x, 170p., Illus., Bib., Index, 23 cm. (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series No. 100)
The present book is an extensive and systematic study of various philosophical systems. These are Zen, Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism; the book elaborates the following points, (1) Zen is mysticism. It has all the characterstics of mysticism. Zen is not, God mysticism but it is mysticism of soul. A Mystic turns inwards in search of reality and he analyzes his soul or self which he finds to be a non-self which is true self. So Zen can be appropriately be described as ‘analytica1 soul mysticism’. (2) Zen and Buddhism appear to constitute essential elements of Existential philosophy and further how Zen awareness is existential in nature, though the two schools of thought belong to different times and countries. (3) Satori of enlightenment is very close to nirbija samadhi of asamprajanata samadhi of Patanjali Yoga. As Satori comes in flashes and with efforts and meditation, it can be prolonged in duration and brought about at will. (4) Zen and modern man; A modem man is technocrat, a meritocrat, lost in the humdrum and hurly burly of the modem, life, but in sea rich of inner peace, for himself, and he is not in harmony either with himself or the world.