I. Introduction.
II. Origin of the Ksatriya caste:
1. Ksatra and Ksatriya.
III. Polity:
1. Origin of kingship.
2. Eligibility of the rulers.
3. Formal education of the Ksatriyas.
4. The prince.
5. Royal succession.
6. Duties and responsibilities.
7. Royal assemblies.
8. The concept of revolution.
IV. Society:
1. Social framework.
2. Mutual Relations.
3. Other occupations.
4. Royal and aristocratic lifestyles.
5. Amusement and entertainment.
V. Position of women:
1. The role of the Queen.
2. The Harem and the courtesans.
VI. Economy:
1. Economics and daily life.
VII. Religion:
1. Religious life.
2. Royal sacrifices.
VIII. Conclusion.