I. Introduction:
1. The pantheon of the Mongolian Kanjur.
2. The Narthang pantheon.
3. The Bhadrakalpika-sutra pantheon.
4. The Astasahasrika pantheon : 46 corrections to the index.
5. The three hundred icons.
6. Significance of Tibetan pantheons for the history of Buddhist art.
II. Literature cited.
III. Concordance of the old numbers of the NTMP 1-7 with the new numbers of this book.
IV. Concordance of the new numbers of this book with the old numbers of the NTMP 1-7.
V. Plates:
1. The pantheon of the Mongolian Kanjur.
2. The Narthang pantheon.
3. The Bhadrakalpika-sutra pantheon.
4. The Astasahasrika pantheon.
5. The three hundred icons.
Index. Karchag to the editions of Din-ri-ba Chos-kyi-rgyal-mtshan of La-stod Sel-dkar rdzon.