil-Nutrient Deficiencies. 12. Fertilizers and Fertilizer Materials; Fertilizing Materials Supplying Nitrogen, Phosphatic Fertilizer Materials, Potassium Fertilizers, Mixed Fertilizers. 13. Fertilizer Practices; Effects of Fertilizers on Soils, Effects of Fertilizers on Crops, Laws Controlling Fertilizer Sales, Home Mixing Fertilizers, The Purchase and Use of Fertilizers. 14. Soil Fertility Maintenance and Productivity Rating of Soil; Maintaining Soil Fertility, Soil Productivity Rating and Land Classification. 15. Soils and Agriculture of Arid Regions; Characteristics and Utilization of Soil in Arid Regions, Development and Management of Alkali Soils. 16. Irrigation; Water Supply and Land for Irrigation, Irrigation Practice. 17. Fruit Soils; Selecting a Site for a Fruit Enterprise, Soil Requirements of Specific Fruit Plants. 18. Lawns Soils; Soils and Soil Preparation, Grass Selection and Seeding, Fertilization and Liming, Moving and Watering. 19. Soil Resources; Acreage of Farm Land in the United States, Acreages of Arable Land and Land Requirements, Land Policies of the United States. |
Designed as a text book, but equally useful as a reference source for scholars and others, this book offers all the necessary and desired information about soils and their culture. Beginning with classification of soils and their physical and chemical properties, it deals systematically with all such topics as soil acidity, soil moisture, soil organisms, accumulation of organic matter in soils, effect of manures and fertilizers on soil, soil fertility maintenance and development and management of alkali soils. Soil requirements for specific fruit crops have also been discussed. On the whole the book introduces the reader to soil as natural entities and their inherent characteristics; explains the basic relationship between soils and plants; and gives a clear understanding about the fundamental principles involved in the use of soil management practices. An exhaustive subject index for easy reference hunting and a detailed glossary of terms are other attractions of the book. |