1. The Anekanta Theory of Existence:
- Basic conceptions of Jaina philosophy.
- Meaning of Anekanta.
- Negation as a dharma or trait.
- Hegel and the Jaina Negation.
- An objection answered.
- Reality as a featureless entity.
- Reality as pure being.
- Substance as unity-cum-diversity.
- Substance, attributes, modes and traits.
- Jaina dynamism of substance.
- Absolute dynamism of reality considered.
- Jaina theory of reality as illustrated by a prepositional and a mathematical function.
2. The Doctrine of Syadvada or Jaina Dialectic:
- Main spirit of the Jaina dialectic.
- Some illustrations of the partial comprehensions:
(i) Kant on partial comprehensions,
(ii) Hegel on partial comprehensions,
(iii) Sankara on partial comprehensions,
(iv) Madhyamika on partial comprehensions. Import of contexts or reference-systems in the Jaina dialectic.
- Validity of partial comprehensions.
- Bradley on partial truths.
- The Jaina view.
- Dr. Radhakrishnan's view about partial comprehensions.
- The Jaina dialectic and the so-called absolute views.
- Pramana type of knowledge and its essential nature.
- Relation between the naya and the pramana types of knowledge..
- Hegelian and the Jaina dialectic.
- Merit of the Jaina dialectic.
3. The Soul:
- Introduction.
- Classification of the theories of the soul.
- Materialism and the soul.
- Jaina criticism of materialism.
- Vidyanadin's criticism of Materialism.
- Idealistic theories of the soul.
- Sankara's view of the soul.
- Berkeley's view of the soul.
- Ramanuja, Hegel and Bradley on the soul.
- Neutralism as a theory of the soul.
- Continuum theory of reality and the soul.
- Hume's view of the self.
- Yogacara on the soul.
- Psychological view of the self.
- Dualistic theories of the soul and the position of Jaina dualism.
- The problem of the relation between the soul and the non-soul.
- The Jaina on the problem of the mind-body relation.
4. The Soul and Consciousness:
- Introduction.
- Consciousness and upayoga.
- Identity o consciousness.
- Controversy regarding conation and Knowledge.
- Controversy of successive and simultaneous occurrence of conation and knowledge.
- Brahmadeva's solution of the controversy.
- Meaning of conation.
- Conation and knowledge as attributes of the soul.
- The problem of objectless consciousness.
- Meaning of Knowledge.
- Sensum theory of knowledge and its criticism.
- The three termed theory of perception.
- Mati and sruta types of knowledge.
- Pratyaksa or the direct type of knowledge.
- Avadhi and manahparyaya types of direct knowledge.
- Kevalajnana or the perfect knowledge.
- Arguments against omniscience and their refutation.
- Self consciousness.
5. Structure of the Soul and Extension:
- Forms of the soul's existence.
- Meaning of extension.
- Extension in case of attributes.
- Extension and the mental structure of the purosivist school of psychology.
- Criticism of the above view.
- Nyaya, Sankhya and Vedanta on the soul's extension and their criticism.
- Some objections against the Jaina view of the soul's extension.
- Conception of pradesas in the soul.