UNIT 1 : Herbal Medicine
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Sidhha System of Medicine (SSM)
1.3 Cultivation of medicinal plants
1.4 Harvesting of Medicinal Plants
1.5 Collection of Medicinal plants/materials
1.6 Processing of Medicinal plants
1.7 Marketing of Medicinal Plants
1.8 Conservation of medicinal plants
1.9 Micropropagation of Medicinal plants
UNIT 2 : Phytochemistry
2.1 Phytochemicals and active principles
2.2 Classification of Phytochemicals
2.3 Some important medicinal herbs: their identification & utilization
UNIT 3 : Pharmacognosy
3.1 Pharmacognosy: Meaning and definition
3.2 Historical development
3.3 Modern concept
3.4 Scope of pharmacognosy
3.5 Pharmacognostical scheme
3.6 Systematic position and medicinal importance of some herbs
3.7 Future of Pharmacognosy
UNIT 4: Analytical Pharmacognosy
4.1 Drug Evaluation
4.2 Phytochemical screening tests
4.3 Drug adulteration
- Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
- Choose the Correct Pairs
- Glossary of Medical Terms