Vol.1: Child Labour in Various Industries: Preface.
1. Introduction.
2. Child labour in India: retrospect and prospect.
3. A profile of child labour in some unorganised sectors.
4. Child labour in the informal sector.
5. Child labour in Indian industries.
6. Child labour dimensions: an appraisal.
7. Innocents agony: child labour in India.
8. India's working children.
9. Child labour at work.
10. Children in the glass industry.
11. Migrant child labour in Orissa.
12. Child labour in agriculture sector.
13. The child potters of Khurja.
14. Child labour in hazardous occupation.
15. Traditional crafts and child labour.
16. Child labour in chikan industry.
17. Child labour in lock industry.
18. Children working in agarbatti industry.
19. Child labour in Moradabad.
20. Children work in the brass ware industry.
21. Child labour in Nepal.
22. Child labour in North America.
23. The child gem polishers of Jaipur.
Vol.2: Child Labour: Situational Analysis:
1. Child labour: a situational analysis.
2. Children at work in India.
3. Child labour: the diverse dimensions.
4. Child labour: an introspection.
5. Workforce participation of child labour in the rural economy of India.
6. Extent of child labour.
7. Girl child: a neglect dimentions.
8. Existing conditions for child labour: a comparative introspect.
9. The child in India.
10. The state of the world's children: the year 1996.
11. Declaration of the rights of the child.
12. What can be done.
13. Child labour: some emerging issues.
14. Labour migration: economic structure.
15. Linking trade with labour standard: the issue of child labour.
16. Economics of child labour--a myth.
17. Child development in the Third World: spatial view points.
18. Human resource development: concept, approaches and strategies.
19. Problem of child labour and human resource.
20. Consequences of child labour--education and health.
21. Socio-economic dimensions of child labour.
22. Employment and poverty alleviation.
23. Employment promotion and the statistical measurement of unemployment.
24. Current trends for combating child labour.
Vol.3: Child Labour: Towards Legal Approach:
1. Child labour: an overview.
2. The meaning and concequences of child labour.
3. Child labour: magnitute of the problem.
4. National policy on child labour.
5. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.
6. Ending child labour: the next steps.
7. The labour welfare legislation.
8. Law and child labour.
9. Child labour welfare under Indian constitution.
10. Child labour legislation.
11. Towards the abolition of child labour ILO policy and its implications.
12. Legal protection extended to child workers under other labour legislations in India.
13. Child labour: the ILO perspective.
14. Child labour, its nature and extent of exploitations.
15. Magnitude of child labour in India.
16. Child labour: its cause and effects.
17. Child labour and fertility.
18. Economic roles of children in India: methodological issues.
19. Child labour: issues and perspectives.
20. Millions of children at risk from hazardous labour.
21. Working conditions and environment of child labour.
22. Child labour role of voluntary agencies and trade unions.