In this work, an effort has been made to Supply the long-felt need for a dictionary of Hindu names. A dictionary of Hindu names together with their meanings and background, as far as possible, is amongst the few neglected studies by the Indologists. We hope that this is a good attempt to fill the void created. The main portion of this work consists of names from Vedas, Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Sanskrit dictionaries. A good and meaningful name is a symbol of Cultural Heritage and it should be able to Focus the Image of the person within a word or two. Hindu culture, with its Sanskrit literature, has been famous in developing such a taste which is found Illustrated in its every walk of life. There is not a single Hindu name which does not speak of its heritage, ancestory, Character and personality in detail. This is what we have tried to demonstrate in this book. Having considered the vastness of the field of personal names, and the fabulous Nature of the Wealth of Sanskrit literature, we had to confine ourselves in our effort, to some exemplary works of not a given period, but from the Vedic Times to the present day.
According to Hindu mythology, everything in the World is a manifestation of God, therefore the name of any entity can be used as a given name. During the Vedic period some Hindu families, and even some Schools of Vedic Study were called after some animal, plant, or inanimate object with which they were held to be totemically related. Hindus believe that there exists a link between the name and deeds or course of life of the divine or human being. Therefore a good name represents goodness e.g. Shiva's name is said to inspire respect because of its inherent energy, and this Means that the energetic and respect inspiring side of the God's character is expressed and transmitted by his name so as to impress those who know or hear it. The connection between a name and its bearer is so intimate that there is for all practical purposes a question of identity, and it should be given in a well considered way and should denote the personality of its bearer. The Knowledge which has been stored here is quite useful for the new generation of Hindus who wish to name their Children according to their Ancient tradition. We are satisfied with the practical utility of this dictionary and hope that a good Beginning has been made, and that a basis has been laid on which a greater and more worthy structure may hereafter be raised. |